This is why I game on a console. It's always something and I don't have time for it.TheBez said:I installed this game but the cutscenes are way out of whack. The audio does not play correctly with what is going on. Does/did anyone else have this problem and know of a solution?
I didn't have any problems. If you have up-to-date audio and video drivers I'm not sure what to suggest. You could try posting your PC and OS specs as well just in case someone has advice.Brannon said:I'm hoping somebody can help me.
I've tried to play the game again, but every time the beginning intro finishes and it's about to load the game, it just hard-locks my PC with a black loading screen, and there's no option but to reboot? Is there any way to fix this? Everything I've found so far refers to Nvidia problems from months ago.
Enco said:Thought I'd make a list of the mods I use to help others who are new:
Improved Mine Explosions - The default mine explosion isn't too great and this mod has many varieties you can choose from. I like to use the Air Explosion as it's the most balanced. I think it's a must.
Less Psychic Police - Like in Oblivion, the cops tend to come after you if you hijack a plane over the middle of nowhere. Luckily this mod helps that.
No Black Market Cutscenes - Self explanatory. They get EXTREMELY annoying after a while so this combats that.
Black Market Free - This makes all items free (clearly). I just got this recently as someone here talked about how you shouldn't have ammo limitations in a game like this and I agreed with him. The reason I use two different black market mods is that I don't really want to unlock every vehicle in the game because that takes away some of the adventure (if that makes sense).
Longer Grappling Hook - Makes the game much more fun. Your whip will also be more powerful. I don't think the speed really changes. Just the length. Sometimes your old grappling hook doesn't disappear straight away but this is a minor graphical glitch.
HD clouds - Not necessary but they look cool.
Create a folder in your main JC directory and name it Dropzone. Put everything there.FrenchMovieTheme said:how do i install these? just dl them and move them to my just cause 2 steam folder?
Enco said:Create a folder in your main JC directory and name it Dropzone. Put everything there.
some master race, huh?Dark Octave said:This is why I game on a console. It's always something and I don't have time for it.
Nah, I wasn't trying to be like that. I wouldn't mind playing on a PC, but there's always something going wrong. I just like the worry free consoles. I'll get into PC gaming someday though.cabot said:some master race, huh?
A27 Tawpgun said:
Hehe. Master race indeed. Mods, muthafucka!A27 Tawpgun said:
I have a city area at 100% but it doesnt register as being completed. Im guessing there is one more item somewhere that registers as .33% or something but the game rounds up and gave me 100%. Unless its glitched.kevinski said:I'm playing through this game for the second time now, this time through OnLive. My God...I hate the city areas in this game. I'm stuck at 97% in one of them, and I've been gliding around for hours in search of what I expect to be a gas station that has yet to be destroyed. If there's a Just Cause 3, then I pray that it doesn't contain areas like this.
Salaadin said:I have a city area at 100% but it doesnt register as being completed. Im guessing there is one more item somewhere that registers as .33% or something but the game rounds up and gave me 100%. Unless its glitched.
sfedai0 said:I have the PS3 version and its fucking freezing on the mission where I have to destroy the oil rig. Only way to fix it was to quit the mission.
I never get tired of attaching civilians to the Rowling helicopter and flying them to the top of mountains/tall buildings.
This trainer should help, I don't know what mods to use. There probably are some on the site the trainer is on.Anyone know any good mods or trainers for JC2? Just want to sandbox it and play around but the difficulty and heat levels are pissing me off.
I just started playing it again. I'm 68% through, just going from settlement to settlement completing them. I'm on 360 and I think the graphics are gorgeous, can't imagine what it must look like on PC.
/failsafe Start in failsafe mode (settings ignored)
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/lodfactor=n Geometric detail (0-3, default: 0)
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/fovfactor=f FOV factor (default: 1.0)
/inputsmoothing=f Input smoothing (default: 1.0)
b=boolean, (0 or 1)
n = number (integer)
I just started playing it again. I'm 68% through, just going from settlement to settlement completing them. I'm on 360 and I think the graphics are gorgeous, can't imagine what it must look like on PC.
I did this recently too. Added like another 12 hours or so of play time. It gets really addicting to clear all the settlements. I really like getting the airports discovered so that I can grab a good plane from any region on the map.
An AI plane just 9/11'd right before my eyes in Panau City.
What the fuck.
An AI plane just 9/11'd right before my eyes in Panau City.
What the fuck.
There are some fucked up mods out there.
There are some fucked up mods out there.
Goddamn. This game. THIS FUCKING GAME. Nearly 80 hours in and it's STILL blowing my mind.
So I was working on clearing a settlement. However, things went bad and I found myself in a tight spot. Low health, enemies swarming me, you know, the usual. I happened to notice one of those race challenge icons not too far from where I was. I thought I remembered that starting a race challenge cleared your heat. I started the challenge, and quickly found out that I was mistaken. But I figured, what the hell, why not? So, long story short, I did the entire challenge with a heat level. First car got blown up, so I hopped on a military motorcycle and continued on. Well, I wrecked that one not far from the finish (barely survived the explosion, too), so I hopped in a civilian truck to finish up the challenge. However, by this point I was surrounded by enemies firing away at me. I just barely made it to the finish, and my truck was on fire.
That's right, I drove a flaming truck through the finish line.
Holy fucking shit.
I wish I'd had the foresight to start recording when I started the challenge. But I didn't, so the last 30 seconds will have to do:
EDIT: Just hit 75%, finally!![]()