I very much suggest buying this game ASAP, before it is overrun with those who have beaten it many times and are only looking for the trophies. Because it's great to have someone with you who is playing for the first time and is as clueless as you.
Just a trophy.
I very much suggest buying this game ASAP, before it is overrun with those who have beaten it many times and are only looking for the trophies. Because it's great to have someone with you who is playing for the first time and is as clueless as you.
2nd run was much better.
I also took the "companion" trophy with this one, and i could swear i was with the same person for most of the journey but, at the end, it gave me like 8 names.. what the hell?I don't know who it was now.
2nd run was much better.
I also took the "companion" trophy with this one, and i could swear i was with the same person for most of the journey but, at the end, it gave me like 8 names.. what the hell?I don't know who it was now.
Do you have to find them in one go, or can you get them in several plays?
You don't need to find them in one run, can get them in several plays.
Steambox HAH! I've got myself a Thatgamecompanybox. Bought the PS3 for KZ3(lololol) but have pretty much only played Flower & Journey since.
Oh come on now :/
Also check out flOw. It's TGC's first PSN game and it's quite relaxing to play too actually. Played better than the flash version you can find online, mostly due to controls.
How beautiful it is, what is the feeling behind that? What is the nature, the quality of emotion, the surging of something? Is that beauty? Or is beauty the total absence of the observer? When there is only complete observation, in which there is no choice, no division, there must be this sense of beauty. That may be that which is sacred.
Thanks I will check it out. Don't think I've heard of it. Would youtube it to see if it looks familiar but my new work computer doesn't seem to want me to watch any youtube vidoes. Arghh!!!!
And quick question: does your scarf length carry over?
Did not mean to sound like an ass with that comment. Let me rephrase it this way. I just don't see how one could not at least come away appreciating the metaphor of life this game provides.
Underneath the surface of being just a fun little gem to glide through with a charming cloaked stick figure in beautiful environments, the game brings to mind feelings that resonate with our own journey in life. For example:
- The magic and beauty of just being here on our own journey
- The companions you find along the way. Those you met and have lost track of along the way... and those that have stuck with you through thick and thin.
- The struggles and feeling of defeat while on your way to a goal, and the subsequent redemption (resurrection) through perseverance and determination
- Reaching the goal you set and walking into the light with held held high in accomplishment.
We all have many little 'journeys' in life, with life itself being the biggest one of them all. Keeping that in mind, not a soul alive can't resonate with that. Which is why I don't see how anyone could not at least come away with an appreciation for that alone, whether they like the game part on the surface or not. That is all I meant to say.
Hi guys, I hope you can assist me.
I tried to search but nothing came up.
I just started up Journey for the first time, and it's glitching really badly. Polygons are flashing and sometimes parts of the screen (or at times the entire screen) flashes a variety of colors. I take it this is not part of the game. Any idea what can cause this and more importantly, how to get rid of it?
Fair enough. I'm not trying to sound like an ass either. This thread is rather refreshing for having such a unanimously positive atmosphere, so the last thing I want to do is turn it into a hatefest.
I'm just kind of disappointed I didn't get the same transcendental experience from the game that virtually everyone else has, especially when I fully expected to. Reading some of the posts here make me feel like I'm missing something, especially when a few seem identical to my thoughts on Flower.
I can definitely understand the metaphors, though I don't know if I'd say I "appreciate" them because I kind of equate that with the feeling everyone else has gotten from the game. I can mostly understand why others would though.
The time I finished the game to get the companion trophy, I only had 2 names on my 'Players you met' list.
Anyone here have just one? That's be awesome in it's own way.
Fair enough. I'm not trying to sound like an ass either. This thread is rather refreshing for having such a unanimously positive atmosphere, so the last thing I want to do is turn it into a hatefest.
I'm just kind of disappointed I didn't get the same transcendental experience from the game that virtually everyone else has, especially when I fully expected to. Reading some of the posts here make me feel like I'm missing something, especially when a few seem identical to my thoughts on Flower.
I can definitely understand the metaphors, though I don't know if I'd say I "appreciate" them because I kind of equate that with the feeling everyone else has gotten from the game. I can mostly understand why others would though.
Have you tried rebooting and see if it went away? You could also try reinstalling the game. Most likely though, your PS3 may be dying.
It's not enough to have glowing, orgasmic praise from 99% of the reviews/impressions, those 1% must be cold, heartless bastards
Did not mean to sound like an ass with that comment. Let me rephrase it this way. I just don't see how one could not at least come away appreciating the metaphor of life this game provides.
