Rumour: The Initiative will show its AAAA game this month
Could we be about to see what the mysterious new studio has been working on later this month?
Aghhh... This is the Sony effect. People are going to think everyone wants third person shooters, aren't they... a whole gen of the most boring genre in gaming.
Hoes madIts Kinda Funny how Kinda Funny is way less popular than Colin Moriarty podcast/show/patreon is.
Btw Greg Miller if you are reading this - Fuck you. You piece of fat sack shit. You looked as pasty of a soy boy as I expected you to be when I saw you a few years back in person. I wanted to come by and say hi and smile to your face with kindness (or not) in my heart and poke your pasty belly button but I got scared because I didn't wanna be covered in soy when you would have popped from the poke thanks to the power and strength of my magnificent pinky.
Its Kinda Funny how Kinda Funny is way less popular than Colin Moriarty podcast/show/patreon is.
Btw Greg Miller if you are reading this - Fuck you. You piece of fat sack shit. You looked as pasty of a soy boy as I expected you to be when I saw you a few years back in person. I wanted to come by and say hi and smile to your face with kindness (or not) in my heart and poke your pasty belly button but I got scared because I didn't wanna be covered in soy when you would have popped from the poke thanks to the power and strength of my magnificent pinky.
Its Kinda Funny how Kinda Funny is way less popular than Colin Moriarty podcast/show/patreon is.
Btw Greg Miller if you are reading this - Fuck you. You piece of fat sack shit. You looked as pasty of a soy boy as I expected you to be when I saw you a few years back in person. I wanted to come by and say hi and smile to your face with kindness (or not) in my heart and poke your pasty belly button but I got scared because I didn't wanna be covered in soy when you would have popped from the poke thanks to the power and strength of my magnificent pinky.
I don't expect The Initiative to copy Sony style games. They seem to value innovation and forging new ground a lot in their interviews and their mission statements. Sony style games seem to value production values and time tested gameplay.
I don't expect The Initiative to copy Sony style games. They seem to value innovation and forging new ground a lot in their interviews and their mission statements. Sony style games seem to value production values and time tested gameplay.
So a company that has never put out anything at all, not even a piece of concept art that I'm aware of is now getting praise for "innovation and forging new ground" because they talk about it?![]()
Why are they resurrecting this dead franchise that was generic shit even back on the N64?
It's bad enough they created 2 new studios to milk existing franchises, but at least they were strong brands that deserved saving. Perfect Dark was only ever relevant because it was from the people who made Goldeneye. That's it. The actual setting and characters are awful boilerplate sci-fi cliches.
Fucking hell, they really are clueless. What a waste of all that talent they've been gathering at the Initiative.
10s of thousands of people daily actually.
But it is smart for MS to put their best AAA team on a Perfect Dark game?
Perfect Dark remains the most fun FPS I've ever played. I still fire up the 64 every couple years to play some mp. 8 venge-sims at the pipes for mass chaos.
Yeah but it was made 20 years ago by a team that no longer exists.
What's the point?
Why does Andrea think Perfect Dark is a really risky gamble? It's a futuristic shooting spy game which is pretty safe territory for a videogame.
I want a co-op action game featuring Wallguy and CraigBring back wall guy.
That its a great game deserving of its status.Yeah but it was made 20 years ago by a team that no longer exists.
What's the point?
Yeah but it was made 20 years ago by a team that no longer exists.
What's the point?
if they truly make a Perfect Dark game then it will follow these. if they just take the name an plaster it onto a generic stealth game or shooter then it will of course be kinda pointless
A female lead with the XBOX demographic is probably reason enough. If this game is legitimate, I’m actually glad it will be third person because there are so many FPS’s on the market, but how will the XBOX contingent feel about that? I’m probably in the minority. Also, from what I heard PD wasn’t all that popular on the previous XBOX systems, so yeah I think it’s a risk.
Yeah but it was made 20 years ago by a team that no longer exists.
What's the point?
You said the franchise was generic shit on the 64, I disagreed. Might be garbage now, but OG Perfect Dark on was great in my opinion. That's my point.
How is it any riskier than any other dormant or new IP? It's a sci fi spy game where you shoot people.
Kinda Funny still exists?
Huh, are you sure?Its Kinda Funny how Kinda Funny is way less popular than Colin Moriarty podcast/show/patreon is.
Is Grubb someone who is trustworthy or is he just another Jason Schreier?
I wouldn't even call Apex 'AAA'.... just more GAAS. I guess everything Xbox does now will be some type of GAAS mtx vehicle.What does perfect dark have in common with apex legends?
?What does perfect dark have in common with apex legends?
.... this will go down well.?
His text is as clear as anything in English can be. New Initiative game for Perfect Dark is like Apex Legends to Titanfall. In theory same universe but both games are distinctively different and cannot be treated as one series.
He's so annoying.
It's Perfect Dark.
Well it's not exactly Perfect Dark.
It's set in the Perfect Dark universe.
It's not right to say that it's Perfect Dark.
It's set in a Dark place and there's a half-naked Metal Gear Solid female character called 'Perfect'.
It has a main character whose first name starts with J.
If it's not Perfect fucking Dark, WHY FUCKING SAY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Holy shit, I had to check if this was my own comment, from a pissed off night of coming home drunk.Kinda Funny is almost mesmerisingly boring.
I've tried watching a couple of their videos and a huge chunk of each one consists of them reading out incredibly tedious press releases verbatim. Who the fuck wants to hear that?
Especially when Greg and Blessing are so dumb they can't read more than a few words consecutively without losing all sense of the sentence, and the proper tone etc. It's like listening to little kids read aloud in story time.
"The latest!! Call of Duty comes, to PlayStation.
And Xbox this fall, with an incredible. New campaign? Immerse yourself! IN! A brand new adventure. Set in, the cold war.
And all the international.
Intrigue you would expect?"
I wouldn't even call Apex 'AAA'.... just more GAAS. I guess everything Xbox does now will be some type of GAAS mtx vehicle.
I wouldn't even call Apex 'AAA'.... just more GAAS. I guess everything Xbox does now will be some type of GAAS mtx vehicle.
I have no doubt that it is the intended model based on them saying Halo and Forza are being rebuilt to last 10 years.This is something I've been expecting due to game pass. $15 x 12 = $180, you figure they were already charging $60 a year for XBL so it's really $120 or two full price games per year. They must be intending to make up the revenue elsewhere. Mind you right now it's a great service, if these subs become competitive it may not be so easy for them to go all out on MTX but right now they're the market leader and I fully expect significant MTX in their next-gen releases.
That is only true if you assume I think GAAS is inherently negative.