I'm right where you are. I love Naruto, but the UNB just feels so bare-bones (and grindy, for the content that is available). Dokkan Battle...I'll see. The power-creep in that is just insane, so if you don't get what you need from the gatcha (or multiple, to flesh out your teams), good luck doing any of the challenging content. I have a lot saved up for Black's banner, we'll see what happens after that.Yeah excited for new WT. Naruto does need new mechanics but I just love those characters so much. Dokkan characters are boring by comparison. I'll probably backburner them both tbh. OPTC, Clash Royale and SAO or FE going forward. We will see. Too many good ones to play!
Man, so many gatcha games, though. Then there's Thousand Storm, but honestly (after everything announced today, with SAO and FE coming in the next month) I can't see any appeal in TS, especially after trying a bit of it myself.