Does anyone know why the 8002D023 error pops up?
Sometimes when I'm trying to upload a video, it will pop up..
And to make things worse, when I try to transfer it to my HDD, it won't even let me do that. The game crashes.

I just had a pretty funny video, too.
I was crouching on a hill next to a bunch of guards, after reducing my heat by hiding in the water.
They all started to get on their bikes, and into their cars to leave.. when all of a sudden, the one car that was there drove straight into the water :lol
Right after that, a guy jumped on a bike and drove into the water too.. I don't know why the enemies act so stupid when I'm playing :lol
I wish I could've recorded that :/
Edit: Never mind, found out why.
The "Record Last 30 Seconds" feature causes the error to happen.
On the PS3:
1- Start the game
2- Pause > Video Capture > Enable 30 seconds save option
3- Play
4- Pause > Video Capture > Upload last 30 seconds to YouTube
5- Discard video when upload completed
6- Get back in game
7- Play
8- Pause > Video Capture > Upload last 30 seconds to YouTube
9- Notice the error code: 8002D023 from the XMB
**AND / OR
8- Pause > Video Capture > "Start New Capture"
9- Unpause
10- Pause > Video Capture >
11- Notice "Stop Capture" is not there (no capture being recorded even though "Start New Capture" has been previously selected.
-Disabling the 30 seconds autosave feature will prevent bug from happening.
-If I absolutely want to play with this feature, once a video has been uploaded to YouTube, I have to quit the game and restart it in order to be able to save/upload a second 30 seconds video, or to start a new capture (10 minutes limit). Sometimes I have to quit / restart the game twice in order to "fix" it.
I had the "AND/OR" part happen to me.

So I guess I'm gonna have to disable that feature, until/if they fix it.