Huh? On PC there is a white dot present at all times letting you know where the reticule appear when you aim, even when you are behind cover.Chrange said:I like the driving but the shooting portions feel like a step back from other third-person games. With no targeting indicator while in cover, it can be really hard to judge where you're aiming before you pop out and with quick-trigger enemies, it's frustrating on higher difficulties.
I was playing on Normal.Sew said:No white dot on the Xbox. In a funny/good way it reminds me of the old trial-and-error targeting in Goldeneye (64).
(I've gone straight into Agent though, which IIRC is the third highest difficulty? Maybe the lower ones have the reticule?)
360 on the highest available difficulty when you first start. No dot that I noticed, and I think I'd noticeStallion Free said:Huh? On PC there is a white dot present at all times letting you know where the reticule appear when you aim, even when you are behind cover.
So it's a difficulty-based thing to make the game harder.... so you were complaining about the game making it hard on you on harder difficulties?Chrange said:360 on the highest available difficulty when you first start. No dot that I noticed, and I think I'd notice![]()
Stallion Free said:So it's a difficulty-based thing to make the game harder.... so you were complaining about the game making it hard on you on harder difficulties?
Stallion Free said:So it's a difficulty-based thing to make the game harder.... so you were complaining about the game making it hard on you on harder difficulties?
Seventy5 said:Are any of you guys playing the multiplayer? I've been having a really good time with it, especially the objective mode. There don't seem to be too many maps for it though, and I'm guessing the game is a bomb, so there won't be any DLC. I think I'm on the last mission of single player on Agent difficulty, took me probably 4 hours total from the start of level 2 to where I am now. I will be playing on 00 Agent for sure, but I can't say I won't be trading it in next week if there aren't more people playing once it comes out in Europe. And that's a shame really, because it's a nice departure from the CoD feel of every other fucking shooter released anymore.
LOL PS3. I was 3rd on the leaderboard for objective mode earlier! Does the leaderboard score higher than 1000?Rated-Rsuperstar said:There's only a 1000 people total on the PS3 leaderboards. What system you playing on?
Seventy5 said:LOL PS3. I was 3rd on the leaderboard for objective mode earlier! Does the leaderboard score higher than 1000?
Only because my wife made me watch a movie with the family damnit!Rated-Rsuperstar said:I'm actually one spot ahead of you. :lol
I'm #1 now, but I'm done playing it for the night :lolRated-Rsuperstar said:I'm actually one spot ahead of you. :lol
It's super quick on PS3 as well. It's actually much faster than restarting after death in any UE3 game. The loading screen lasts for no more than 2 seconds or so and it takes no time at all to reach the continue screen. It's faster than games like Gears for certain.Jeff on the bombcast is way off on the died to restart timing. At least on the PC it is super quick. I mean not super meat boy quick but its like 2-3 seconds
I don't get that. How is it repetitive? There are so many ways to clear the rooms. What are you doing, just staying behind cover and popping everyone until they are all dead? That type of situation doesn't even arise very often. What makes this shooting any more simplistic than something like Uncharted (which I absolutely love)? This has a very similar formula.The locations are dull, the shooting is repetitive and simplistic
dark10x said:I still don't understand the harsh reviews. I spent more time with it and am really enjoying it. I feel like people are getting caught up on stupid things and slamming the whole game for unjust reasons that would have been ignored in some other titles.
It's not a AAA blockbuster, but it's definitely pretty great. It feels infinitely better than many other 3rd person shooters released this year. Mixing up melee, stealth kills, gun fights, and focus kills seamlessly just feels satisfying. I love sneaking up on a guy, taking him out, then using a focus kill on a distant enemy before running up to a guy charging me and taking him out with a close quarters attack only to then drop to cover and take out two more distant enemies. It has a rhythm to it that is addictive. You never spend too much time sitting in one place. The game has you constantly moving and combining all of your abilities together. It's just really satisfying. It's rare to play a game that mixes up so many elements into a single package while executing all of them beautifully.
AgentOtaku said:no hype = low scores lolz
Seriously though, gaming press is becoming more and more of a joke in my eyes. At least in the US
Shaun Mclinnis said:The combat is at its best when you're doing just that: carving your way through enemies with a sense of urgency that deftly mimics a Bond movie's brisk action scenes. The aforementioned Bangkok rooftop level is a prime example of Blood Stone playing to its strengths. You're running after someone with ties to a figure you need to learn more about, and it's a chase that sends you leaping across buildings and quickly dropping every bad guy unlucky enough to get in your way.
Shaun Mclinnis said:It's a soundtrack that underscores the tension of big chase scenes and establishes a more subdued feel during mid-mission cutscenes.
Stallion Free said:It's why I don't read reviews. I don't have to play every shitty third person action game that reviewers do so I'm not burned out on the genre.
That's a trio of kickass games right there.AgentOtaku said:This this fucking this
So sick of the reception this is getting. Just got done listening to the Brocast ..err I mean Bombcast (which i'm done with anyway) and basically had the same complaints. So fucking what! not every shooter has to redefine the goddamn genre so stop pissing on titles that increase your workload just because.
Nasty ass trend that just seems to be getting worse and worse with higher budgets, more titles getting released at the same time, deadlines, hypetrains, etc.
Just bought the 360 version btw. Figured I'd take advantage of the Amazon B2/G1 sale that ends tommorow.
Picked up Vanquish and Enslaved as well.
AgentOtaku said:no hype = low scores lolz
Seriously though, gaming press is becoming more and more of a joke in my eyes. At least in the US
Kittonwy said:Eurogamer is not in the US.
If I want to find a good game to play, how else would I know which game to buy without spending money to buy/rent the game if I don't look at reviews?
I don't fucking understand how you can avoid spending $60 on a shitty game (not saying whether this is shitty or not) if you can't trust reviews, basically very few games are completely without redeeming qualities and somebody will end up liking it or finding it "fun", everytime I listen to somebody regarding a borderline iffy game I end up getting burned. The whole "fuck reviews" mentality doesn't really help, it's like a "5" game is actually a "7", a "7" game is also a "7", how the fuck would I distinguish games that are good from the rest if I'm supposed to believe every fucking game is "solid"?
I agree with this man! Get fluffed.FTWer said:Are you kidding? Fur Fighters was amazing.
It a was huge non-linear Banjo Kazooie like platformer with proper 3rd person shooting mechanics.
There hasn't been a game like it every since.
AgentOtaku said:I'm not saying fuck reviews. I'll use them as guidelines in tandem with impressions from joe-schmoe gamer in the end. This works if you're not buying games day one and can wait for some honest impressions.
If I would have soley relied on the press to determine what I'd be buying, I would have missed some little gems that I was quite fond of like God Hand, The Outfit, K&L Dog Days, Lost Planet 2, Bionic Commando, etc.
But I don't know man, I'd say if you're on the fence and don't see enough to make ya hop over, then just move along. Save some money and wait for something you REALLY wanna play.
dark10x said:picked up Goldeneye just for kicks along with Bloodstone. Thus far, Bloodstone is much more engaging and significantly more polished than Goldeneye. GE feels pretty low budget in comparison, though it's still a pretty good time.
MYE said:
donny2112 said:It's dark10x. He and the Wii don't get along.