Captain Rage Quit 69
Just putting out there that I like Chariot Requiem's design
I kind of want VA to replace the OST with something more jazz and/or metal, tbh. Get the guy from Blood Blockade Battlefront on board.
Just putting out there that I like Chariot Requiem's design
Rightstuf says the release date is now 8/8. Ugh, I wonder what happened to cause the 2 week delay.I got my Bluray delayed on Amazon. It now shows that it will arrive from August 8th to the 18th.
Kinda bummed out about this tbh.
this is an underappreciated bit of art
You're going to love the part 6 villain. And yeah Polnareff returnsWoot I am hyped! Heard Polnareff returns, definitely my favourite character from part III - his encounter with vanilla ice was brilliant.
Overall the cast from Part IV is my favourite, everyone was memorable. Kira is definitely the stand out villain from the series thus far, that's no disrespect to DIO. Kira's motivations of just wanting a normal life and his approach to the ordeals was brilliant.
this is an underappreciated bit of art
I see you've never actually read Jojo before.What is up with Jojo's pants/butt? It's like Araki didn't even bother lol.
Woot I am hyped! Heard Polnareff returns, definitely my favourite character from part III - his encounter with vanilla ice was brilliant.
It's always weird when I think of Dio relative to the other major antagonists. It's like, here you have this amazing bastard of a villain, undeniably iconic in all of manga, and yet when I get right down to it, he doesn't even place in my top three JoJo antags. It's a credit to Araki that his chief heel is overwhelmingly great and yet still can't even take the bronze in my (and plenty of people's) personal rankings.Overall the cast from Part IV is my favourite, everyone was memorable. Kira is definitely the stand out villain from the series thus far, that's no disrespect to DIO. Kira's motivations of just wanting a normal life and his approach to the ordeals was brilliant.
Pucci wouldn't be Pucci without Dio-sama though...I can't wait to experience Valentine if he's really that damn good.![]()
It's always weird when I think of Dio relative to the other major antagonists. It's like, here you have this amazing bastard of a villain, undeniably iconic in all of manga, and yet when I get right down to it, he doesn't even place in my top three JoJo antags. It's a credit to Araki that his chief heel is overwhelmingly great and yet still can't even take the bronze in my (and plenty of people's) personal rankings.
Dio's might not be one of my top villains, butStone Ocean Dio and Diego are two of my favorite characters.
is it blasphemous to say I likeDio's might not be one of my top villains, butStone Ocean Dio and Diego are two of my favorite characters.
Wonder how representative that is of his ZA WARUDO.
is it blasphemous to say I likealot more than dioDiego
is it blasphemous to say I likealot more than dioDiego
Not at it blasphemous to say I likealot more than dioDiego
Does Rohan's last pose remind anyone else of Joseph and his clackers?
Eh I dunno, the horses of SBR are gonna be tricky. They're probably going to be CG.OVA looks pretty good! Jojolion/SBR art is totally doable
OH that looks nice in motion.
is it blasphemous to say I likealot more than dioDiego