Hey guys what's going on in this thread?

Hey guys what's going on in this thread?
Really weak episode. Writer could have at least had Koichi show up to offer a shoulder to cry on. Making him turn around and be absent from the episode was a baffling literary decision.
OP is best of the JJBA ops though. Song actually got me all into it, and the mini dancing was pretty fun.
I didn't like the OP. It reminded me of Battle Tendency's, and I considerered that one the "worst" (still good, but not my style) out of all the openings -- the best one being Stardust Crusader's 2nd OP IMO.
The ending is growing on me, though.
I didn't like the OP. It reminded me of Battle Tendency's, and I considerered that one the "worst" (still good, but not my style) out of all the openings -- the best one being Stardust Crusader's 2nd OP IMO.
The ending is growing on me, though.
This better be Part 5's ED song.
This better be Part 5's ED song.
.battle tendency easily had the best OP though
battle tendency easily had the best OP though
I'm now gonna be disappointed if we don't get Gangsta's Paradise for JoJo Part 5.It really is perfect for it
Sono Chi No Sadame is basically the franchise theme song (at the very least me), it's fairly universal in use, the original and almost synonymous when I hear the word jojo.OP-wise, for me:
Phantom Blood > Battle Tendency > Diamond Part 1 = Crusaders Part 1 > Other > Crusaders Part 2
Sono Chi No Sadame is still the best. None of the other songs get me as pumped.
battle tendency easily had the best OP though
Sono Chi No Sadame is still the best. None of the other songs get me as pumped.
Good old days of JoJo EDs~
Each opening has been a perfect fit for its respective season. Ranking them is pointless. The new opening really fits DiU.
Yeah, save Coolio for Part 5.Savage Garden, huh? Coolio would have worked. It might fit better in the next arc.
I want to start watching this but I'm not sure what all I should watch or where to start because of the names of these anime. Anyone kind enough to tell me where to start and what to watch and the order?
I want to start watching this but I'm not sure what all I should watch or where to start because of the names of these anime. Anyone kind enough to tell me where to start and what to watch and the order?
I want to start watching this but I'm not sure what all I should watch or where to start because of the names of these anime. Anyone kind enough to tell me where to start and what to watch and the order?
Wow, they actually made Aqua Necklace seem really scary and dynamic. I always thought of it as one of the more plain Part 4 fights, like a leftover from Part 3.
Also I was a bit puzzled when it seemed like they were going to cut something from the end of the fight, but then I realized they have to show it anyway for story reasons so it'll be at the beginning of the next episode.
No Smash Mouth ED