Don't worry. It's not like Hamon relies on breathing or anything.Did all of David Pro's budget go into Joseph's posing? Lisa Lisa's not even breathing.
What's a hamonDon't worry. It's not like Hamon relies on breathing or anything.
Thanks for sharing. I never understood that.For anyone wondering why Josuke Higashikata is nicknamed JoJo despite not having a name like Joseph Joestar or Jotaro Kujo - the characters for "Higa" in his name can be read as "Jo"
Explains why she jobbed to Cars, she wasn't breathing.Don't worry. It's not like Hamon relies on breathing or anything.
fun trivia: Araki wanted Lisa Lisa to actually fight and be even more important through Part 2, but the corporates forced him to do otherwiseExplains why she jobbed to Cars, she wasn't breathing.
I'm ready.
Get your poses ready:
Corporates fucked up since Lisa Lisa was hyped since she beat down Joseph with an oar. Then the next time she fights she's nothing. I expected her to be able to fight too since I love her design in the trivia: Araki wanted Lisa Lisa to actually fight and be even more important through Part 2, but the corporates forced him to do otherwise
But seriously, I don't get it.
It's finally time
Yes... Finally here...
what time does it actually go up on crunchyroll
Speaking of hair, I never understood what the fuck was up with Rohan's, I think is supposed to look like a paint brush, but what the fuck is that thing, a hat/bandana? Part of his hair?
For anyone wondering why Josuke Higashikata is nicknamed JoJo despite not having a name like Joseph Joestar or Jotaro Kujo - the characters for "Higa" in his name can be read as "Jo"
I thought it was the suke that could be read as "Jo".
Yes. To be more specific, the first Jo in Josuke is a Jô (long vowel). The second one is a short "jo", which is another way of reading the "suke" character.
The "higashi" in "Higashikata" can't be read "jo". It can be read as "tô", however. In fact, Higashi/Tô is the character for "East". You know what other other word has that character? Tôkyô, a.k.a "the Eastern capital".
Welp, time to re-subscribe to CrunchyRoll.
Yes. To be more specific, the first Jo in Josuke is a Jô (long vowel). The second one is a short "jo", which is another way of reading the "suke" character.
The "higashi" in "Higashikata" can't be read "jo". It can be read as "tô", however. In fact, Higashi/Tô is the character for "East". You know what other other word has that character? Tôkyô, a.k.a "the Eastern capital".
In fact, Higashikata (東方is usually read as Touhou.
You can read his last name as basically Eastern Jojo. 東方 can be read touhou, which is "from the east" and like you said 仗助 can be read "JoJo" first kanji being for cane and second being for help. I don't know this for sure, and I'm just making this up out of my ass, but it looks like his name signifies he's the Japanese version of his dad (who is a guy who is assisted by a cane).
I await DTL.
kuichi will be his champion
Did DTL like Jotaro? I thought Kakyoin was more his thing.