Yeah, BOLO Trainer, i have that too.Foliorum Viridum said:I have a mod for multiple hooks, so I plan on hooking a few cars together, behind a 747, and then hook it to another 747.![]()
Yeah, BOLO Trainer, i have that too.Foliorum Viridum said:I have a mod for multiple hooks, so I plan on hooking a few cars together, behind a 747, and then hook it to another 747.![]()
Bumping this, I would really like to know!Salaadin said:With BOLOPatch currently broken, are there any other ways to get unlimited ammo? Thats my only problem with this game. I cant keep my guns full.
Find a turret. Sure, you can't really do much when you're carrying it but it's SO MUCH FUN blowing shit up with one.Salaadin said:With BOLOPatch currently broken, are there any other ways to get unlimited ammo? Thats my only problem with this game. I cant keep my guns full.
Seraphis Cain said:Sometimes I think that while playing Just Cause 2, we get so wrapped up in how much fun it is that we don't notice just how beautiful the landscape is, as well. As I was playing, I stumbled upon this particular viewpoint in the mountains, and decided to record the moon setting and the sun rising over Panau. It really is a stunning sight. Kudos to Avalanche Studios for putting together one of the most beautiful open world games ever.
Just Cause 2 - Sunrise Over Panau
Not hard. I think I have all of them except the difficulty based ones. Just time consuming.ICallItFutile said:Achievement whore question: How hard did you find the achievements?
Neuromancer said:Not hard. I think I have all of them except the difficulty based ones. Just time consuming.
Davidion said:Started playing recently and I'm having fun. It's not perfect, but it's entirely enjoyable if you don't nitpick too much.
- Looks pretty
- Good dumb fun, totally shameless. If you're going to do open world, this looks about right.
- Holy shitty voice acting. I'm HOPING that it's all an intentional gag.
- Shitty Controls. Mouse lag out the ying yang, forced mouse acceleration on mounted guns (while mounted). Can't aim properly in this game for the life of me and half of it is crappy autoaim.
Salaadin said:I dont have mouse lag. Was it SSAO that causes this in some games? Does this game have that options? If so, try turning it off and see if that helps.
I think the story in JC2 was an afterthought. Everything just seems tacked on and only there to lead you to various points where you get to blow more shit up.
Davidion said:I've tried killing vsync and SSAO and it still doesn't work. Standing still and moving your mouse gets me noticeable "swing" that's a trademark of mouse lag. This is outside of action scenes.
I agree with your second point, no complaints there. It's just that my central nervous system gets a really bad twitch every time that reaper leader says "Com-raid".
They're pretty much similar, except the ps3 version has video recording capabilities.BPK said:How does the ps3 version compare to the 360? I felt burned on Black Ops given how badly they gimped Sony version, and I don't want to make the same mistake.
chubigans said:You don't even have to use can save films directly to the XMB.
It made playing the game 10x more enjoyable...about a third of my 30 or so hours playing the game was just doing crazy stuff while the game recorded away, hoping to get some awesome footage.
GeoramA said:This game really does not get enough love for it's visuals. People say RDR looks better, which is just laughable.
GeoramA said:This game really does not get enough love for it's visuals
Allow me to highlight this fuckawesome piece of work for anyone who missed it. This is one of my favorite montages of all time, and the amount of montages I've seen is downright inappropriate to mention in polite circles.Deepack said:Shameless bump, but here it goes.
I finished my JC2 montage.
Check it out and tell me what you think. I'm not really proud of it but I did not feel like working on it anymore.
GeoramA said:This game really does not get enough love for it's visuals. People say RDR looks better, which is just laughable.
MassiveAttack said:I'm glad other publishers have taken note. They have multiple projects in development.
coopolon said:Picked this game up in the Steam sale. I had really high hopes for it, figured it would be the game that got me back into sandbox games. It didn't. I just get so bored, and the worst part is traveling. Finished one mission, the next one is 12km away. Hop into a helicopter, and it still was taking forever to get there, so I just quit. I knew traveling always bores me in these games, but I figured in this one it would be more fun with the parachute/grappling hook combo, but it didn't work out the way I planned.
Oh well. Game is gorgeous and plays incredible on the PC, especially considering my aged hardware (4850/e8400), I was playing at 1200p with pretty high settings and 30+ fps the whole time.
Eventually you can call in for some fast travel. May only work to places you've been though.coopolon said:Picked this game up in the Steam sale. I had really high hopes for it, figured it would be the game that got me back into sandbox games. It didn't. I just get so bored, and the worst part is traveling. Finished one mission, the next one is 12km away. Hop into a helicopter, and it still was taking forever to get there, so I just quit. I knew traveling always bores me in these games, but I figured in this one it would be more fun with the parachute/grappling hook combo, but it didn't work out the way I planned.
Oh well. Game is gorgeous and plays incredible on the PC, especially considering my aged hardware (4850/e8400), I was playing at 1200p with pretty high settings and 30+ fps the whole time.
just use one of these modscoopolon said:Picked this game up in the Steam sale. I had really high hopes for it, figured it would be the game that got me back into sandbox games. It didn't. I just get so bored, and the worst part is traveling. Finished one mission, the next one is 12km away. Hop into a helicopter, and it still was taking forever to get there, so I just quit.
Monocle said:Allow me to highlight this fuckawesome piece of work for anyone who missed it. This is one of my favorite montages of all time, and the amount of montages I've seen is downright inappropriate to mention in polite circles.
Also, thanks for introducing me to M.I.A.
Seraphis Cain said:Man, sometimes I hate this game.
*97% at a military base*
*two hours later*
*still 97%*
Goddamn this game and it's appealing to my OCD side. :lol
52club said:Some might agrue you hate yourself. I hope you get to 100% though.