And again, just because it happened before, that doesn't make it...
... Ah, well.
It also helps that Koichi and Jotaro are (at least as of this episode) two entirely different characters.
And again, just because it happened before, that doesn't make it...
... Ah, well.
True, but even then, I thought that scene was a bit weird. Like, has Rohan faked a bunch of Stand attacks off-screen, or what?It also helps that Koichi and Jotaro are (at least as of this episode) two entirely different characters.
The point Erigu is trying to make, I think, is that Jotaro and company should be extra-cautious and careful due to their situation and leap to check out anything even slightly suspicious. Obviously this isn't a big deal to Araki, given how many times in Stardust Crusaders there was one guy off getting attacked while the rest of the crew were somewhere else doing zip, but I think it's legitimate to feel that Araki should have been more careful in how he depicted group behavior when they know there's the likelihood of an unknown threat (or that the anime staff should have done more to clean up this aspect of Araki's writing).
It's Jojo there is no logic behind it.We're coming at this from different angles I think. You're saying that it happening before doesn't mean it makes sense now, but I'm saying that it makes sense they would act this way now because they've done so before.
Somehow these two points coexist. Although logic has always been kinda fuzzy around Jojo.
There is plenty of logic, what's not to get about Rule of Cool?It's Jojo there is no logic behind it.
Yeah I get it completely. It's just that with "rule of cool" it doesn't always allow the shit you see to make any kind of god damn sense. You can try to and occasionally I do, but Jojo is some whacked out bullshit. The quicker people get used to it the more fun they can have with it. This isn't even peak whacked out Jojo Bullshit.There is plenty of logic, what's not to get about Rule of Cool?
I avoided this thread until I caught up with everything. Is there a date for the next episode?
Every Friday.
Oh, it does get worse. Far worse, unfortunately.This isn't even peak whacked out Jojo Bullshit.
The explosions are silent, the noise is for dramatic effect. Maybe.Forget the voices or the scream. Jotaro probably couldn't hear an Abrams tank going through the streets. There's few things louder than explosions.
I don't even find that to be bad since one of my favorite elements is whacked out stand bullshit.Oh, it does get worse. Far worse, unfortunately.
Aw geez, you totally $100% got it. He gets a new outfit and his old face back though!
is this for real? did i just get the ending spoiled for me? :|
Well I imagine they have a containment effect. When Shigekiyo died no one around noticed.The explosions are silent, the noise is for dramatic effect. Maybe.
That dude's hat is baller as fuck.That image is not even from JoJo, don't worry, it's not spoiling anything about part 4 or any future part.
honestly I'd be nicer to David Pro, but damn, stupid complaints about "filler", assholes posting spoilers (yeah, thanks for calling us "neurotic" earlier), and then they choose to start fucking up right when the "plot" people were demanding occurs, then fuck up several of the best fights in DiU, so the complaints not only didn't stop, but increased!
I can't wait for this season to be over, it's been awful.
I feel compressing 4 arcs into a single "Thursday" arc really screwed with pacing. Also they cut to many jokes overall.
great breakdown
The anime does a very poor job at conveying:
1. The battle is hard to hear from that distance
2. The rain is loud
So any time any of you think you hear someone you know you immediately go on a search for the possible person instead of just glancing about, right?
I mean, Jotaro heard the noises, he just assumed it must be something else. I seriously can't see the problem here. The normal thought process isn't "Hey, that sounded like a voice I recognise" -> "They must be fighting for their life, I must abandons my plans for the day to search for them!"
Having characters act completely inconsistently is not great storytelling. We've already been shown, on multiple occasions, that Jotaro is one of the most cautious and thorough people in the group. We know for sure that he'd check something out if he really heard anything. Ignoring his character in this battle, just for convenience, would be bad storytelling.Which would make for incredibly boring storytelling. People being cautious and safe isn't exciting. Making mistakes, bad calls of judgement and thus getting themselves into precarious situations is. Fincher's Zodiac wouldn't be half the movie if it didn't have Graysmith being reckless in his pursuit of the killer. And as I've said in a previous post, it's consistent with the theme of the Bites the Dust arc.
Well, anyway, I'm out of this. Arguing about what a character should have done is boring and fruitless.
BUT WHAT IS IT? I NEED TO KNOWThat image is not even from JoJo, don't worry, it's not spoiling anything about part 4 or any future part.
Happy to see some of my favorite panels get animated
Yeah, it's an incredibly slow burn but once everything comes together it's easily the best.It's interesting to see manga readers calling this a bad adaption. As an anime only viewer, I think this has easily been the best JoJo season. Not only in the story and characters, but also the pacing, direction, and animation.
