I just realized, if its only subs I'm going to have to hear that garbage Goku VA. Son like wtf, why do they have a girl playing goku, she doesn't even try to sound masculine, its weird seeing all those muscles and then hearing a girl voice every time he opens his mouth.
DBZ, one of the few examples where the dub is 100 times better than the original.
『Inaba Resident』;169933418 said:Well we know that Jotaro and Dio were planned at one point as some of their stuff was found on disc.
I also believe before the original game came out in Japan. Namco Bandai said that if the game got DLC, it would be free. I'm thinking that they might have been saved for DLC but they decided not to in the end.
Seeing as how they didn't even decide to add new characters with this, I'm gonna say that we're not getting new characters at any point unfortunately.
From what I've seen so far, it seems exactly the same.
High tiers still have easy and damaging combos, Sasuke's kunai can still be unblockable, etc. The only changes I've seen are small things like slightly less recovery frames, some moves doing a little less damage, etc. No changes to game mechanics or anytihng.
Overall, it just really bugs and upsets me that they won't take the time to actually improve this game. I think what they have as a base for the gameplay is good. They just need to smooth it out more. (Give the whole cast step and dash cancels, less ending lag and recovery, improve the hitboxes, GIVE ME A DAMN TRAINING MODE, etc.) They claimed they "listened to fan feedback" when making + which is stupid because its obvious that they did the bare minimum.
This post is 100% wrong.
I understand it might be jarring going from dub Goku to original voice Goku, but once you get used to it, it's infinitely better. (like pretty much all VAs ever).
you only need to know one character
Pretty sure it had no DLC. The only downloadable stuff was a few themes for PS3, & I think now there'll be a Vita & PS4 theme as well.Does this game has many DLC?
Pretty sure it had no DLC. The only downloadable stuff was a few themes for PS3, & I think now there'll be a Vita & PS4 theme as well.
Shame that (I THINK) the Vita theme is only for getting it via PSN in the US. Would've liked that more than a PS3 theme.
We got two other Jojo characters: Jonathan from Part 1, & Joseph from Part 2.No Jotaro? Or Guts?Man I am out of the loops with Anime, I hardly recognize anyone from the list.
This post is 100% wrong.
I understand it might be jarring going from dub Goku to original voice Goku, but once you get used to it, it's infinitely better. (like pretty much all VAs ever).
No Jotaro? Or Guts?Man I am out of the loops with Anime, I hardly recognize anyone from the list.
Oh right, forgot screenshots are disabled in the Vita version. Figured it was some kind of licensing deal ("Hey, you can make this crossover, but people can't take pics.....especially upskirts of the few female characters"), but even weirder PS4 now allows it.So, you still can't take screenshots in the Vita version but you can on ps4. That sucks.
Oh right, forgot screenshots are disabled in the Vita version. Figured it was some kind of licensing deal ("Hey, you can make this crossover, but people can't take pics.....especially upskirts of the few female characters"), but even weirder PS4 now allows it.
With the "quality" of the PS4 port, I think that disabling screenshots was the least of their worries.
How was the reception in Japan? Was it actually a good game? I haven't been following it much and forgot this releases so soon.
What's wrong with it?
40.can anyone confirm the vita digital price?
How was the reception in Japan? Was it actually a good game? I haven't been following it much and forgot this releases so soon.
『Inaba Resident』;169945646 said:iirc, people in japan shit on it for the most part.
I mean, I enjoy this game, but i understand why.
Even after playing the original Japanese one, how they settled on lame-ass Jonathan Joestar as one of the Jojo reps is beyond me.
The roster is not the best, JUS had a better selection for older anime but, oh well.
People expected it to be as good and as competitive as the amazing Gundam VS series which uses the same engine and fight format.
J-Stars is a decent fan service brawler but Gundam VS is GOAT, in fact one of the reasons I bought J-Stars was the vain hope they localise the next Gundam VS for PS4, that way don't have to navigate Japanese menu's on my PS3.
Really? It's a bit too late now, the game's probably super dead in Japan.IIRC, people found Jotaro and DIO in the game files... maybe DLC?
Really? It's a bit too late now, the game's probably super dead in Japan.
Thanks, my man. It'll suck missing out on the preorder book, but I'm definitely going to cancel. This is completely unacceptable.
I don't think there will ever be a day where I would take Japanese Yusuke over English Yusuke.
-Don Patch now disappears when Bobobo is hit. Don Patch now only travels straight.
This post is 100% wrong.
I understand it might be jarring going from dub Goku to original voice Goku, but once you get used to it, it's infinitely better. (like pretty much all VAs ever).
This post is 100% wrong.
I understand it might be jarring going from dub Goku to original voice Goku, but once you get used to it, it's infinitely better. (like pretty much all VAs ever).
For anyone insterested, the Compendium book doesn't really seem something worth owning, honestly. It still uses CG art.
I totally would've liked to see something similar with Bakuman, summon characters from the different manga the main characters (or their "rivals") created.Kind of disappointed at no Yugi in this. Would've been cool to just summon duel monsters to fight for you.
I really loved the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi games (Tenkaichi 3 being the greatest thing ever). I also like the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm games. I don't mind characters having one button to attack or anything like that and am not looking for Street Fighter since I am not competitive. I just want to recreate battles and experience the different characters. I expect that I will spend most of my time playing split screen with my brother. That being said, I cannot tolerate garbage like the Raging Blasts games and Battle of Z (i.e. inferior Tenkaichi ripoffs). Does anyone think that I would like this? I'll probably get it eventually anyways but I just want to know what to expect.
There is no physical version for NA (vita)? D: