Fucked up thing is that Okuyasu's Stand is one of the few that could actually do it.
I don't think it can. It doesn't completely destroy things, and their dad can regenerate from pretty much any damage.
Fucked up thing is that Okuyasu's Stand is one of the few that could actually do it.
Is there any reason Crazy Diamond couldn't cure the dad?
Is there any reason Crazy Diamond couldn't cure the dad?
Is there any reason Crazy Diamond couldn't cure the dad?
I also remember something about Crazy Diamond being only able to affect things that were recent
Couldn't be true. That picture was clearly very old.
Doesn't his stand only affect recent changes? so its been way to long since the dad turned into the mindless zombie.
I think it might be able to work. Josuke was even willing to try, but that thread was dropped after Red Hot Chili Pepper showed up.
Huh, thought they were going to get to Echoes this episode. Slowing down that much is going to make it tough to cram everything into 3 cours.
And I don't care how emotionally manipulative the show tried to make it, I still got no sympathy for Keicho. Even discounting the numerous people he killed, letting a serial killer child rapist roam free isn't cool. Death doesn't redeem him in my eyes.
See now watch his stand evolve at the end to do something like that.If Jousuke can someone reverse the state of the father, his Stand would then logically have the ability to revert someone to a fetus or something. So I doubt Josuke can fix the father.
David Pro is seriously doing an amazing job with this. I mean the animation is just so much better than Stardust Crusaders its unbelievable.
The Crusaders had boring powers in Part 3 'cause Stands were just starting out, and the original 4 were based on ESP powers.Just wanna point out that Crazy Diamond is just about the coolest power you can give to a shonen protagonist.
Like i'm so used to the main protagonist having (comparatively) boring powers, but Crazy Diamond is GURRETO daze.
Given how much space Okuyasu erased during his fight with Josuke, he would be perfectly capable of completely annihilating a humanoid body with a few swipes.I don't think it can. It doesn't completely destroy things, and their dad can regenerate from pretty much any damage.
Having a water-based Stand in the desert is a pretty tough gig though.Compare that to the Part 4 team starting off with Crazy Diamond, Star Platinum Time Stop Edition, The Hand. Heck, look at how much more interesting Aqua Necklace was compared with N'Doul/Geb.
Just wanna point out that Crazy Diamond is just about the coolest power you can give to a shonen protagonist.
Like i'm so used to the main protagonist having (comparatively) boring powers, but Crazy Diamond is GURRETO daze.
Given how much space Okuyasu erased during his fight with Josuke, he would be perfectly capable of completely annihilating a humanoid body with a few swipes.
I didn't say "destroyed". We do know things touched by Cream and The Hand get ripped into another dimension and cease to exist in the normal reality. Which, presumably, given the Hand's insane speed would work on the entirety of the father's body.Can you link a source that states things swiped away by The Hand are destroyed? Because at this point in time there's nothing to suggest they are. Okuyasu states "even I dont know what happens to them".
Yeah, there's technically nothing "wrong" with the dad. He's been a gross mutant for like 10 years. It's pretty much become his natural state, his own automatic healing is likely better than Crazy D's ability since it makes him immortal and regrows new body parts. Plus, we've only seen Crazy Diamond fix things using the original parts, which it summons back together.
PokéKong;202353203 said:The definition of "repairing" things is wildly stretched from the very first time the stand is introduced. The bully's face, Jotaro's hat, the Angelo rock... Crazy Diamond can seem to punch things and reconfigure them to its will. I don't think they ever state any rule about a time limit. It would be an extreme case to reverse such a complicated and overpowering condition of his whole body, but it certainly makes sense for Josuke to at least try.
In which case he should be able to "repair" people back to fetuses.
i mean, why not
PokéKong;202353203 said:The definition of "repairing" things is wildly stretched from the very first time the stand is introduced. The bully's face, Jotaro's hat, the Angelo rock... Crazy Diamond can seem to punch things and reconfigure them to its will. I don't think they ever state any rule about a time limit. It would be an extreme case to reverse such a complicated and overpowering condition of his whole body, but it certainly makes sense for Josuke to at least try.
Shaquyasu is PERFECT
Given how much space Okuyasu erased during his fight with Josuke, he would be perfectly capable of completely annihilating a humanoid body with a few swipes.
There's a 99.9% chance this is the correct answer.Doubt Araki gave it much thought though.
So it can't "repair" someone back into being a fetus, since adults aren't "broken."
oh my godoh my god the hand making the dunk fucking killed me
In which case he should be able to "repair" people back to fetuses.
Re: Crazy Diamond
So it can't "repair" someone back into being a fetus, since adults aren't "broken." Same with Keicho's dad since his body is fucked up but not broken (and iirc it was explicitly stated to not heal people who are sick with a disease).
His power works by scraping things away, not completely annihilating them. It's like cutting a piece of paper with a pair of scissors. No matter how many times you cut something, a part will be left over (and then the remaining parts stick together). Even if you cut a huge chunk, a tiny piece will always be left. And presumably his father was capable of regenerating from even the tiniest piece left over.
Doubt Araki gave it much thought though.
The aspect of things stitching back together is wildly inconsistent and it's debatable a) how it works at all and b) if Okuyasu can choose as to have it happen or not (although in his case that would probably be unconsciously). A later fight illustrates what I mean, but I don't want to get too spoilery.His power works by scraping things away, not completely annihilating them. It's like cutting a piece of paper with a pair of scissors. No matter how many times you cut something, a part will be left over (and then the remaining parts stick together). Even if you cut a huge chunk, a tiny piece will always be left. And presumably his father was capable of regenerating from even the tiniest piece left over.
Doubt Araki gave it much thought though.
Rewatched Part 2 and the last couple episodes of Part 3.
Man, what a bummer Part 3 was. Dio's defeat was a bummer back then and still a big wet fart now. Just felt too "oh, we're out of time, guess he has to die now". Part 2 was just so well done with the music and editing and, even though I didn't care about Cars as a villain, everything still comes together so well at the end. Part 3 just kind of loses steam right at the end and DIo's defeat just isn't satisfactory in any way. It's a shame too because the rest of the fight is great, but, nah, guess this time the punch kills him and not the other 20 times. And as silly as a ROAD ROLLA is, it just isn't as... cool? as Either Part 1 or Part 2's final fights are. That's not even getting into how I just don't like Part 3 as a whole and don't like how it's basically Filler: The Arc.
Also it's kind of a bummer they didn't have OP4 transition into the actual episode from ZA WARUDO. Woulda been super hype for the last episode to do that.
I could've sworn Dio only died because of the sunlight though? Granted, it's been a while since I read part 3