Isn't Valiant Force incredibly P2W? Or did they fix that?
Same shit like it was on SEA. P2W, powecreep and endless grindy events. Why play.
Prolly the ads are there too.
Buy this bundle
Now buy this bundle
You need to buy this bundle too...
Isn't Valiant Force incredibly P2W? Or did they fix that?
Same shit like it was on SEA. P2W, powecreep and endless grindy events. Why play.
Same shit like it was on SEA. P2W, powecreep and endless grindy events. Why play.
Did my third pull and got two new SSR and five SR. Actually, I've gotten a SSR every pull thus far.there's a new version for Tokyo dolls... I wonder if they fix that guaranteed ssr bug?
New idol game HYPE!
iDOLM@STER Million Live Theater Days is almost released.
The servers are not up yet. Soon.
I haven't played it, waiting for it on ios, but I've seen a few "leaked" vids and screens and the quality looks better than I was expecting. The lack of details/updates on their site and fact their official youtube channel has the songs muted didn't inspire a lot of hope.
I'm a huge Macross fan as well, especially 7, which looking on the reddit now a days seems to be the black sheep. But when I was 11 Fire Bomber was (is) my Beatles.
I'm looking forward to it now. I've been playing BanG Dream recently to scratch that rhythm game itch, just got my first 4*, woo. Seeing some gameplay and that there are "only" four lanes bolsters me a little. BanDori has 7 and I can only do one or two songs on extreme.
All these Macross ladies and here I am just hoping to draw Basara. BOMBAAAA!
I continue to play Project Tokyo Dolls and it continues to be addicting. I went from hating guns at first to now they are my favorite. Reina4Life. (though I'm warming up to Yuki).
Sölf;242179491 said:Has anyone here played the Yu-Gi-Oh! Gacha? I am still looking for something a friend of mine and me can use to play Yu-Gi-Oh! online (which has proven to be rather difficult after the various pages have been closed). While this is a Gacha and it will take ages to build a somewhat good deck, it at least looks fun enough to work after buying a few decks.
Talking about this one, right?
Decent community, bigger on reddit (/r/DuelLinks). Definitely worth a look, I enjoy it a bunch as a casual player and F2P
Did my third pull and got two new SSR and five SR. Actually, I've gotten a SSR every pull thus far.
Sölf;242233287 said:Finally. Just look at this beauty. <3
Next up is Frey. Will probably take a bit, but shouldn't take too long.
maybe i should have started when it launched...
Sölf;242432805 said:Okay, that was much faster than I thought:
Didn't know I could buy the 100 fragment pack twice per month. Also forgot the Tower of Challenge resets, which gave me even more fragments. With that, I can now auto farm most of chapter 5 hard. Now I need money to upgrade all the equipment these two need, ugh. D:
Which game is this?
Tales of the Rays is getting English release
So, the Sakura event in Project Tokyo Dolls ended quickly. I would have focused on it if I'd known how little time it would last.
Tales of the Rays is getting English release
This was my first 11 pull.
I heard the card rates were pretty bad from other people so I was surprised to get 3 ssr cards.
I just started playing Tokyo Dolls and was wondering if this is a good place to start?
I picked Shirori as my free ssr ticket.
This was my first 11 pull.
I heard the card rates were pretty bad from other people so I was surprised to get 3 ssr cards.
I guess my only concern would be that I have no decent green gem cards to counter blue enemies with. Also, the Yuki ssr uses the hammer weapon which I feel might be a bit useless overall? It's good to build up your break meter but the damage seems really poor.
Bonus pic. I found cat ear accessories in the shopping cart/ticket exchange menu earlier. These are the blue accessory ticket exchange ones. I think the black ver costs real money though.
so people is saying ff a new empire is a ponzi scam , this game sems shady as fuck.
Polygon said:The game's a massively multiplayer online game for iOS and Android, created in collaboration with mobile developer Machine Zone. The studio's previous work includes other MMOs for phones, like the strategic army-building game Mobile Strike.
True. I guess the ssr rate is pretty decent. They're even letting you get the new ssr cards in the new event that just started. The first ssr ticket is at 39,000 event points. I don't know if i'll have it in me to grind for all 3 though.ssr rate is quite high actually at 9%, but when ur exist with 1% rate ppl will focus on that one when talking about gacha rate
I got it working on Memu but it's getting to the point where I'm juggling four gatchas + granblue and I'll be needing to drop one real soon.
Stumbled into this korean gatcha game with absolutely gorgeous music and visuals. It's puzzle based, with the amount of blocks you select dictating what attacks each character does. It's in open beta right now and has english support, though the translation itself is really rough atm. Not that it matters because the game is gorgeous.
Here's a video of steparu playing it I saw this morning:
I got it working on Memu but it's getting to the point where I'm juggling four gatchas + granblue and I'll be needing to drop one real soon.
Stumbled into this korean gatcha game with absolutely gorgeous music and visuals. It's puzzle based, with the amount of blocks you select dictating what attacks each character does. It's in open beta right now and has english support, though the translation itself is really rough atm. Not that it matters because the game is gorgeous.
Here's a video of steparu playing it I saw this morning:
I got it working on Memu but it's getting to the point where I'm juggling four gatchas + granblue and I'll be needing to drop one real soon.
Sölf;242586441 said:I currently have 5, and I started a few more but dropped them pretty fast. I am basically doing nothing else beside Gachaing now.
Is this hell?
It's by Rayark, which is actually based in Taiwan. They did great work with rhythm games Cytus, Deemo and Voez, and are starting to branch out with Implosion and now this. Will try when it's released.
After playing King's Raid for a week, I must say... maybe the best mobile game I have come across, definitely in this genre. The story is actually INTERESTING. The Characters are actually LIKABLE, and are more than just pretty to look at. I can definitely see the potential for strategy with the character abilities, for both PVP and PVE. Visuals and music are top notch.
This is as AAA as you can get for a mobile game... that's for sure.
Not Gacha games I believe, but I'm blown away by Titanfall and South Park as well... both of those games exist in the same genre, I would say. But both are unique in themselves.
Want to get into King's Raid, but it keeps crashing on me. Ah well.
Sölf;242669814 said:I am just posting again, I did open a guild called "Emdes" in King's Raid and people can just join there. So, if you want something, even if it is still pretty much a new guild since I am alone, you could all join.
Maybe I should add "GAF" in the description... xD
full already?
Oh, yeah, server. I am on Asia because I did not realize you could choose. Also, there are no EU servers so cant find any guild named emdes.
which serve rare you.
Sölf;242712252 said:Oh, yeah, server. I am on Asia because I did not realize you could choose. Also, there are no EU servers so far.
Gonna be a busy few days for all these games.
OPTC has new content coming today/tomorrow, plus a sugofest that I'll be pulling on
Dokkan has SSJ4 units, finally, on Friday, and the events that go with them. Going to be intense
YGO has the Bakura event which I've only dabbled in, but need to do more on
FireEmblem got an update today
MarvelPuzzleQuest has a spiderman event this friday
Plus Fate Grand Order is new and taking my time! FFRK is the easiest with just farming orbs though, thankfully.
I don't have time for all these!
qoo app has the newest version