Dandy Crocodile
I've done 24, no rerolling, and have 2 so your luck is just supremely terrible today.Over 70 rolls, no Mirage.
97% chance I'd get one by now. Hmm.
I've done 24, no rerolling, and have 2 so your luck is just supremely terrible today.Over 70 rolls, no Mirage.
97% chance I'd get one by now. Hmm.
Hey man, don't feel too bad. I only have the one MA myself, the one I re-rolled for. Granted I've only done two 10x pulls so far, as I'm waiting for both Milla and Velvet's MA (the latter of which is already available in the Japanese version), so I'm trying to save as much as I can. My plan is to do a single 10x pull per event banner, to hopefully get a few weapons for the characters for that event, and then continue saving.Thanks for the reply!
Did a second multi pull since milla will take a while...again no ma, again 2 golds...again mikleos healing staff...well fuck. Haha that's was i deserve after a double rainbow in ffbe.
I guess i will go with the mileena account since i put some time into it.
Nice to see more TotR love here.Tales of the Rays is impressing me so far.
It feels like a Tales game which I really like and the localization is actually really good. None of the dialogue reads strangely or has errors.
Plus I've pulled good weapons and mirrages for Sorey and Jude who are two of my favorites!
The event is good so far, too. Lots of easy premium currency to grab as well as an abundance of upgrade mats.
Any Mirage works. They're all about the same power right now, the only difference being Ix which gets an upgrade after Chapter 6 where he gets his Overray ability for his MA that lets him start a quest with a charged MA and (I believe) increased stats. This Overray ability holds four charges, and replenishes every six hours.Gonna give TotR another chance.
What should I reroll for?
It has Friend ID's. I'll post mine here in a bit so we can all add each other.Playing Tales of the Rays too, with my new shiny phone. It's, as other have said, the closest you can get to Tales gameplay on a phone. I'll play more often once I finish Berseria.
Does it have friend codes or...?
Congrats.Got Edna's in my first multi lol.
I need to get to stage 17 though.
You kidding? That's an amazing re-roll, holy hell that luck. GO WITH THAT ACCOUNT!Ok so I figured I'd give Tales of Rays another shot. Is there a rerolling guide yet, tier list? I got rainbow mirages for both of the original characters, a 4* weapon for Luke and a bunch of 3*s from my 10pull. Debating on weather I want to spend on costumes now or hold out for potentially better options.
Such a crime that they frontloaded Ranka's songs, I need more Sheryl. :/
Just watched a Terra Battle 2 gameplay video.
Again I don't think this game is going to do well. They seem to be missing the point of why people spend money. The entire battle screen is just a bunch of squares with cut-off portraits in them. Attack animations just flash the art that you already see and do some swirls.
This looks cool, I'll play with you after setting it up.
ID: 12186057, download is kinda long compared to the Chinese version isinstalled.accidentally
It won't let me add you so I'll give you my id instead.
11701760 anyone else in the thread that plays Honkai feel free to add me also.
If you pull 300 times during a specific banner in GBF, you can spark for one of the banner characters (as well as a few extra).Do any games besides Kingdom Hearts Unchained have a mercy pull mechanic, where they guarantee the featured unit after a number of pulls?
Yea it's rare on the top yellow ticket gatchat. you do however get a better chance when they do character specific gatcha (blue ticket) that is how I got sakura.I sent one, are you still using the default username?
So is it rare to get a full character out of the gacha? It seems that it's usually based on puzzle pieces yet a complete purple one popped out a few days ago, did I get lucky?
I've been playing TotR for the last few days and I'm impressed. The combat is simple but decent enough and the systems in the game seem easy enough to understand.
I'm up to the 9th level in Edna's section of the event and that boss is wrecking me. I'm just going to work on levelling the characters and weapons for a bit and then try again.
My Tales of the Rays Friend ID:
Feel free to add me! If your name differs from here though, just let me know. I get flooded with requests so it's difficult to tell where the invite comes from.
Accepted!Sent invite, I think I have the same name as here in GAF.
Is there any way to set a leader even if you don't have him on the first slot of your team?
I don't know if my approach is optimal, but so far what I'm doing is running a bit of the story, then a bit of the event, then some daily quests, and repeat. Usually you should be able to defeat enemies that are less than 1000 points above you without much trouble.
I've done the discounted pulls and a multi using the event banner.
Sent invite, I think I have the same name as here in GAF.
Is there any way to set a leader even if you don't have him on the first slot of your team?
I've done all the story and 3 chapters on hard. I'm just above the level I'm stuck on in terms of power and never had trouble like this. I'm just gonna kite the boss as best I can and let the mages lay into him
If you pull 300 times during a specific banner in GBF, you can spark for one of the banner characters (as well as a few extra).
Since GBF is a web-based app, you re-roll using different email accounts. Since creating numerous email accounts is a nuisance, what I did to re-roll was use salted emails via Google. Basically, create one email address, and then use the email address name followed by +1 when creating the accounts to keep using the same email address for multiple account creations. Granted, this was a long while back so I'm not sure if the same procedure still works and, even if it does, I've read that CyGames instituted an IP ban if you re-roll too much within the short time-frame.how exactly does reroll work there?
after which point should i reroll.
oh i quoted the wrong post, i meant in Tales of rays.-snip-
Oh, that's a really easy one, haha. Just uninstall/reinstall.oh i quoted the wrong post, i meant in Tales of rays.
