Dragonzord is his own robot. Dragonzord don't need no Tommy.I can't be aligned with Dragonzord for obvious reasons
Dragonzord is his own robot. Dragonzord don't need no Tommy.I can't be aligned with Dragonzord for obvious reasons
Tell that to DMczaf.Plywood is the eye candy with all the sweet avatars.
Tell that to DMczaf.
That's right DMczaf, we in control of this thread like Kobe Bryant in a hotel room in Colorado!
And KOG eats a vicious right hook!Oh
KOG you smell
That's right DMczaf, we in control of this thread like Kobe Bryant in a hotel room in Colorado!
*checks WrassleGAF*
Join us, Net. You started the Kane Kliq. We could use that type of wisdom.*checks WrassleGAF*
His Kliq? That selfish attitude will get you nowhere.The King of Games has his own Kliq
Women's wrestling is officially dead right?
AJ could have really brought some new found attention to it. Be the new Lita or Trish. Instead, she's in a position that could ruin her character, and knowing RAW GMs, she won't even last long in that position.I hope not! What a loss that would be.
This is a cog:The King of Games has his own Kliq
And KOG goes down for the count!This is a cog:
Your name is KOG.
These are "Kings of Games":
Women's wrestling is officially dead right?
Bryan's purpose now is to promote Sheen's new show.Maybe they're still going with the she's crazy idea and Daniel Bryan will get her back or something.
Not until my precious Tenille debutsWomen's wrestling is officially dead right?
Women's wrestling is officially dead right?
I'm not crazy, just insane.Soul's going crazy. That anger management will do you good! The new stable may have room but this insanity cannot be a presence.
Not until Tenille debuts
Tenille is someone you could build a division around. She's super talented, young, omega tier cute, and it's not like a 'cute in a creepy way'.
I'm not crazy, just insane.
Lying to the lunatic who lives inside my brain.
Lol, you don't even get it, KOG. Rip you off? You ripped me off long before you even realized it.amazing how well you rip me off
I believe I had someone living in my head first, and he tells me to do things!
Lol, you don't even get it, KOG. Rip you off? You ripped me off long before you even realized it.
That line I posted is a lyric from this song that I posted in the Metal thread years ago.
Kharma seems more like a female Bane. Paige is the girl with the dragon tattoo.
Hey Plywood, I like your avatar. Never change it.
But you just said you hated it.
What is this, opposite day?Hey Plywood, I like your avatar. Never change it.
You know who loved to read Thor comics growing up? Kane.Tenille is Thor
Better movie
What is this, opposite day?
Yeah, I don't think I know who that is.Her?
What is this, opposite day?
Why is she all squished down in your avatar?
I'm on the West Coast so I still have a half hour left but I need someone to spoil this for me.
Will I get to see the HHH/Lesnar promo again? I've only seen it 4 times already tonight and I need it at least twice more before the end of the night because HHH is so cool.
Sounds like a future tag team partnerI'm just saying that your avatar is great and you should never change it.