You can't use crytal for that. You have to spend real money for star legend
Ah ok, nvm then xD
You can't use crytal for that. You have to spend real money for star legend
Star Legend time
Not sure what to feel about this
Ah ok, nvm then xD
Well, we can pull those R items in the end of month when that Leg Fest comesAh damn. I thought I was finally going to be able to roll![]()
^^ Surprise ticket?I still think that selectable character (I forgot the name of this gatcha special) is better than star legend. Even a new skin is better than star legend.
You can get the same SSR you have already![]()
How do weapons work? I see that there's a main weapon, and from what I understand it's the most powerful weapon that your character can wield with his current class (with the element you choose from the optimize option). But what about the other weapons in the screen? I mean the other 9, what do they do? It seems that the sum of their HP and Attack is what you get in the total. So the main weapon is only a matter of which element your main will use?
Quoting myself because I still can't find information about it!
weapon guide said:8.1 Early Game
At this point in the game Bahamut weapons give a very quick boost to damage, though you will have to luck out and invest relatively heavily for Bahamut weapons to bare fruit. Note that a Bahamut dagger at lvl 1 is a 20% increase, if you are lucky enough to get a Bahamut dagger early. This weapon will help out a lot during the early stages. Being able to use two Bahamut weapons here would be very beneficial.
Elemental summons are also very strong here, anything above a combined strength of 70% from two elemental summons will out perform any Magna or Primal summon you can have at that point. Considering that 40%/50% elements are easy to come by from events, you will not be benefiting from Magna or Primal summons as much.
Unknown Weapons yield relatively little benefit at this point.
Strong Setups at this Point: Elemental Summons and anything with Bahamut
Weak Setups at this Point: Magna / Primal
Tier List (Wind/Fire/Water/Earth/Light/Dark):
Elemental (2 x 80% or 120%) with 30% & 15% Bahamut
Magna (w/ 80% or 120%) with 30% & 15% Bahamut
Elemental (2 x 80% or 120%) with 30% Bahamut
Each Tier list will be used based on the maximum elemental strength for summons. For Wind/Fire/Water/Earth this will be 80%. Light/Dark this will be 120%. Having a Magna or Primal in this tier list assumes it is also paired with the maximum elemental strength for that element.
This is the best guide about weapons:
Its a long read and its not that simple. But to sum up in the beginning of the game you should press the big blue button and auto optimize your weapon pool for each element.
thanks, but I should do it for each element? It seems to me that the element I choose is the element of the weapon that I'll equip. Like if I choose fire, it gives me a fire weapon as main, the others are the same and give me the same atk and hp bonuses
It will be the element of your character in battle. He/she is always first and its important when you want to unleash the full 4 chain ougi. The attack attribute of ougi chain will the same as the first character of the chain.
There are enough party slots for each element. At start I have created parties for four elements to switch it when I need. I didn't have light and dark characters.
Is Light char ok there, or should I switch it to Earth char?
In other gatcha news, One Piece Treasure Cruise finally gets a skill update today -- Maxed out my GP Usopp and Mihawk, finally. I'm enjoying the socket powers from the more recent update but man, it's all RNG. Can't get the slots I want, always seeming to get the resist poison or map damage, which is as pointless as having no sockets at all.
(Stealing this talk) Wow, thanks now I too understand something more.
So basically, in order to get 4 different elements for me. My main character should equip Fire weapon right (2nd picture, I had earlier Wind weapon there).
Is Light char ok there, or should I switch it to Earth char?
Edit: And of course for different element bosses different element leader weapon. Thus I need to create more parties too.
Is OPTC still screen mashing? I mean that was one thing I didnt like in OPTC, constantly tapping phone screen.
Gotcha.Play Store version is too slow to play. You will never be able to join raid using android version.
I use it only to play bingo.
This game is web based. You don't need to update anything.
How do I unlink my mobage acct from the app so I can reroll?
GBFrerollingWiki said:If for some reason you have logged into the game with the wrong account, or want to change accounts, either delete all cookies from or simply visit to log out of your current account.
(Stealing this talk) Wow, thanks now I too understand something more.
So basically, in order to get 4 different elements for me. My main character should equip Fire weapon right (2nd picture, I had earlier Wind weapon there).
Is Light char ok there, or should I switch it to Earth char?
Edit: And of course for different element bosses different element leader weapon. Thus I need to create more parties too.
Star Legend time
Not sure what to feel about this
At your point in the game concentrate on getting Dark Fencer, and then Sidewinder. Always fight using boss's elemental weakness for your main and don't fret too much about your party aside from avoiding characters weak to the boss's element if possible -- if anything, Catalina or another character w/ dispel mount (nullifies debuffs once) should be in there at all times. Mono element gets more important once you have a decent pool of characters, and also when you got a weapon set of the same element that's skilled up to a degree.
Eww stupid me :8Catalina is the water SR you start with.