Yeah, it's an incredibly slow burn but once everything comes together it's easily the best.
Yeah, it's an incredibly slow burn but once everything comes together it's easily the best.
I think the fact that so much of it makes no sense and feels absolutely random and ridiculous makes it feel slow for a lot of people, until later on when it all comes together and makes sense whereas previous parts were much more straightforward and you knew the end goal from the get go.Funny, for me the previous parts were much slower burns, part 4 feels much more concentrated and focused.
Well yeah lol, I'm hoping the following parts escalate things!So far
I can't believe you folks are still discussing the problem of Jotaro not hearing the battle! I thought I covered this pretty extensively earlier, but jut to remind people:
As I wrote extensively here, the anime 'doesn't do a poor job' of conveying that. It literally tells the audience that Jotaro can hear the battle. It's very badly directed.
How many more episodes? Think I fell off the bandwagon in the 20s so I'd like to marathon the rest.
I don't know that that's bad direction as much as a possible misinterpretation of the manga material. Despite your analysis of the manga designed to show that Jotaro heard nothing, just the fact that Jotaro turned towards the direction of Josuke's scream makes it logical for a reader to assume that Jotaro did in fact hear Josuke.
Edit: Honestly, I feel like the anime accurately reproduces what my interpretation of that scene in the manga is: Josuke screams, Jotaro hears it briefly and reacts, the sound of the scream fades to be replaced by the rain, Jotaro concludes he was mistaken and decides to ignore the sound he heard. I can see the argument that the anime should have portrayed that moment differently to avoid the questions that people here have had about it, but I don't think the manga is immune from the same questions here.
Don't at all read this unless you've finished jojosIt just occurred to me that, had Kira won there and then, Part 6 wouldn't have happened. Don't want to post manga spoilers, but anyone who has read Part 6 would obviously put the dots together.
2 i think![]()
The conclusion I came to is that we've become complacent that it even got adapted at all. Remember it took more than two decades to get here :X
Okay, so here's why I think it's qualitatively different, and it basically relates to your edit above. When you read the manga, your mind interprets the material and that creates the scene. In the anime, the scene actually exists and there is no interpretation.
In the manga, there is of course no sound, only sound bubbles and sound effects. If the sound effect of Josuke's scream is not literally in the same panel with Jotaro, then we don't literally know what he hears. Everything is left to the viewers interpretation - we create the scenario in our mind based off what we read in the manga. Now you are free to interpret it however you want, but it's arguably ambiguous.
In the anime, because the audio is literally exists and is playing across the scene, it's not ambiguous and we're not creating the audio in our mind - we are actually hearing it. To go back to the manga, the equivalent would be having the speech bubble featuring Josuke's scream literally be on the same panel as Jotaro's reacting a noise.
So I will agree with you that the manga can be read multiple ways, some of which might be problematic, but I don't think that's true of the anime.
It's probably also worth pointing out that when you skim across a manga panel briefly you get a very different impression of events compared to actually experiencing them in the anime. This really speaks to the very large differences between the two mediums, especially with respect to how often your mind "fills in the gaps" when reading a manga or comic book.
Don't at all read this unless you've finished jojos
If this is about Jolyne- she's already been born. I think she's about 6-9 years old.
Don't really want to talk about manga stuff in the anime thread tho.
TBF Rohan is a total dick remember how he forced Koichi to come to his house to read his life at will and manipulate his every move casually. No ordinary person would trust that guy. The fact they're even friends with him is quite absurd.A previous episode had Koichi blatantly disbelieve Rohan was being attacked even when Rohan was practically begging him to believe him. It's already been established that these characters are not paranoid 24/7, likely because they are still living normal lives for the vast majority of their time that we don't see because we only watch the stand related stuff. Jotaro himself states that he believes that the voice he heard was nothing. It was not suspicious to him, because he didn't think he even heard it. It's not like he heard him clearly and decided it would be fine.
I dunno, I'm gonna give up defending this. If people aren't going to accept a person not acting on no suspicions as a realistic response then there's not much else I could do.
Also I'm tired and it's 1am and I'm pretty sure we've thought more about what actions Jotaro would take in a given situation at this point more than Araki had ever intended anyone to do.
I dunno. When I think by the book, I think of something made by A1.DP trying to make a by-the-book adaption (for the most part) is one of its bigger sins, for sure
It just makes things look wonky when fitting it to episode format (the whole Jotaro rain thing) but mostly my problem with the anime is how static it feels
I think I agree given this last page. Although in my case I'm pretty sure these are the same people from the manga thread ¯\_(ツdoesn't help that most people in the anime thread seem to be assholes.