Hawkian said:Whaaaa?![]()
I use my pad with Bolopatch....?
Hawkian said:Whaaaa?![]()
DeadGzuz said:Ya, that's what I have it at guess it's only 640x360.
So the Bolo patch requires a keyboard? Bummer, I just want to use my pad.
brain_stew said:You just need to alt-tab out once then set the values you want, you don't have to touch after that.
Tim-E said:I just used a gatlin gun and destroyed a fucking crane that was a few hundred feet tall from like a mile away after shooting at it for like 5 seconds. :lol I fucking love this game.
LovingSteam said:Man I wish there was a video of that!
Zeliard said:Every sandbox game needs to come with an optional record function of some sort. Seems like it should be a basic necessity for the genre.
And if that has to be exclusive to the PC versions, welp!
YouTube recording is built into the PS3 API.Tim-E said:I still don't understand why the PS3 version has a recording option and the PC version doesn't!
Tim-E said:I need suck it up and get FRAPS. It was practically made for games like this.
Hawkian said:Really, bolopatch takes the whole experience to its logical conclusion and makes this game what it is just begging to become, the ultimate sandbox.
I blew up about 5 cranes in 30 seconds with a minigun thing after doing the first Roaches mission. They're just everywhere around you when you finish the mission, was quite pleased to see that I didn't need to run around throwing explosives on them to take them down :lolTim-E said:I just used a gatlin gun and destroyed a fucking crane that was a few hundred feet tall from like a mile away after shooting at it for like 5 seconds. :lol I fucking love this game.
NG28 said:Yeah that is why I'll eventually be buying this for the PC even though I'll get crappy performance.
brain_stew said:You'd be surprised, the game scales really well and performance is generally excellent. It doesn't need a powerhouse rig at all but if you've got one then there's lots of nice bonuses for you.
If this is a taste of what dropping DX9 support can do for PC games then I'm all for it.
NG28 said:Yeah I've played the demo and while the fps seems fine for me (I don't have a good eye for that stuff), there is an input lag while I play. I can play most games at 1024x768, so I dropped this to 800x600 w/ low settings and there is still a disconnect between kb/m input and what happens on screen, but it is less noticeable.
Yeah I'll have to invest in one of those.brain_stew said:When running at a lower framerate mouse control is always going to suffer. Just use a gamepad instead and it won't be an issue.
NG28 said:Yeah I'll have to invest in one of those.
brain_stew said:You could just use your PS3 controller (with these drivers), or 360 controller if you have a wired one.
NG28 said:Yeah I've played the demo and while the fps seems fine for me (I don't have a good eye for that stuff), there is an input lag while I play. I can play most games at 1024x768, so I dropped this to 800x600 w/ low settings and there is still a disconnect between kb/m input and what happens on screen, but it is less noticeable.
I had it disabled.moniker said:Try disablig vsync and see if that helps.
Vlightray said:For a sandbox game it's really visually amazing on the fence about getting it tho.
eXistor said:If it runs decently on my pc, I think I'm getting it tomorrow. I'm gonna dl the demo first. otherwise I'll just get the 360 version. BOLOpatch does sound very cool though.
They can be a bear to get to work.Baloonatic said:Really wish I could get my DS3 to work with those drivers. Completely refuses to detect it no matter how I follow the instructions.
RSTEIN said:Can Generals only be sniped in the head? I swear I emptied an entire assault rifle clip into one and didn't do any damage!
Artadius said:Or... of course, vehicular rampage works good too.
UFRA said:This game is destroying my gaming hobby as I know it. :lol :lol
I just played BF1943 with my nephew for a bit and I kept trying to grapple and parachute things, and was severely disappointed when the result was just me throwing a
:lol :lol :lolelwes said:Continuing my saga of "this game wants me to die," I give you:
elwes said:Continuing my saga of "this game wants me to die," I give you:
Planes, ATV's, whatever. If I'm driving it and it grazes something, it is going to explode.
Baloonatic said:The amount of vehicles offered through the black market is kind of disappointing. They should also make it so it's just a text box that pauses the game so you can scroll through it. I find it kind of a drag summoning him at the moment, doesn't feel quick enough.
I basically just want it to be like Crackdown's "Keys to the City"
brain_stew said:Well there's a mod that unlocks everything and/or makes it free/cheap. Same dude is working on a mod so that you can use the black market to spawn any vehicle as well.
brain_stew said:Its one of the best optimised multi platform releases there is and there's a load of extra graphical options over the console version if you've got the hardware for it, read my tweak guide linked in the op if you're having trouble with performance. Anything from a ~8600GT/2ghz Core 2 Duo/2GB RAM and up is going to run better than the console version at similar settings.
More mods:
Edit: And a preview of some of the crazy lighting that will be possible with the new BOLO patch: