How would you react to learning that your family member does porn?
Would you support them, try to persuade them to stop, or would you outright reject them and cease associating with them? Would you be sad or angry? Also, would your reaction depend on whether the family member were male or female? How about whether or not they were your mother, father, sister...www.neogaf.com
Do you think that female enemy NPCs are rare?
I was thinking about games and realized that most of them don't have female enemy NPCs or female police officers (if they have any police officers), even those with female protagonists. Examples are the following: 1. Control: Female protagonist but exclusively male enemies 2. Uncharted: The...www.neogaf.com
Are you shocked that a lot of ASMR YouTubers produce adult content?
When I discover new adult actresses while browsing adult content, I'm not surprised that they're in the industry - no matter how innocent they appear to look. However, when I discover women on YouTube, typically those who make non-sexualized ASMR content, I'm shocked when I later stumble upon...www.neogaf.com
As of Avengers: Endgame, who is the most powerful character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Marvel's The Avengers portrays The Incredible Hulk as the team's trump card, hence Tony Stark's quip to Loki after Loki says that he has an army: "We have a Hulk!" However, Thor is able to duke it out with Hulk in the film's second act, which suggests that he and Hulk are equal in strength...www.neogaf.com
Do you think that this Rits Crackers commercial emasculates black men?
If you watch the following advertisement for Ritz Crackers, you should notice that the only two black men in the advertisement are not only gay but are extremely feminine; hence, it can be argued that the producers of this advertisement have an agenda to emasculate black men, who are often...www.neogaf.com
You ain’t as sly as you think you are.
TFW you don't realise you're the recurring side-character a 90's sitcom that gets shitty lines and a laughter-track has to be dubbed onto your bits.I've been here the whole ti......oh I see what you did there. So clever.
Hillary as someone who can laugh at herself?![]()
The Simple Habit That Can Save You Years Of Self-Doubt And Angst
The Simple Habit That Can Save You Years Of Self-Doubt And Angstwww.huffpost.com
I made sure to pick a source you will actually read. No excuses.
Hillary as someone who can laugh at herself?
Fuk that I'm not adopting any of these rejects , who's going to clean all the drool and change all the diapers?I am sorry I had to lower myself to the level of HuffPaint but I promise it was tailored to the intended audience
LMFAO. I'm dead. Welcome back btw fuckboy.You don’t remember @MIMIC?
Can you believe that cunt is 35 years old and hangs out on Ree seeking social approval from transtrenders lol
He's one of the only ones who hasn't been too much of a cunt since coming back. Most were too cunty so the mods have dealt with them already.BarringGaffner you're late to your party
He's one of the only ones who hasn't been too much of a cunt since coming back. Most were too cunty so the mods have dealt with them already.
Thank you so much. Not on there tho, just back here
Why does brap always get banned anyway
His balls haven't dropped yet. Any day now.Why does brap always get banned anyway
They aren't gonna fuck you dudes.because mods respect women
I can’t wait for Croc Mother to come back.
What’s Amirox up to?
What’s Amirox up to?
They are called reetards, not reeturners...
lolFriends and farnsgoths,
It has been brought to my attention that we are beset by a horde of reanimated NPCs. Like bloodthirsty mosquitoes hypnotised by a shining beacon in a sea of ideological darkness, the reeturners are flocking to the politics board to gloat in election threads. They are psychic vampires here to drain your soul and infect you with their misery; Deprived Hollows emerging from their media-induced fever dream, still flaying the lukewarm corpse of their Orange Tormentor. The resurfacing vault dwellers are disoriented by the foreign atmosphere; borderline comatose and unable to parse fiction from reality in their drip-fed mind diet of CRT and Chinese agitprop. Collectivist aspersions and equalising abound, driven by a desperate need to moralise. Purple and orange are just two shades of the same colour when you think about it *smugwojak*
It is up to us, my humble gaffots, to reintegrate these political zombies into our polite society. Join me. Adopt a reefugee. House them, clothe them, teach them how to fish. However, don’t let them give you any lip. They must earn that right. I’ll go first.
How you been bro? They treat you well at Ree or did you forget to slob on Cerium’s tiny Asian knob and get banned for wrongthink? Merry Christmas, you fucking cunt.
inb4 Miku cries and Arcadia laughs
Thanks for the 'warm welcome'. I said this elsewhere but I honestly thought GAF was gone, it's good to be back and see my account exists.BarringGaffner you're late to your party
Thanks for the 'warm welcome'. I said this elsewhere but I honestly thought GAF was gone, it's good to be back and see my account exists.
The only issue I have with this place is that I could make a post about tea vs coffee and people would somehow bring up woke culture within 2 posts.
I'm curious about numbers. 10? 100?
And by numbers I'm specifically referring to how many members came back to GAF directly as a result of the situation over transphobic elements in Cyberpunk.
Why does brap always get banned anyway
I like when he pretends to be woke but the bait don’t workHe's too woke