Fire Emblem Heroes is probably the single most forward-thinking mobage launch so far. Having the entire server be global and having updates land in all regions simultaneously is absolutely fantastic for players, and while they aren't totally dominating the charts it seems to be paying off.
Now if only they'd run some real events instead of just the vote fights. :V
Also I didn't see any discussion of this at all: Hortensia Saga Global announced a shutdown on March 23rd, and the server will close for good in two weeks.
This is a server that launched this past
Hot christ. That makes the Chain Chronicle debacle look like a good, long run. I was at one point curious about Hortensia too, but it looks like the game's pretty much done and dusted.
Anyway, I gotta admit that the F/SN collab got me playing Valkyrie Connect a bit. I'm having more fun than I anticipated, it's a neat little game! (Though it probably helps that I somehow managed to get Saber, Ilya,
and Shirou, without whaling and without rerolling...)
I'm also curious as to who the dickens is doing the localization for it, because while the plot is super basic, the script reads better and has a lot more spirit than I ever would've expected it to have. It's been refreshing.
Still looking forward to seeing how the F/GO global version shakes out. I don't envy whoever's been assigned to wrangle the script for that monster.