Platforms: PC and Xbox 360
Adventure (Point & Click)
What it's about:
Since losing his wife in a terrible accident several years ago, neurobiologist Dr. David Styles has become a recluse, rarely leaving his English manor, Dread Hill House. One Day, mentalist Samantha Everett appears unexpectedly on his doorstep - just when Styles is on the lookout for a new assistant. Sam gets the job.
Her first task is to find six volunteers from Oxford University to take part in one of Dr. Styles' experiments. The experiment begins harmlessly enough, but a series of inexplicable incidents is soon set in motion, while Styles is haunted by his beloved dead wife. It's now up to Sam to solve the mysteries of Dread Hills House.
Why you should care:
Gray Matter is the fist adventure game from Jane Jensen (of Gabriel Knight fame) since Gabriel Knight 3 (1999).
Screenshots: (thanks to DennisK4)
DennisK4 said:
Release Date:
Out now in Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Everywhere else: February 25th
Where can you buy it if you can't wait?
If you are planning on playing the PC version, you can get the game here right away (With full english text and dialog)
If you want the retail collectors edition, you can order it via Amazon.de (Thanks Pennywise)
The 360 German version is NOT region free but does include English dialog and subtitles so it's a go if you have a PAL 360 Everyone else is out of luck and you will have to wait until next year for your console adventuring.
Gray Matter Original Soundtrack available on Amazon:
PC System Requirements: (via Amazon.de)
Display Types: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, NVIDIA GeForce 6200
Video Card: DirectX compatible, 128MB, with Vertex Shader 2.0 support, with Pixel Shader 2.0 Support
Memory: 512 MB
Processor: 1.4 GHz Pentium 4 Intel
HDD Space Required: 5.5 GB
Sound Card: 16-bit sound card
If you don't feel like paying a bit extra to play early, why not fill that gaping adventure game size hole in your heart with a replay of the Gabriel Knight series. You can get the series for cheap via GOG.com legit and fully DRM free!
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
*PS I went through making this entire post spelling the title Grey Matter :lol