BorkBork said:
There are really two views of looking at whether the PSP software life up was strong or not up to this point. One was to look at it saleswise, and there's no question the software have not been performing up to par. Period. And to this I agree with Heidern. The other view to look at it is from a quality point of view. If you want to look at it from a Japanese critic's point of view (Famitsu for example), there are more stand-out highly rated and acclaimed games in that case on the DS than on the PSP. Those are facts. IMO, I do not believe that the PSP software lineup has completely and utterly failed quality-wise. There are a lot of great games for it in Japan. But, according to the Japanese consumer and critics, the DS has more. Of course reviews and opinions are highly subjective and I think people can argue and post lists all night and day, so I'll leave that point as it is.
Indeed. I don't want to get into PSP vs. DS, but this is my view of the scenario too. Its not about comparing PSP's overall lineup to DS, its about saying the PSP lineup can stand up on its own. I chose to make my stance because I saw heidern, IMO, perpetuating the "truth" that the PSP lineup is shit, and he happened to be doing that by way of comparison to DS titles.
BorkBork said:
Now you're deeming that a unreleased game only seen from a few screenshots (if any) from the king of ports will be on par quality wise with Nintendo's biggest portable franchises? I don't think so. Remember all this is in Japan as well, since this is a JAPAN SALES THREAD.
"Nintendo's biggest portable franchises"? That in itself is debatable. 4 of the 6 games mentioned (note: I discounted Pokemon and Mario Kart because I believe those games are in a whole other level of '"killer"-ness') haven't had a title in the series on a handheld before, if at all.
I feel confident that DMC, even if up to the standards of 2, will be par for the course for the games I singled out. Of course it could turn out to be a turd, but the assumption should be made it will be of normal DMC quality (IMO, like everything else I write). From this viewpoint, its irrelevant how the Japanese critique the titles, the quality will be what it is regardless of what scores it gets (which of course, is all subjective).
rod said:
your kidding right? every week the psp doesnt outsell the DS its massive damage control and usually headed by heiyan kyo or whatever. ive read the thread, and il post it to you again
Point out
all the damage control, on the PSP sales, in THIS thread.
koam said:
So basically, you only like DMC games? Actually, you guys have been arguing for so long, I forgot what your point was? Was it that PSP is getting DMC? Because if that's the case, so is the DS. The PSP one is supposed to be a port of ]DMC3.
Just chose to make an issue out of it. Actually they don't even rank in my top 10 PS2 titles, but I do enjoy them.
Its not fucking PSP vs. DS fanboy shit, I don't care if they do or don't get DMC, its about dismissing DMC as low quality/unimportant to sales whilst listing those titles of debatably the same/less (subjective, yet again, which is the whole fucking point) importance. I find the DS lineup in JPN much better than the PSP (and vice-versa elsewhere).
heidern said:
Sorry genius, but if you were a bit more observant you'd notice that this is a Media Create Sales thread. Ergo the context of all discussion is regarding the domain of sales data. Discussion of quality of the entire line ups of each system is entirely redundant since you cannot give an informed view without playing all the games a particular system has to offer. And since no one here has done so for any of these systems, all attempts at judging entire software libraries for the gaming systems are uninformed and thus by definition entirely worthless.*
Sorry, I misunderstood, my only defense is I was reading other tabs where people had been dismissing the quality, but yeah, I considered the fact for a moment that it was about sales, but thought no one would say they had "completely and utterly failed" in doing so.
I still take issue with your dismassal of the PSP lineup from a sales perspective as well. Now I've tried to establish a beachead for my view that the lineup has some quality to it (subjectively), I'll argue that whilst PSP software sales haven't been up to scratch, they have not been a complete and utter failure. ToE may be a PSOne port, but if we were using that as a point we may as well say how fucking terrible is the fact that the top-selling DS game worldwide is Mario 64 DS, an (albeit enhanced) port of a N64 game.
The fact Sony is still selling the system very well, means consumers are excited by the lineup (either they find exciting content out now or in the future, or...) and there is quality games in the PSP lineup, tells us that some people who buy the PSP aren't doing so for gaming. So the issue IMO lies not with Sony and their games, but with consumers having more choice with the PSP in terms of media (and perhaps piracy has something to do with it, although I wouldn't use that as an excuse) playing.
Oh well. Nice discussion guys, maybe I'll catch up with your replies later, if its still on the frontpage, I'm out.