Around 3-4 PM, I think.What time EST does this air btw?
The wait is quite literally killing me.Roughly 2 hours from now (if youre watching in Tokyo)
Will there be an opening today, or just the ending?
BothWill there be an opening today, or just the ending?
I could see it being another Last Train Home, where people don't like it at first but then get into it.
All Star is just a dream at this point I think. I'll edit it into the credits myself tho
I've been listening to all 4 OPs with the sound effects.
I didn't like some of them at first, but they've all grown on me in their own ways.
Can't wait for tonight.'ve been listening to all 4 OPs with the sound effects.
I didn't like some of them at first, but they've all grown on me in their own ways.
Can't wait for tonight.
Is the song in the background the opening credit or the ending credit song?
No, actually I didn't really like either of Part 3's OPs. 1 and 2 felt right.Did part 1 op have to grow on you at first?
The third and fourth had to grow on me, the second one I loved from the get-go.Did part 1 op have to grow on you at first?
No, actually I didn't really like either of Part 3's OPs. 1 and 2 felt right.
Part 1 OP: It's probably why I'm into Jojo. Epic from start to finish even if it sorta spoils things.
Part 2 OP: Took some time to get used to but it fits the series well. Not one of my favorites, but it's not bad. It pretty much spoils an important death, though...
4th OP is probably my favourite. The song is epic (I think combining the singers for the previous three OPs?) and the amount of visual foreshadowing is crazy good.
Unless you pay attention/know beforehand that those OPs are supposed to represent actual events (as opposed to imaginary scenes that just look good, like most anime), you don't really get spoiled.
It's more of a "oooooh so THAT'S what the OP was showing all along!" moment.
You can't tell me op2 is not blatant as fuck about it though
I like all the OPs, but Sono Chi no Kioku is way better in the full version.
You lot are gonna LOVE this episode, the amount of crazy ish that's gonna happen is gonna make you want to GIF that ish immediately.
I never paid attention to it. I just looked at the pretty pictures and danced to the lively music.
Unless you pay attention/know beforehand that those OPs are supposed to represent actual events (as opposed to imaginary scenes that just look good, like most anime), you don't really get spoiled.
It's more of a "oooooh so THAT'S what the OP was showing all along!" moment.
Fair enough tho I mean specifically the part with Joseph shouting in grief at the end while holding Caesar's bandana. Even without reading the manga I'm sure it's not hard to figure it out .
I can agree with you on OP 1 at least. If you breeze through the series, you may not have known that the OP went through Jonathan's arc. But, as soon as Dio was shot many times in the anime, I figured the OP was showing off key moments...
OP 2 though, there's no way you can't put 2 and 2 together to figure out who ended up dying...
I'd like to chime in and say OP2 did not spoil me either!
Hey, I'd being an idiot fits with the show quite well!Let's be idiots together, my friend!