On the first episode. The drunk girl got kicked outevil ways said:Did the guy already give the girl contestants a pearl necklace?
Yes, but Spike TV doesn't use the 'e' -- so I used it properly.Diablos said:Dammit, everyone knows the proper way to spell that name is Joe SCHMOE. It has a freaking E. OK??
Yeah, that's the biggest problem I see so far. They are going overboard on the sterotypes and it's kinda backfiring on them. Though, the biggest problem they have so far is when Ingrid asked one others where they came from, the actress said "Oh, my modeling-agency got me this job..I'm here for the day" (or something like that) -- and then she got voted off 5min later. I think that's why Ingrid has been picking up on things while the dude hasn't.AniHawk said:They're doing a lot of really silly things (overuse of metaphors, sexual references), and things to parody other reality shows which would make it somewhat obvious, I guess.
I really hope Bryce comes back as a stalkerAlso am betting money on either Bryce's frog dying, or Bryce going to be elimated the next guy eviction, and come back to stalk Piper through the rest of the remaining episodes. Or maybe he'll hypnotize her.
Definitely gotta love the falcon slamming into the glass door though. The whole segment had me rolling.
Memles said:The Falcon Twist is far and away the only brilliant thing about the show...the rest is a little blah for me. It is simply a brilliant, brilliant thing, that Falcon. I love it. Will keep me watching.
LuckyBrand said:tim , however, has no frigging clue.. and is perfect for the show.
AniHawk said:Yeah, he reminds me more of Matt. Ingrid would probably start saying that she knew all along, and kill the fun in the surprise. I wonder if she'll get the prizes if she's evicted.
Why did Tim name Bryce, Cruiser? Only guy I saw in Bryce from Stripes was Frances.