My favorite Generation of Pokemon is still III. In my opinion, it had a decent amount of New Pokemon, and I liked them going back to basically all-new Pokemon, and most of them are a bit odder, a bit weirder than the older ones, but I found them all really neat like a month after Ruby and Sapphire came out. Many of them are my favorites.
I thought the idea to do a "soft reset" was a bad idea at the time with Pokemon locked out, but in retrospect I think that was the biggest risk Game Freak took, like, in the last decade. I still think they need to drop connectivity eventually for the series to really grow, seriously. I thought Hoenn though had a really solid Regional Dex, with enough old Pokemon to satisfy as well as giving the New Pokemon decent spotlight. Plus Hoenn's Regional Dex was like 200~, and was the best one for a long time since Sinnoh and Unova were small at 150. It had good variety too, especially at the beginning---like before the first Gym there's like I think about 16 lines almost you can get, including Fighting, Dark, and Psychic.
My least favorites tend to be the even Generations, though. I like seeing new evolutions (I actually enjoyed them taking more risks in Gen IV compared to the Gen II ones, which didn't seem as ambitious), but I wish it didn't come at the cost of a decent amount of New Pokemon. Gen IV had a really sparse amount too, but the New Evolutions I generally liked and were *actual* Pokemon with names, Dex numbers, etc.. Gen II and Gen VI really suffered from not giving the New Pokemon equal treatment Gen II many of the new ones didn't evolve, were really rare through swarms and such, or locked till Kanto such as the Dark-types. Gen VI is a bit like that, except they load the beginning of the game with most of the new Pokemon, and a few thrown in at the end, and much of the middle doesn't see you running into a lot of new faces. I mean, I like a decent sized Regional Dex, but honestly Kalos felt too big for its own good.
I'd love if the speculation of a "half-Gen" came true and Game Freak throws in legit new Pokemon in "Z" or whatever.
Hoopa, regular or Unbounded is fucking awesome, and the movie adds to that. I've seen the movie twice already and may go again because it was legit. Think Pokemon Kaiju film.
Apparently it's doing bad at theaters the worst performing Pokemon film, which means a lot of people (mainly on English sites) are really down on it. But I figure, you know, Pokemon just doesn't draw the same crowd anymore and it's not indicative of quality necessarily.
These feel like fair assertions. In fact, I feel Kalos got most of its identity almost exclusively from its lore, whereas Unova got its identity from the Pokémon (and the story).
I actually liked Kalos more than Unova as a Region. The earlier Japanese Regions I felt the love from Game Freak, that they based these Regions off their experiences with the Japanese analogue. Unova, on the other hand, felt really artificial and like a theme park, I live in America but it felt really foreign to me, more so than the Japanese-based regions. The areas felt disjointed, and almost like totally different areas like when you leave a huge metropolis and go right into the desert---it bugged me. Kalos, on the other hand, again I feel like Game Freak put more heart into it and having it represent France. It also doesn't feel as claustrophobic as Black and White did, which suffered from tons of segments where it seems you were bombarded by trainers every second.
But Black and White's plot was a highlight for me, and something I've grown to miss recently as it felt Game Freak was ambitious even if they faltered a bit. Black and White 2 really dropped the ball in giving us a good sequel to it, plot-wise, and then with XY, it literally feels like they were planning to write a good story, but just gave up...the AZ plot is kind of neat, but everything around Team Flare feels pointless and nonsensical, and I don't quite get how it all fits together. And then you skimp out on lore, giving us the Legendary Birds and Mewtwo pretty much thrown in there with barely and explanation, and it felt like senseless pandering and I didn't like it one bit. If we had more new Legendaries in addition to those, I wouldn't mind, but they feel like Game Freak got lazy and just said "hey, let's stick in the classic Legendaries!"
The Kanto Starters are a neat idea, but it sort of sucks that the Kalos Starters had to share the spotlight when that didn't happen to any of the other Starters.