DunDunDunpachi Banned May 22, 2020 #6 Smug_Horned_AI said: Wasn't Goat simulator made by Coffee Stain Studios? Click to expand... True, it's the designer of Goat Simulator and his team, not the original dev studio that made the game.
Smug_Horned_AI said: Wasn't Goat simulator made by Coffee Stain Studios? Click to expand... True, it's the designer of Goat Simulator and his team, not the original dev studio that made the game.
.Pennywise Banned May 22, 2020 #11 I thought we've been well over this "funny buggy game" trend already? I mean, it's not funny anymore.
I thought we've been well over this "funny buggy game" trend already? I mean, it's not funny anymore.
wordslaughter Banned May 22, 2020 #12 No thanks. Not even going to pretend that looks fun. Last edited: May 22, 2020
S sn0man Member May 22, 2020 #15 This looks awesome! One question though; didn’t we already play this when it was called Garry’s Mod a decade ago?
This looks awesome! One question though; didn’t we already play this when it was called Garry’s Mod a decade ago?
Kagey K Banned May 22, 2020 #16 Jesus could imagine of this game was made to kill anyone else other then old white ppl. The internet would be straight up in arms about it.
Jesus could imagine of this game was made to kill anyone else other then old white ppl. The internet would be straight up in arms about it.
The_Observer Member May 22, 2020 #17 Good, SJWs now can realize one of their deepest desires in this game. Now they can leave our games alone and enjoy this instead, right?
Good, SJWs now can realize one of their deepest desires in this game. Now they can leave our games alone and enjoy this instead, right?
GymWolf Member May 22, 2020 #18 When your announcement trailer seems like a bugs and glitch compilation...