Underneath the surface of being just a fun little gem to glide through with a charming cloaked stick figure in beautiful environments, the game brings to mind feelings that resonate with our own journey in life. For example:
- The magic and beauty of just being here on our own journey
- The companions you find along the way. Those you met and have lost track of along the way... and those that have stuck with you through thick and thin.
- The struggles and feeling of defeat while on your way to a goal, and the subsequent redemption (resurrection) through perseverance and determination
- Reaching the goal you set and walking into the light with held held high in accomplishment.
We all have many little 'journeys' in life, with life itself being the biggest one of them all. Keeping that in mind, not a soul alive can't resonate with that. Which is why I don't see how anyone could not at least come away with an appreciation for that alone, whether they like the game part on the surface or not. That is all I meant to say.
Ra1den said:It's interesting how for me it was the total opposite. Flower did virtually nothing for me emotionally, I simply thought it was pretty to look at. Journey though blew me away time after time, and continues to do so on repeated playthroughs.
Perhaps this is your problem.especially when I fully expected to.
Earlier, I likened it to being in kindergarten - the way children will become friends automatically when they see another kid playing with a toy that they also like to play with. Absolutely no "adult" hang-ups, and no worrying about betrayal or any of that other stuff.Nah you're not being an ass, you're just expressing your opinion, that's cool.
I normally have a pretty jaded outlook on humanity but this game has helped restore a bit of faith. Its ability to break down all the barriers we have between eachother is striking. The knowledge that at any time you could be playing along with someone whom you may even be enemies with if met in real life is profound. Sure that's possible with any online game, although here you're sharing something beautiful and constructive. Most online games almost always revolve around agression and killing eachother or helping to kill others. Here there's a child like innocence that I believe is present in all of us no matter how old we get or what nationality or belief system we subscribe to.
The comments and reactions in this thread alone are warming; I'm almost enjoying these as much as the game itself.
anyone else notice DEM SPOILERS
I still think it's remarkable just how similarly most encounters play out; there seems to be a set of common chirping patterns (two quick ones as an analogue for "thank you", etc) and with rare exception most people tend to stick close to one another. I've only had three or four partners of the ~50 or so I've met run off and leave to do their own thing.
No doubt, a lot of it has to do with the limitations placed on the player. But I still think it's interesting how most strangers seem to interact in very similar ways.
anyone else notice that when you're really close to your partner in the snow world, you warm up some and retain color?
anyone else notice that when you're really close to your partner in the snow world, you warm up some and retain color?
Such pure untainted companionship is perhaps not even a possibility in the world as we know it. May only be possible in a world of infinite resources and affection, or if a radical transformation of human thought takes place.
In the meantime, we have Journey.
Earlier, I likened it to being in kindergarten - the way children will become friends automatically when they see another kid playing with a toy that they also like to play with. Absolutely no "adult" hang-ups, and no worrying about betrayal or any of that other stuff.
I think MOST of the people I'm matched with don't want to have anything to do with me or disconnect after a short while (people keep abandoning me in the pink desert for some reason.) Maybe I dance and sing too much?
What you want is post-scarcity.
AKA read Culture
anyone else notice that when you're really close to your partner in the snow world, you warm up some and retain color?
Then i lost one guy as i raced ahead on some hugesun-kissed downhill racing sequence,f
Gee Lissar, that's too bad. It could be that some are going in for the achievements/trophies and are only playing select levels and jumping in and out. I did this last night but "offline" because I didn't want to meet up with someone and then go off trophy hunting and let them down. Tonight, I'm playing online again even though I still have 2 trophies to get; the heck with it. Hopefully I meet up with your dancing and singing self sometime. BTW, I love the artwork you posted earlier. Man I wish I had the talent some of you guys/girls have.
I seem to be having problems with the Adventure trophy
I passed through 19 gates and still didn't get it... what gives?
I like this game a lot but your argument is basically 'how can someone not love the extremely painfully obvious metaphor for life which has been covered by countless thousands of movies, books, and film, likely in a superior fashion, because it's a metaphor for life! It's life!'
yes it's a metaphor for life, that doesn't mean that it is a particularly engaging product on the subject, nor does it even necessarily mean that 'purpose' transcends enough to make up for what some may consider its shortcomings as a game. I felt it engaged me, but as someone on the other side of the fence before playing the complete game, I can certainly see how someone might remain negative about it even after playing it. It is not that special to make it above criticism or disdain.