Isn't this theINDIGO_CYCLOPS said:Has anyonetraveled northwest, towards the top of the map and seen the HUGE tower structure that seems to be generating electricity/storm clouds etc etc. I flew over it with my little jet and that shit blew me the fuck up. I came to the conclusion that it's some type of weapon using electricity (After climbing it). Still couldn't get the 1000m base jump. This thing reminded me of Tesla or something. I suggest everyone check it out!
MrTroubleMaker said:ever notice the time change when your at the, it always changes your time to 3 am, even makes time go in reverse to get it there :lolmile high club
Wasn't ICO essentially one giant escort mission?Archaix said:An open letter to any game designer/developer/anybody who may know somebody who might someday program a game: You may think that you can do an escort mission right. You think that despite every escort mission ever that wasn't called "Ico" being complete shit, you could do better. You're somehow different, right? You're wrong. In fact, you're an asshole for thinking it. Just don't do it. It's lazy, they are never done well, and they make the game less fun.
SapientWolf said:Wasn't ICO essentially one giant escort mission?
An open letter to any game designer/developer/anybody who may know somebody who might someday program a game: You may think that you can do an escort mission right. You think that despite every escort mission ever that wasn't called "Ico" being complete shit, you could do better. You're somehow different, right? You're wrong. In fact, you're an asshole for thinking it. Just don't do it. It's lazy, they are never done well, and they make the game less fun.
I fail at readingPandoracell said:
Eggo said:Can you buy ammo from the black market dealer? I finished that mission early on where you jump from the moving cars with the drunk guy driving, and I finished it with no ammo. Now I don't know what to do. Can't find ammo out in the world, and the black market guy seems to want to sell me guns only, no bullets. Suggestions?
game mode should be turned off when playing actual ps3 game. i use it for like ps1 game. works great. but not so much with ps3 game. it also causes the game to be much darker than it should be too.CloakedPuppet said:Just an FYI for those who have the PS3 version and are playing on a tv with "game mode" available. I noticed some annoying picture jerks whilst panning the camera (I'm assuming due to the v-sync processing). I decided to try game mode out on my Samsung and it smoothed things out considerably. It also made a difference in the quality of the picture after I tweaked the settings to where I had them set on regular mode.
I can't believe I've had this set for half a year and just now am realizing what a difference game mode makes. :lol
This is an unfortunate oversight for a small minority of gamers out there. Unlike most keyboard+mouse players out there who use a WASD setup for their movement, I have for years used a ESDF setup. I do this as it gives me (IMO) more freedom to the left of my fingers for extra bound keys (QAZ) as well as the handy reference nub that my index finger feels on the F key so that I can easily find my position when quickly moving around the keyboard.
However, in using this setup I constantly find myself accidentally picking up weapons I don't want when I press my E key (Forward) as that is the perma-bound key in JC2 for picking up weapons (Hold E or tap E as you see in game).
It's highly annoying and really is my only gripe on a wonderful game. Why not allow the user to rebind this action?
I can't find any settings anywhere in any config files to allow myself to do this.
Please help!
gibbed said:Two quickly made mods to satiate blackmarket hunger. -- weapons & vehicles free, upgrades are not free. -- weapons & vehicles & upgrades free and unlocked by default.
I'll do a one that adds all vehicles eventually.
Fantastic!!!!Cday said:
Artadius said:My only complaint is the fact that there is no way that I can tell that the user can rebind the key used to pick up weapons off the ground (E).
Here's my post from the official Eidos forums hoping they can add this feature in:
MrTroubleMaker said:Rick "gibbed" over on the something awful forum made a mod for PC if anyone is interested
I would like to know tooBigKaboom2 said:Anyone know if it's possible to run this in borderless windowed mode?
brain_stew said:Wonder if this unlocks the preorder DLC content!?
DMPrince said:game mode should be turned off when playing actual ps3 game. i use it for like ps1 game. works great. but not so much with ps3 game. it also causes the game to be much darker than it should be too.
brain_stew said:Just reposted this over at B3D for you. The guy behind the PC engine posts there and has already implemented a few engine tweaks as per requests from me and and a few others (its why we can now cap the framerate and change the FOV for instance) so its probably your best chance of seeing a fix. He's not working on JC2 atm but at the very least he can probably pass the message onto someone who would be able to fix it for you and others.
play GOW3 with Game mode on.CloakedPuppet said:Sorry but I have to disagree. I've been comparing PS3 and 360 games with both modes all night and the picture is slightly better with game mode on. Colors are more intense and the frame rate is more stable. I can't be sure but I'd also swear there is a bit more depth to the gamma levels.
Regular mode on these TVs applies processing that can cause a frame rate jankiness in certain games. Things such as Judder and Blur adjustment are meant for film based media and have no needed or positive effect on games. That's really the biggest difference between modes.
I avoided game mode for a while as well based on some misinformation from AVS and other forums. They tend to swear by keeping away from pre-sets like "game mode". Only problem is, most of those guys are hard-core tv tweakers and want to have the all possible control over settings which game mode doesn't allow. Many of them also tend to be more into film and TV rather than gaming.
You have to take into account that I've done a fair bit of experimenting to my color settings based on research when I first purchased the set. I also applied these to my game mode settings. The darkness difference is very minor and can be altered with a slight gamma adjustment.
DMPrince said:play GOW3 with Game mode on.
O_OLinkzg said:Sungai Cengkih Besar Military Airport
X: 20919 m
Y: 5460 m
Go there. Middle Bunker. Find the G9 Eclipse. Do it.
I'm so glad I randomly decided to take a shortcut and end up here
Drewsky said:Someone was talking about a glitch where there are no civilians or cars at all. Just had it, the only people were the government enemy people. It was OPEN SEASON!.
then you saw during the hades battle with game mode on that it was almost pitch black. Game mode just doesn't make it look "natural" i guess.CloakedPuppet said:I already did. Looked fantastic.
Drewsky said:Someone was talking about a glitch where there are no civilians or cars at all. Just had it, the only people were the government enemy people. It was weird.
DMPrince said:then you saw during the hades battle with game mode on that it was almost pitch black. Game mode just doesn't make it look "natural" i guess.
I just flew there and got shot down by a missileLinkzg said:Sungai Cengkih Besar Military Airport
X: 20919 m
Y: 5460 m
Go there. Middle Bunker. Find the G9 Eclipse. Do it.
I'm so glad I randomly decided to take a shortcut and end up here
Archaix said:An open letter to any game designer/developer/anybody who may know somebody who might someday program a game: You may think that you can do an escort mission right. You think that despite every escort mission ever that wasn't called "Ico" being complete shit, you could do better. You're somehow different, right? You're wrong. In fact, you're an asshole for thinking it. Just don't do it. It's lazy, they are never done well, and they make the game less fun.
can't be said often enough.EvaPlusMinus said:best sandbox ever
NullPointer said:can't be said often enough.
Just Cause 2 has all the stuff that's been missing from every other sandbox game ever made. Its almost *too much* freedom. Almost.
My only problems so far have been ammo related, at least for the guns I want to use. This game could still use some kind of FarCry 2 like armory, or even the safehouses from the previous game. At least for weapons. Waiting to unlock timed explosives and the submachinegun seems to be taking forever, especially after how easy it is to unlock them in the demo.