Oh yes seems like it will be closed the 11th October

I had the occasion to try most of the "games" myself, overall it's fricking expansive for what it was but there were some worthwhile experiences to have
- The mecha game had rather good controls, you're piloting a mecha
from inside the cockpit in a 1st person PoV, you're also sitting on a chair similar to the one in the game and the chair rotate as you rotate the mecha too.
The bad things are that it was awfully short (it even ends on a "To be continued") and you had a freaking annoying AI which was representated by an... almost naked woman that liked to show you her cleavage for absolutely no reason
- Tried the ski game, I couldn't manage to turn so I guess it was hard to enjoy it, otherwise the game was terrible graphically with way too much aliasing.
Once again you're putting your feet on simili ski and your hands on simili ski poles and you even have a fan blowing wind on you as you're gaining speed.
Two of my friends also tried it, they were better than me but still struggled a lot with the controls so I guess it was not just me.
- Didn't try the train game (not sure if it was based on densha de go or a train) seems like the VR was implemented just for the sake of it with no real added value.
- The "
save the cat at the very end of the board 300m above ground" is a hit or miss depending on how you believe it to be real.
Unfortunately for me I'm a rather rational person and since I had knowledge of what was really happening before I put the headset I just got the cat and came back in 20s, funny thing is that the real object used to represent the cat didn't match the 3D model perfectly so it felt strange (it was not the one used in the video linked above), in the end I tried to play with it and ended up dropping it because of that lol.
There was a gimmick once you get the cat too but... it just fell flat because what happens in game is not reflected in reality.
I don't remember the game looking as good as it did in
the trailer also.
Overall it has a good potential but it would've been better had I not been made aware of my real surroundings beforehand.
The japanese I saw trying it defintely shat their pants though lol
- Finally there was a coop horror house game, and while it had nothing particular whether as a VR game or as a horror game the two things combined together defintely made for a pretty dope experience.
The scarejump moments were even better and communication with the other(s) players was the key to solve the few puzzles in game.
Against all odds it defintely was the better experience by far.
Each demo lasts from 5 to 15mn and cost between 700 to 1300 yens, I would only recommend the horror game, the rescue the cat is also worth a shot and eventually the mecha game