So, who here is gonna be in Tokyo on September 17th or 18th (aka TGS public days) again?
Two friends and I are definitely attending to showcase a game we've been working on. We're arriving on Monday 12th, I come back to Argentina on the 24th, and my friends intend to hand around for the full 90 days' worth of visa visiting as many places as they can and trying to keep costs low as well.
We're thinking about booking our lodging through AirBnB (at least for the two weeks I'll be staying there), and I intend to at least go around Tokyo as much as I can.
This time around, my plan's to arrive with little to no luggage besides some gifts for friends living in Japan (lots of yerba mate and dulce de leche, of course), and then proceed buy lots of stuff throughout my two-week stay. A classmate from my weekly Japanese class told me she found lots of nice and really cheap second-hand clothes, and I wanted to buy an extra pair of shoes or two like the ones I got two years ago after the ones I had brought with me just ceased to exist.
You guys just reminded me that I'll absolutely have to go to the owl cafe this time around, and it's cool that we might even be able to get tickets to the Ghibli Museum as well.