You know, it's definitely a good game, but I couldn't help but feel that it was a little rough around the edges. Maybe I thought this because I was mentally comparing it to Prince of Persia, which is the closest that a game has gotten to perfection this gen.
But I couldn't help but feel that there were minor flaws all over the place, which weren't remarkable when considered singly, but which cumulatively detracted from the game. Little things like the dodgy controls for the mini-game in the bar, the occasionally arbitrary enemy AI during the stealth sequences, the sometimes unnecessarily unintuitive puzzle design, and so on.
On the other hand, the racing and flight engine was ace, the game world was imaginative, and the last three battles (the fight with the enormous spaceship; the following space battle with dozens of fighters; and the amazing final boss) made me love videogames again. Prince of Persia is still the best game I got out of last winter's Ubisoft Bargain Bin, but BG&E was an excellent game for $20. It's too bad there won't be a sequel, to give the designers a shot at refining the game a little more.
But I couldn't help but feel that there were minor flaws all over the place, which weren't remarkable when considered singly, but which cumulatively detracted from the game. Little things like the dodgy controls for the mini-game in the bar, the occasionally arbitrary enemy AI during the stealth sequences, the sometimes unnecessarily unintuitive puzzle design, and so on.
On the other hand, the racing and flight engine was ace, the game world was imaginative, and the last three battles (the fight with the enormous spaceship; the following space battle with dozens of fighters; and the amazing final boss) made me love videogames again. Prince of Persia is still the best game I got out of last winter's Ubisoft Bargain Bin, but BG&E was an excellent game for $20. It's too bad there won't be a sequel, to give the designers a shot at refining the game a little more.