I still can't download the theme with the PS3 browser. Everytime I click the link it just opens another window full of nonsensical characters. 
they never do
Oh man, that's a terrific idea. Terrifically dangerous too, the hours would just fly by...Love the game, wish there was an endless desert mode, where random ruins and temples show up. Something like a procedurally generated open playground.
Are you seriously trying to set the thumbnails as the wallpaper? Please tell me you're not.
Click on the pictures to get the high res versions and save those to your usb stick. You can apply them as your ps3 wallpaper from there.
You can meditate by pressing select, it's a kind of pause I guess.
I still can't download the theme with the PS3 browser. Everytime I click the link it just opens another window full of nonsensical characters.![]()
thanks!Anybody want to take this for a test drive?
Haven't encountered ayet. Does it change something gameplay wise when you have it or is it purely cosmetic?white cloak
Your scarf auto recharges
I want to play, but I must wait for ReturnWill not change the clock to get it.
I want to play, but I must wait for ReturnWill not change the clock to get it.
Lost my companion a few minutes from the end, and surprisingly gutted about it, i will rectify.
Is there a guide to finding all the orbs or whatever? I've played through about 2.5 times but am still missing 2.
Fu$&en A gaf...why do I read you...just downloaded and ready for my 1st journey!
Fu$&en A gaf...why do I read you...just downloaded and ready for my 1st journey!
"My feelings on playing Journey. Its value is not as a time waster, but as a rare emotional experience. I wish I could have a great many people play this game."
Sorry for the confusion, the JPEG's were saved incorrectly! Everything should work now, tested it again.
get it here
Well I hate to be that guy buy I really didn't "get" this game. Just felt like a Team Ico try hard except without any of the emotion connection. My game lasted 90 minutes and consisted of holding forward and tapping x and circle from time to time. Looks and sounds fantastic but really left me scratching my head wondering where my ten quid went.
Well I hate to be that guy buy I really didn't "get" this game. Just felt like a Team Ico try hard except without any of the emotion connection. My game lasted 90 minutes and consisted of holding forward and tapping x and circle from time to time. Looks and sounds fantastic but really left me scratching my head wondering where my ten quid went.
Well I hate to be that guy buy I really didn't "get" this game. Just felt like a Team Ico try hard except without any of the emotion connection. My game lasted 90 minutes and consisted of holding forward and tapping x and circle from time to time. Looks and sounds fantastic but really left me scratching my head wondering where my ten quid went.
I didn't get Team Ico vibes from this at all. They both employ minimalistic storytelling, but that's where the similarities end. It is unfortunate if any game that employs minimalistic storytelling gets pegged as Team Ico wannabes.
I played through it a second time today and it was awesome.I had a guy in white show me all of the hidden stuff. The best part is that he stuck with me the whole time, which of course made the ending so great. I had other people in my room during the playthrough though, which made the experience not as great as it could of been.
I'm really looking forward to playing it again in a month or something, in the dark and alone. Should be awesome.
I have to say, this is probably one of my favorite games. No other has ever come close to making me get so emotional. Just listening to the soundtrack feels great.
Best seamless multiplayer transition ... So seamless I didn't realize until after the game it happened:
At the cliff side temple where wind is blowing you and your buddy backwards ... You use cover to block the wind. There is a chasm you can be blown off of. I get blown off. Start chiming like mad from bottom, my partner chiming like mad from up top. Then 10 seconds of silence. I think I'm alone so sad. All of the sudden my buddy shows up behind me at bottom. Bursts of chime to express our joy that we are together again. I only realized after i finshed the game that likely I got disconnected from guy up top and the game joined me to another poor soul who had also got blown off. So awesome.
In a year this will most likely be put up for sale, I think I will wait till then.
I don't think I've ever played a game that made me care so much about another player. And the thing is, while having a second player is conducive to progressing through the game, it isn't necessary. So my obligation to my companion is completely intrinsic in nature.
Just finished it.
Walkingthrough the snow, seemingly keeping each other warm with our chimes was incredible. My friend 'died' first. I was so sad...
I didn't get Team Ico vibes from this at all. They both employ minimalistic storytelling, but that's where the similarities end. It is unfortunate if any game that employs minimalistic storytelling gets pegged as Team Ico wannabes.
Reposting one more time. For the evening crowd!
get it here
Forgot to say thanks, downloaded earlier.