So is the game sub-HD? I'm hearing a lot of stuff about frame rate drops, whats going on with those?
Grabbed Jak 1 - huge fan of this game when it first released (Jason Rubin and Andy Gavin are bosses), but was never able to get on board with the darker, 'serious' tone of it's sequels so I never tried them.
Just wondering if someone could fill me in on what I'm missing.
Why does it actually cost more to buy the collection than to get the games separately? Is there any advantage?
You get to junk up your room with a physical copy
Nope, even on the PS Store it's $40 for the collection and $15 for each game.
Nope, even on the PS Store it's $40 for the collection and $15 for each game.
Er... I don't get it
I hate that I have to wait at least 3 weeks for the game, since it is delayed in EU. I could grab it from a NA retailer, but the postage time would have me getting it anywhere from a day to a week early, and paying an extra $15.
Why does it actually cost more to buy the collection than to get the games separately? Is there any advantage?
Nope, even on the PS Store it's $40 for the collection and $15 for each game.
I never played these on PS2.
I fucking love Ratchet and Clank though, even the new ones. I´ll pick this up when the price drops a bit. Im in EU so I´ll have to wait 2 weeks anyway (fucking why?)
They are 60fps? Cool, ICO and SoTC was 30 so I didnt think these would be 60.
But are they sub-HD? Is DigitalFoundry going to do a feature?
Why does it actually cost more to buy the collection than to get the games separately? Is there any advantage?
I don't get this post. $15 * 3 = $45 which is (obviously) > $40.
From my understanding the game has missing effects? I don't so much care about sub-HD but missing effects and such is unforgiveable so will not purchase.
Not much, just one of the best platformers of ALL TIME in Jak 2, and its sequel which was still pretty damn awesome even though it felt like an expansion pack at times (it reused a large chunk of 2's locations) and featured a dumbed-down difficulty level.
I have seen some reports of the sun and stars no longer being present in the sky.
Not much, just one of the best platformers of ALL TIME in Jak 2, and its sequel which was still pretty damn awesome even though it felt like an expansion pack at times (it reused a large chunk of 2's locations) and featured a dumbed-down difficulty level.
In reality they probably got like 1-2 copies.I went to Target, Best Buy, and Gamestop with no luck before eventually finding it at FYE. Gamestop guy told me they were sold out already. Sold out in a day. That's pretty impressive for a rerelease without much marketing.
Giant Bomb Quick Look | Brad & Vinny | 48:33
Looks better than I expected, didn't see any sun in PL though. A weird omission indeed.
You know, you're probably right actually. Well, at least 1 or 2 people bought the game then.
I got the only copy at the closest Gamestop, in fact they had gutted it and used it as a display case. Yepppp. Did I pay used price for it? Noppppeee.
Why does it actually cost more to buy the collection than to get the games separately? Is there any advantage?
The Giantbomb quicklook sold me on this game.
Which reminds me, when is my Ratchet and Clank HD collection going to be announced?
Keep hope alive! If you platinum all 3 Sly games in the collection there was a Sly 4 trailer. Maybe they'll do the same here![]()