You're the strategy guide.
So you come to me when you need help with your kideo game?

You're the strategy guide.
So you come to me when you need help with your kideo game?
Yes. How to become champion in GWF pls?
Step 1) Beat Beefy
Step 2) Enjoy!
Off topic - that John McCain thread is interesting
i havent been reading it, whats going on
Try and guess who this new Maddam Tuassauds wax work model is?
Beyonce looking white
Mission failed, return to base. That's godawfulTry and guess who this new Maddam Tuassauds wax work model is?
Beyonce looking white
Step 1) Beat Beefy
Step 2) Enjoy!
A lot of people seemingly getting upset because other people aren't sad that McCain has brain cancer because they haven't forgotten McCain is a terrible person
Try and guess who this new Maddam Tuassauds wax work model is?
Beyonce looking white
You put in those hours this year?
Yakuza 0 is a fantastic game
Friend Zach and Friend Menome, have either of you watched The Art Life?
Nope. Seems risky. I'm too irreverent for art. I don't know how I enjoy Lynch's moviez, etc. I'm a complex man with many emotions.
Yakuza 0 is a fantastic game
WWE TapMania is out, the custom jobber character you play as has a random name and finisher. My dude is named Beefy Magnum and his finisher is called "To the Extreme!"
It is pretty grounded to be honest. Especially considering it is about Lynch. It is more about his early life and experiences and what he did to create things he wanted to than superfluous nonsense.
More like Markmania.WWE TapMania is out, the custom jobber character you play as has a random name and finisher. My dude is named Beefy Magnum and his finisher is called "To the Extreme!"
I guess I'll watch it five times then.
It is good. There is a lot of weird shit though. The story of when he happily shows his dad a basement he filled with small tables covered in decaying fruit, dead birds and mice wrapped in plastic is pretty....................................................
Just as I was considering giving up TLF forever they started doing these 1997 shows a few months back.
1997 is the best year in North American wrestling, with 1996 close behind. All sorts of amazing things happen in both WCW and WWF and it all set the stage for what was to come.
KOTR 1997 is no exception.
A lot of people seemingly getting upset because other people aren't sad that McCain has brain cancer because they haven't forgotten McCain is a terrible person
I still haven't finished The Taken King DLC, and feel bad about it. Got fed up with that jumpy, platforming part, dropped it, and never came back.
I should give it another shot.
I wonder if they're going to get through all of the shows in time for the 20th anniversary of the Screwjob.
I'll play as much Destiny as I can. If you're on Xbox, I'll run with you.
I was thinking "that sort of looks like Beyonce, but it can't be" then I read your spoiler.
It's no Nicki Minaj at least.
They had to put a fence around it and an armed guard next to it.
I did 1) but the game glitched after the 3 countFine, I'll try again. I only need
that's pretty fuckin egregious whitewashing if that is supposed to be beyonce. she even registered as 'some white lady' to me before i read your spoiler. egregious as heck.
Mission failed, return to base. That's godawful
I was thinking "that sort of looks like Beyonce, but it can't be" then I read your spoiler.
It's no Nicki Minaj at least.
They had to put a fence around it and an armed guard next to it.
Catching up on last night's G1 now
It's really incredible how much Tama Tonga has improved. I think he could probably definitely have a solid single's career
A lot of people seemingly getting upset because other people aren't sad that McCain has brain cancer because they haven't forgotten McCain is a terrible person
A lot of people seemingly getting upset because other people aren't sad that McCain has brain cancer because they haven't forgotten McCain is a terrible person
Glad to see some Tama Tonga love
Catching up on last night's G1 now
It's really incredible how much Tama Tonga has improved. I think he could probably definitely have a solid single's career
Ok expanding this to say Sanada, Evil and Tama have really grown and stepped up HUGE over the last year. Sanada and Evil are going ham in this match and it's been exciting.
Sanada had always been awesome.Ok expanding this to say Sanada, Evil and Tama have really grown and stepped up HUGE over the last year. Sanada and Evil are going ham in this match and it's been exciting.
Nah, keep GoD together
Sanada had always been awesome.
Sanada had always been awesome.
Watching it right nowThats true but have you even watched tonights show since you had your beauty sleep?
Dude will be a star with or without LIJ. And in LIJ Naito will be his ceiling.