Doesn't he turn yellow when he gets hit there? Yeah, he's not holding those belts at all.Cena will win LOL. Only cause Brock has that thing with his stomach and can't defend the championship properly. #notapredictionitsaspoiler
I guess we're supposed to forget this happened. lol
Yeah, why watch?With that kind of rationale, why even watch WWE in 2014?
I'd drive to Miami now for the crowd reactions.Imagine if Sting came out right now.
Cena already beat Brock why should he be scared of any of these threats lol
Yeah, why watch?
Yeah, am I?I asked you. I'm entertained, are you?
Paulie is talking way too much...we get it breh.
How many F5's are we expecting in this match? At least 3, right?
What? He got that fixed.
Did Paul talk past the overrun?
Yeah, am I?
Cena will win LOL. Only cause Brock has that thing with his stomach and can't defend the championship properly. #notapredictionitsaspoiler
Paulie is talking way too much...we get it breh.
How many F5's are we expecting in this match? At least 3, right?
Lesnar wins. He has to or else the streak is completely buried. However, part of me is still super worried that the will somehow let him walk out with the to tiles because of lolcenawins.
With that kind of rationale, why even watch WWE in 2014?
Yeah, am I SoulPlaya?Okay, SoulPlaya.
SWERVEYeah, am I SoulPlaya?