Another game that will never be released Globally.Mitra Sphere is released and it's almost exactly like sinoalice
Nah, looks the same. Outfits and planes are shit-hard to unlock; needs more variety too, gonna be hell, waiting for Universal Bunny and Sayonara no Tsubasa outfits.Did they make any big changes from the beta? I liked the game yet unlocking new songs took a while. It would've been nice if they removed the characters from level-ups to speed things up.
Do the event banner since Edna is one of the strongest characters right now. Multipull is better because it comes with the prisms.Alright so I am liking Tales of Ray's now. I still haven't done a summon though, I can't decide if I should do a multi or just some singles, and I can't decide which banner. Argh!
Do the event banner since Edna is one of the strongest characters right now. Multipull is better because it comes with the prisms.
You can get any item on any banner, you just have a better chance of the banner character's items being pulled. I got my Sorey and Jude mirrages from the Edna/Mikleo banner, for example.
I'd recommend doing at least one pull on the Mikleo/Edna banner. The same applies to any/all upcoming "event" banners, as you'll need/want to equip the event character with weapons and they can only be pulled on each respective banner. What makes Edna so damn powerful right now is her "Embrace End" weapon. It hits for three elements, has a decent AOE-range to it, and has a chance to poison as well. It's pretty powerful as well, which makes everything before this even better. She does have two 4* weapons in the banner so there's no guarantee you'll pull it (or even a Mikleo/Edna 4* weapon at all, as it's random), but you'll still likely pull a few 3* weapons for each, unless you're ridiculously lucky. If you get either of their Mirage, that's an amazing bonus.Alright so I am liking Tales of Ray's now. I still haven't done a summon though, I can't decide if I should do a multi or just some singles, and I can't decide which banner. Argh!
You just pulled one of the best Mirage in the game, that will be relevant for a LONG time. So congrats, haha.Okay, I finally did my first pull. I did a solo pull first on the Mikleo/Edna banner. It was a rainbow colored sphere thing talking about some shit, and it was a mirage called Marcus vs. Ix: Fight! So that sounds cool and all, but wtf is a mirage and what do I do with it? Lol I have skipped most of the cut scenes, and I will watch them later so if it told you what they are I missed it.
Edit: Nevermind I figured it out.
You just pulled one of the best Mirage in the game, that will be relevant for a LONG time. So congrats, haha.
Not a problem.Oh, well that is indeed awesome then! haha thanks!
Not a problem.
Once you equip it to Ix, don't forget to go into your Profile (under menu) and make it your support Mirage, so people can use it (as well as give you FP in-return). Also, equip your Ix with as much +DMG gear as you can, as that also increases the power of your Mirage for friends (it's more likely to be chosen if it has a higher power level). Ideally you'd want to equip Ix with 4x 4* weapons that suit him, but I'm guessing you don't have that right now (nor do I, and likely won't for a long time). I'd recommend equipping him with one or two weapons for him, that grants you a couple or Artes to use in battle, and the other two slots with the strongest 4* weapons you have.
Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous.So naruto blazing is having an anniversary soon or now.
Everyone expect many gems and promised new modes as well as new banner (something like dual dokkan banner)
Countdown finished on JPN.
New mode delayed.
No new awesome banner.
And the best part.
Leveling to certain level will reward gems (10/5 for every 10levels)
But it is not retroactive! Meaning if you are high level, you dont get any of those!
Think this is the worst anniversary event in all gacha games i've played.
Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous.
I'm just happy I put off my rank grinding, still under 150. If they don't fix the retroactive part though, there are going to be a lot of angry people (and rightfully so).
As for the banner, Hashirama isn't bad, and he's guaranteed at Step 9, but it feel like a trap banner to me since we know Naruto/Sasuke are coming, likely in the Yin/Yang banners later this month (also part of the anniversary). I know they'll make them game-breaking, so I'm saving all of my pearls for that.
After the delays, 08/22 seems to be the finalised date for magireco now. For the sake of my financial security, I'm glad I don't play untranslated gacha games.
After the delays, 08/22 seems to be the finalised date for magireco now. For the sake of my financial security, I'm glad I don't play untranslated gacha games.
Yeah, there're some PVs on the website plus a bunch of comics (which have been unofficially translated) that show/explain some of the mechanics.I have been curious about this one for a while now, but is anything known about the gameplay at all?
I have been curious about this one for a while now, but is anything known about the gameplay at all?
You can Limit Break weapons whenever, timing doesn't matter. Just make sure you have the gald to do so, haha.Okay, so I've done in Tales of the Rays:
- Half of Edna's afterparty.
- Cleared the last stage of Sweetopia 15 times.
- Finished Chapter 4 too.
- An enhanced the Artes of the Edna and Mikleo initial weapons since there is a quest.
Edna and Mikleo are at level 22 and 24 respectively. I think I have 3 Kaleidoscopes right now, and I still have to claim the one you're gifted after you get to level 30. Should I limit break them now (the weapon itself is at level 25) or wait until I'm closer to the cap?
You can Limit Break weapons whenever, timing doesn't matter. Just make sure you have the gald to do so, haha.