Yea my focus is trying to open Dark Fencer asap, not sure but it should be next one (Arcana Sword now in development), I dont have Catalina prolly later in the story. Most of my playtime Ive done raids and now those multibattles + today daily elemental. Tomorrow is time to move forward on story and do multibattles. In multibattles (and daily) I try always (if possible) to loan Rabbit summon for that extra drop rate.
Yea my focus is trying to open Dark Fencer asap, not sure but it should be next one (Arcana Sword now in development), I dont have Catalina prolly later in the story. Most of my playtime Ive done raids and now those multibattles + today daily elemental. Tomorrow is time to move forward on story and do multibattles. In multibattles (and daily) I try always (if possible) to loan Rabbit summon for that extra drop rate.
Eww stupid me :8
900k celebration coming!Finally managed to reroll a SSR starter in GBF. Got Metera, who apparently is a "good fire archer".
Friend id is 9019334. I'll get around to trying to sorting some basic stuff tomorrow.
What he means is friend/support summon. So there's a Sr white Rabbit summon that you can use to raise your drop rate up.What's a loan rabbit summon?
White rabbit
Other notable SR summon is the white rabbit. At max lb it gives 15% more drops and experience when used as a leader. Great for farming and useful to bring to raids where you don't expect to win mvp so it doesn't matter if you do no damage. It is particularly useful for coop/anima farming. Unfortunately it is only farmable during certain events and is very painful to farm for. Most people were spending about 40-50 1/2 ap pots to get theirs. Last time it was farmable was during the fuujin/rainjin event.
Added some people to my friends list! If you'd like to add me my ID is: 8398410
Dat Loan rabbit summon strat. It's great that you're really already getting into this even though you're only leeching so far.
And yeah, that's Katalina. She's one of the top tier SRs.
Once you get Dark Fencer, the world opens up to you a bit more, not to mention a further grasp on the battle mechanics. . . At least it did for me. Dark Fencer is Hawt, and in contention of the best jobs for soloing.
What's a loan rabbit summon?
9m900k celebration coming!
What he means is friend/support summon. So there's a Sr white Rabbit summon that you can use to raise your drop rate up.
Finally managed to reroll a SSR starter in GBF. Got Metera, who apparently is a "good fire archer".
Friend id is 9019334. I'll get around to trying to sorting some basic stuff tomorrow.
I might been confused for the name, cause when using google translate "Katalina" is "Katarina". But good thing is that you all mentioned to me about it and I had her LB:ed once earlier already & she is at 40 level so no big damage done.
I know there is SSR dark character called Vira, not sure how Google translates it. Kinda curious cause I have SR dark character called Vila (google transl.) (seems to be ok for SR?). So easy to be confused by names.
Don't worry about Rs and Ls, they're interchangeable for the most part in these cases.
Event is ongoing.
Feb 7 - Feb 15 +100 crystals every day.
(beginner login bonus is changed from +50 to +100)
No worries here. How generous is GBF about giving Crystals. Daily login seems to give some but is CyGames giving them outside of normal daily logins as "exras" if there is some event?
New infos:
Valentine voices depend on main character's sex and other characters's
New jobs today
Tina final limit break
Solo raid become permanent from March on. The battle will change after a few days
Story update
- Assassin/Wiseman doesn't need ex5, just complete ex4 like Gunslinger/SwordSaint
- Assassin's things are used up meaning they needed to be craft repeatedly unlike Gunslinger's bullets
- Wiseman uses MP stacking system to utilise imba powers
- Conquest will be on a rotation basis instead, they'll be there forever, unlike the 3boss rotation event as of now (nice change for new players)
more info:
Tossed fr to you.
Accidently upgraded with 2 SR weapons.
You can lock it. Open a weapon and press the first yellow bottom you see under the weapon skills. The other one is to include/exclude it from auto optimization.
wow assassin is hot garbage. The type of materials needed for hidden weapons, holy shit.
Hey KenjiGlove, was just going through some of the links in the OT (trying to see if there's something new to entertain me before GNF's english release) and noticed some of them were out of date.
Puzzle and Dragon's OT4:
EDIT: Also the Monster strike one is pointing to a random page, here's the first page of it:
I wanted assassin first, but I'll take a pass for now until hardcore enough for material farm.[/QUOTE]
Its too popular.
Some non-granblue mobage news:
I hope SEA version will have English.
And still no info about servers. If only they can confirm that SEA and Global account is the same thing.
Its too popular.
Some non-granblue mobage news:
I hope SEA version will have English.
And still no info about servers. If only they can confirm that SEA and Global account is the same thing.
I got the developers ok to use there pictures etc. and can ask questions etc. if i need help regarding infos etc. I will keep active on the Dedicated Servers question. They asked what we want and the majority wants a global server, only a few want dedicated servers because of pvp.
Also the main language should be english like in the most sea releases.
There is a PVP? OMG its a good news. I'm a bit tired of all these PvE only mobage.