No they need to get Arika cracking on Network Transmission 2.BuddyChrist83 said:You know, after playing X7 and X8 - No, no they don't.
No they need to get Arika cracking on Network Transmission 2.BuddyChrist83 said:You know, after playing X7 and X8 - No, no they don't.
jarrod said:Check your numbers again. GC is ahead over 3 million in Japan while XBox is 1.5 million ahead in the US (maybe close to 2 million with Canada), 500k-1 million across Europe and 500k in Asia/Pacific (outside Japan of course). "Without a doubt" you need a fact checker, both platforms are probably in a dead heat, or possibly a slight lead at best either way. It'll probably continue this way, though XBox will have one less year on the shelves which could see GC ahead in the end (like Genesis/SNES).
Also, the last company to throw in 2 free games was Microsoft. In fact they had to do it twice....
jarrod said:No they need to get Arika cracking on Network Transmission 2.
This man speaks the truth!JC10001 said:Speaking of Canada. Why can't we find someone to give us Canadian NPD figures? Just imagine a double dose of NPD goodness each month!!!
I dunno, the JSRF/Sega GT bundle took everyone by surprise performance wise. The PS2 GT3 bundle was hugely successful also as has the Halo bundle been... I think it really just takes the right software. That said, I don't think Metroid Prime is the right software. :/jedimike said:Bundling doesn't have nearly the effect as a price drop. MS knows this first hand.
Yeah...I don't know if there is even one GC title out there at present that could qualify as the right one to drive a bundle.jarrod said:I dunno, the JSRF/Sega GT bundle took everyone by surprise performance wise. The PS2 GT3 bundle was hugely successful also as has the Halo bundle been... I think it really just takes the right software. That said, I don't think Metroid Prime is the right software. :/
jarrod said:I dunno, the JSRF/Sega GT bundle took everyone by surprise performance wise. The PS2 GT3 bundle was hugely successful also as has the Halo bundle been... I think it really just takes the right software. That said, I don't think Metroid Prime is the right software. :/
BeOnEdge said:I wonder what nintendo will do this fall? they really have nowhere to go. it will be very interesting. 2 free games maybe? 3? sega tried 3 free with saturn in the end too. LOL.
Man, Europe really is Sony country... those GBA sales are pathetic. :/
I think a Mario bundle would have more weight, Mario still has pull with casuals. Maybe have a combination of Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart or a Zelda syle Mario Collection (NES SMB1-3+64). Then again, a Mario Compilation might eat into sales of the Mario Advance series and the upcoming Mario 64x4 on DS.human5892 said:Yeah...I don't know if there is even one GC title out there at present that could qualify as the right one to drive a bundle.
They just had the Halo bundle this spring.jedimike said:Bundles may be successful, but they don't have the same effect. Last year MS still had bundles. This year they don't have a bundle, but they had a price drop and they are 400k units ahead of where they were last year.
Well, they had the Mario Sunshine bundle for a while there...I'm not sure exactly what kind of sales that drove, though. A classic Mario disc would sell greatly, but I don't think that would ever happen; as you said, the GBA ports just sell way too much for that.jarrod said:I think a Mario bundle would have more weight, Mario still has pull with casuals. Maybe have a combination of Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart or a Zelda syle Mario Collection (NES SMB1-3+64). Then again, a Mario Compilation might eat into sales of the Mario Advance series and the upcoming Mario 64x4 on DS.
dude, MS arent that far ahead, they are only ahead by about 180K, but tht gap is gonna increase due to Halo 2. Halo 2 aint gonna do shit to Sony but its really gonna hurt Nintendo and I'm not sure if Zelda GC can make up for gamecube sales by the time this generation ends. If MS does end up second, then I've gotta say congrats to them.BeOnEdge said:427k!!!!! i'm still on the floor from that one. good god. anyway, without a doubt, ms is #2 worldwide now. even though the end of this gen, japan will not help nintendo. put it like this. japan is 3 million ahead in GCs favor. US is 2m in XBs favor, atleast 1m in EU and another 1 in australia where GC is non existant. as long as US or EU keep XB as their 2nd choice console, the sales will always make up for MS dire situation in japan. BTW, i have reschedules the UPRISING 'til september.I wonder what nintendo will do this fall? they really have nowhere to go. it will be very interesting. 2 free games maybe? 3? sega tried 3 free with saturn in the end too. LOL.
So are Sony and Nintendo's Korea/Australia/China/Hong Kong/New Zealand numbers included or are those Japan only for GC/PS2/GBA?psycho_snake said:Anyway, thanks for answering my question about Japan/Asia/Australia sale numbers Jedimike
In Korea they are around 60-70k, don't have much clue about other regions, but if it's covered similarly as PS2, total probably doesn't break 200k.I don't know but Xbox has sold 446,632 units in Japan since it's launch and I doubt that the rest of Asia would even manage to match that amount, let alone more than double it.
