(Me having fun around a silo)
Melhisedek said:Can you get down that Lost hatch? Wonder if they hid some room there? Gotta buy this game regardless, can you play it with 8800GT 512?
Pandoracell said:I've yet to hear of anyone getting down the hatch, and if there is a way, it's not obvious. I'm very doubtful you can get down there.
Arcade-tard? Really?Sethos said:It's generic because every other game has the arcade-tard genre covered, realism or at least, an attempt at realism isn't mainstream.
somesang said:Arcade-tard? Really?
My good friend, you should relax and go surfing on a plane as it falls towards the ground. Or maybe hang a soldier to a light post and have a fiesta, pinata and all. All you need now is fireworks, and you'll be goddamned if you can't figure that out.
Then again, you've done this all before in other games this generic and mainstream and buzzword.
The exaggerated physics are there to make things more fun, not less.Sethos said:It's not fun with crappy animations, dreadful physics system and a pathetic rag-doll system and every vehicle and aircraft handles like a packet of crisps on wheels.
glaurung said:The exaggerated physics are there to make things more fun, not less.
Sethos said:It's not fun with crappy animations, dreadful physics system and a pathetic rag-doll system and every vehicle and aircraft handles like a packet of crisps on wheels.
Sethos said:Exaggerated, how? They are just bad, as in, everything looks and act stupid and that's not fun. Same shit with Saints Row and Saints Row 2, games focusing on "fun" and also forgotten within no time at all because everything was executed so poorly.
Realism is where the real fun is at, Euphoria physics FTW.
Pandoracell said:wut
Anyway, what games are you enjoying instead right now?
Sephon said:Won't even comment on your opinions about JC2 since you appearently already made up your mind.
But I'd agree that Euphoria engine is fun, especially when the it makes all the people seem utterly retarded, now that's a fun reality: (Euphoria engine in GTA4)
Yeah I hate when games focus on fun...Sethos said:Exaggerated, how? They are just bad, as in, everything looks and act stupid and that's not fun. Same shit with Saints Row and Saints Row 2, games focusing on "fun" and also forgotten within no time at all because everything was executed so poorly.
Realism is where the real fun is at, Euphoria physics FTW.
Darklord said:Holy fuck, Panau is HUGE. Thank god for fast travel. It can take forever to get across the map.
...They can't all have oscar worthy dialogue after all.
Dynoro said:Yeah I hate when games focus on fun...Saint's Row 2 and Crackdown are my favourite sandbox games because they are pure fun to play and JC2 is just like them. I guess JC2 is just not for you.They can't all have oscar worthy dialogue after all.
Pandoracell said:Well of course you're entitled to your opinion but most people just disagree with you, and telling us the vehicles handle like a packet of crisps is a pretty poor way to support your argument.
And, I can't believe you find the execution of this game to be worse than GTA IV. I've never played in a more sterile, boring sandbox than that. See? I can have baseless opinions too.
You're probably setting fire to your own house here, Crackdown's story and the way it was told was a complete turd. And Crackdown had the same level of ragdoll that you get in JC2.Sethos said:Crackdown was fun because it was executed beautifully throughout, felt like a quality product. JC2 and SR2 are games they are poorly executed and have too many 'budget' moments in them to even be fun.
glaurung said:You're probably setting fire to your own house here, Crackdown's story and the way it was told was a complete turd. And Crackdown had the same level of ragdoll that you get in JC2.
Sethos said:Good for you my brother, you quoted me, I didn't quote you initially - I usually don't give a shit about other people's opinion yet somehow everyone cares about mine. :lol
Artadius said:Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
Aw.Sethos said:JC2 is a pile of wank after a few hours.
glaurung said:Aw.
Though I guess we all deserve a junior telling us to hate the game we love.
Sethos said:No, I'm saying why I hate the game, not why others should.
This forum is really filled with over-sensitive people who take way too many things out of context, it's hilarious.
I'm so sticking around.
sarcoa said:ohhhhh man, the scream my gunner made as he ejected was priceless :lol
Mr Cola said:Since we are posting clips ive got one, this was done live while streaming just cause 2, during the chase scenes music was lined up to give it a more epic feel, indiana jones, james bond and back to the future. This was the first time the music was used and it worked so well i decided to make a clip out of it.
Sorry about the quality but the thought is there
steadfast said:Last night I was getting a little frustrated with all the respawning military. Then I overloaded a pipeline near a military base and instead of Rico doing his normal laugh or "I love my job," I got:
"Take that, you pipeline jerks!"
All was forgiven![]()
ElyrionX said:Anyone else think the choppers are way too slow? It takes forever to fly them around which makes them practically useless for exploring.
Mr Cola said:Since we are posting clips ive got one, this was done live while streaming just cause 2, during the chase scenes music was lined up to give it a more epic feel, indiana jones, james bond and back to the future. This was the first time the music was used and it worked so well i decided to make a clip out of it.
Sorry about the quality but the thought is there
Osietra said:Does anyone know what the light blue dots on the map are? They're called collects or something.
Also playing this game on experienced, does it get unfun hard later on?
Osietra said:Does anyone know what the light blue dots on the map are? They're called collects or something.
Also playing this game on experienced, does it get unfun hard later on?
Cant they both look good?darkwings said:lol crackdown 2 looks like a turd compared to JC2. No contest.
Pandoracell said:They're just what they're called, collectables. Each faction has a different kind. I don't think they count for anything but chaos and achievements/trophies.
Net_Wrecker said:Are you SERIOUS? Cotdammit......:lol :lol I never paid attention to those.
Amazing!!!RocketDarkness said:Let's get away from arguing with the angry little ball of rage, and have some more amazing videos. Here's two swiped from SomethingAwful:
Plane Ballet
Slow Motion