And the fact that if you even breathe on the patrolling guards wrong they start attacking you. Pretty annoying.
I get why they did it.. but I agree it is more annoying than practical
And the fact that if you even breathe on the patrolling guards wrong they start attacking you. Pretty annoying.
And the fact that if you even breathe on the patrolling guards wrong they start attacking you. Pretty annoying.
Wow...forgot what a chore Jak 2 becomes to finish in the later stages. Protect this person, race this person, etc....these later missions really are made much more difficult by the nuisance camera that seems to get in the way at the worst times, not to mention the inconsistent checkpoints that force you to repeat alot of things you shouldn't have to.
You can still go around and collect the orbs you missed after you finish the game. However, there are some orbs which can't be collected after a certain point because the area they're in becomes inaccessible.
Couldn't you just use the mission select to get them?
I forgot how long some of the buggy objectives in Jak 3 are. Really annoying having to replay the entire thing when you blow up right before you make it back to tue city or a randomly spawning enemy spins you out at the last second making you not get there in time.
The mission where you have to escort the demolitions guy through the infested city...
I had to quit playing for a while.
I just finished Jak 1 for the first time. I'm new to the franchise and was pleasantly surprised by the game. It's light hearted and fun to play and the controls are great. Graphics looked surprisingly nice. Pity there wasn't an option to show subtitles. Lot's of converstation got lost in translation or rather in the voices being not always easy to understand.
I was eager so i immediately started Jak 2 but i'm not liking it as much as Jak 1. I have a feeling that Jak 2 is going to be the same as Sly Cooper 2. The hub/city system is taking out the enjoyment i had with this game. Going from one mission to the other and the need to always return is becoming very tedious already. A pity as the missions themselves are quite fun and the controls/animations are nice. Also, not that fond of the darker tone in this game. Thank god Daxter is there to lighten up the atmosphere.
I'm going to give it another go and see but i have a feeling this is going to be like the Sly Cooper series: great first game, nice second game until half way, giving up and not bothering with the 3rd game at all.
So? anybody pulling their hair out for the "shiny thing" mission in Jak 2? That mission in the slumps was like the hardest of the series if not of all platformers ever.
Just started this. There are no subs? I remember playing these games on PSN with subs ..
My son is playing these games too, so yes I do miss them :/
Is that the one where brutter leaves a mar artifact at the slums and guards start showing up? theres an easy trick to it, jump into the water as Dar jak and dark bomb it. Thatll kill the sentry bot, then you can just hover board on the water avoiding all the guards and get to the end.
Only the first jak doesnt have subs. Yeah, it sucks that there arent any.
Just got this since I just noticed the (new?) MSRP is $20.
Spent the last hour and a half playing the first game. Great memories!
And it looks way better and clean than I thought it was going to look; based on the original pics and impressions.
As much as I want this collection, thinking about Jak 2 is just painful. That game was ridiculous. I do wanna replay 1 and actually beat 3. Well, I never 2 for that matter either.
I'm trying to get all the precursor orbs in Jak 2 and it's such a colossal pain in the ass. >__< I really don't want to do the races, gun range, Onin mini game, ring challenge, and the fucking awful hoverboard challenges to get the remaining orbs. I don't know how/why I did it on the PS2 version. Ughhhh
Speaking of this, does the game tell you WHERE your missing orbs are? I can't seem to find a listing by area or by orb that tells you where you need to look like in the first game.
Speaking of this, does the game tell you WHERE your missing orbs are? I can't seem to find a listing by area or by orb that tells you where you need to look like in the first game.
Never having played the originals and seeing as I am a huge Naughty Dog fan, I could not resist the opportunity to finally get my hands on this much beloved series and jump into it. Started on the first game and first impressions are good. The graphics (or should I say artstyle) was the first thing that hit me and I am suprised at how well they hold up especially for a ps2 game. The story is okay but its the characters that are really intresting and they have so much charm to them. It looks like its going to be a fun ride.
God, who decided on the back touchpad for the Vita version?
They're so horrible. People warned me Jak2 was almost unplayable because of the framerate, but that's not really been a problem at's the freaking touch controls.
I can never turn into Dark Jak when I want, because I'm trying to find the spot on the touchpad to activate it, I keep going into 1st person view because my finger slightly touches it when i'm just holding the Vita and going up and down in a vehicle is annoying and for races just a nightmare.
Why choose these controls? Why the back? There's a lovely touch screen on the front that would be much easier.