OG_Original Gamer said:Your credibility went down after the uprising flop, Nintendo should sell 3 million consoles this fall($99.99) in the U.S. MS should pull 2.5 this fall and Sony could be around 3.5-4 million.
Er... keep reaching. PS2/Xbox aren't exactly bursting with major summer releases either, how do you come to the conclusion GC will lose enough mindshare in a insignificant period (summer) to actually affect the most important season (holidays)? Actually, Nintendo has a record of having the greatest gains in the 4th quarter (it's when they move something like 60% of their product).BeOnEdge said:i think it'll more dependant on how the GC fares up thru october. the only reason it sold 100k this month was because of 4 swords IMO. without any other major titles til fall, the GC loses even more mindshare than it already has while the XB and PS2 keep the hits coming. that negativity for nintendo and positivity for sony and MS will carry christmas.
SolidSnakex said:It'll be Sony, MS then Nintendo this Holiday. If Nintendo doesn't make some kind of move this holiday, i'd say they've just about given up on the GC because that's what it seems like now.
He did say summer releases.SolidSnakex said:"Er... keep reaching. PS2/Xbox aren't exactly bursting with major summer releases either,"
GTA, GT4 and MGS3 aren't major? You've got 2 of those franchises which take up the top 3 best selling games this gen. That's about as major as you can get. And MGS3 is huge too.
NWO said:That would be MS that's giving up on their console after this Christmas....Cube still has 2005 with a little thing called Realistic Zelda.....
jarrod said:Er... keep reaching. PS2/Xbox aren't exactly bursting with major summer releases either, how do you come to the conclusion GC will lose enough mindshare in a insignificant period (summer) to actually affect the most important season (holidays)?
GC: home to 8 year-olds and old-school gamers?
etiolate said:Home of people who still play videogames for videogames.
RE4 as big holiday games
Link316 said:realistically Zelda won't do much of anything for the GC, given Nintendo's history of delays it probably won't make it out until the end of 2005/early 2006
Pikmin 2 will outsell every summer XBox release.bheemer said:pikmin tales and those other games you listed are all niche games. they might be great games (havent played any of them) but they only appeal to a small amount of people.
Early reports seem to indicate the opposite for Tales actually. And Pikmin's an EAD proberty, so at least 500k is assurred.bheemer said:panzer tanked in sales as will tales and pikmin 2.
I agree with that in terms of huge releases, though GameCube has a healthy lineup regardless this fall, even if it's missing a singular killer app. It'll do fine, not as well as last year or beat out XBox but people like BOE comparing the platform to Saturn is downright laughable.bheemer said:you have to compare guaranteed sellers like halo 2, gt4 and gta sa. gc has nothing this year that is like that.
metroid prime 2 will come but the first one while a good game didnt sell as well as it should have. hence i dont think the second will either.
Your reasoning is shit. Keep digging...BeOnEdge said:they dont need to be major releases jarrod. look at GCs top 10 without 4 swords. its pathetic. without some big nintendo game, the numbers are guaranteed to go back down until fall.
I'd agree. It's also on GameCube. BOE's whole argument hinged PS2/XBox succeeding in an area GC was lacking.Link316 said:Spiderman 2 is pretty major imo,
True, I'm not arguing summer hardware performance though, rather I'm arguing against the insane notion that GC's summer software lineup will somehow effect it's performance/mindshare this Christmas.Link316 said:and even if you think there aren't any major releases helping the PS2 and Xbox gain during this period, they've still been accomplishing it through their hardware price cuts
human5892 said:Yeah...I don't know if there is even one GC title out there at present that could qualify as the right one to drive a bundle.
jarrod said:Yep... I'm betting ToS breaks 300k and Pikmin 2 manages 600k before Christmas. Not huge numbers but well above niche and lightyears beyond Orta.
I'm gonna agree, Xbox will outsell GC this fall. Sure, Nintendo have Metriod Prime 2 and some other games, but it's not gonna be enough to counter halo 2, unless Halo 2 flops, which looks very unlikely. Nintendo have to make a bundle, they could bundle up a GC with MP2 for $99.99, which would sell like crazy and could very well outsell Xbox. They could also bundle SMS and Zelda: WW or they could bundle a couple of Multiplayer games.BeOnEdge said:OH MY GOD!!!! MESSEGE BOARD CREDIBILITY AGAIN!!! OH NO!!! OH NO!!!! THE POSTERS WILL NOT LIKE ME!!! OH NO!!! who cares! LOL!!!if you think the GC will outsell the xbox this fall, YOU are the one who should be worried about ones credibility.
AniHawk said:Yeah, SSBM + MKDD would do the trick. Top selling multiplayer games on the system (and the two fastest selling games on the system).