On the 3rd floor of the Nakano Broadway there is a game shop called Game Station, they had quite a few foreign games there in their foreign game corner last time I looked. But I don't really look for import games so I don't know about PAL games.
Yeah I see which one, what I'm interested first and foremost are latest releases though and I don't think it provides that.
Regarding food I've been keeping track of every yen I spent to eat these past two months (both to keep my budget in check and ... for fun I guess?) it is indeed not that expansive and there are some easy things to do to save money
- Konbini are honestly not a so good offer in most cases, it's convenient because it's always the closest thing to your home but that's all mostly, don't expect to find any good price for vegetables/fruits; don't expect any bargain price either, I only buy something there when I'm in a hurry
- Go do your purchases between 7-8PM as often as possible, that's when they put 10-20-30-40-50% ticket on many fresh food products, from meat to fish, to cooked foods and even vegetables sometimes
- If you want to go cheap, Lawson 100 at these times might give you some good deals (10 gyoza for 50yens is a steal) or any other 100yens shop that sell food
- It's hard to find a big quantity of anything it's always convient when you want to buy little in term of quantity (for 1/2 meal), vegetables/fruits are sold /piece which ends up as very costful often
- For some western imported products (nuts; oats) I ended up buying from... Amazon as the prices where outrageous everywhere I checked
I have a few supermarkets near my address (less than 30m walk), Aeon, Inageya, Olympic, Y's Mart, Life... Don Quihotte
The cheapest overall is Life and I found some great deals there (10 kiwi for 430yens, 6 big apples for 324yens for example) but in the end there's always a few products where one is cheaper than the other (I can only find 8 yogurts pack at Aeon, though they're only 70g yogurt...) so the best thing is to mix between them depending on the products you want and deal with a little random as you never know what will be discounted when you check.
As for restaurants it's muuuch cheaper than in western countries, very easy to eat for less than <1000yens, even doable for <500 yens if you don't need to eat to much (me I do
), so yeah don't worry about cost and try to do some cooking, it's not that hard to cut vegetables and put some meat/fish in a fry pan!