I'm sitting here in this 50 post by 13 page thread and my beady little eeeeeyes can't believe what I'm reading! You trash!
I have like 6-8 weekly podcasts that I listen to and rarely skip. I work out 3-5 times a week and I still don't get through them all. I'm always a month behind on Regular Features.What.the.hell.
How do you guys have to time to listen to an 11 hour podcast?
Speaking of working out, I just finished the first 13 weeks [beginner] of the DDP Yoga program. I usually do it after a jog, 3 times a week, and it's pretty good. Usually, I'm a cardio only guy (football, cycling, running) but this has definitely helped with strength and flexibility. I still need to fix my shitty, sugar-filled diet though but otherwise I like feeling the...