i've never dated any of my boyfriends
I am confused
i've never dated any of my boyfriends
it's hard to date when they live in other parts of the countryI am confused
it's hard to date when they live in other parts of the country
i dunno he's older than me thoWhat does bf and gf even entail in that context?
Here's how dating works for girls at your age:
1. Girl wants senpai to notice her.
2. Senpai notices girl.
3. Girl says doushio and blushes.
4. They hold hands.
i dunno he's older than me tho
no cuz im not animeOkay, so he noticed you.
Did you blush yet?
positifAre you sure?
I would like to go for a couple of weeks, and I hope to be getting a JR Pass. Although it's my first visit, I'd like to head out of Tokyo too... I need to map out a plan of action so that I can make the most of my time there. Will probably spend my last few days in Akiba, it's that or I start posting things back to myself in a MikeHattsu style ;D
I think I used it all up in one day though... *tired*
New arrival, yay! Girls und Panzer Blu Ray set:
Ah ok I missed the joke lol
Save me if they bring out a Engaged to the Unidentified book....or nendo...or figure....
no shelf can hold your firgurei should clean off my shelf to fit my figure
Soon.Part of your collection?
but reino shelf can hold your firgure
NIIIICE. I have the series and OVAS. Does this version have Katyusha?
Yeah same. Mashiro figure omg. If they make a nendo Im just dead.
I'm saying you're fatbut rei
Awesome, I really liked that show more than I thought I would. Watched the first episode once and dropped it. Then went back after someone from FigureGaf suggested it. Loved it and of course ordered a art book for it lol.
Blu set looks awesome!
Ah my sides! The cuteness is to much.
Ah Steins is on my short list, need to watch that soon.
how can you be bf and gf without dating first
i don't understand you kids these days
ill have u know i only weigh 148 poundsI'm saying you're fat
ill have u know i only weigh 148 pounds
im 5'11!!!but aren't you three feet tall?
skin, bones, and a fat back thighs and pudgy bellyim 5'11!!!![]()
Just got a few shows in, GuP among them. Still need to get the OVA's. Fantastic show, probably going to go ahead and rewatch.
Also got Golden Boy...watching that for the first time. Certainly lewd, but fun.
YES! One of my favorite shows ever.
I guess I'm old fashioned and doing the dating thing first. Yeah, kids these days...
You have been successfully been broken down. Now you can be built up watching Love Live and rejoin the
Just got a few shows in, GuP among them. Still need to get the OVA's. Fantastic show, probably going to go ahead and rewatch.
Also got Golden Boy...watching that for the first time. Certainly lewd, but fun.
oh guys
did i mention
im dating now
no i don't watch that garbage
i only watch old chinese cartoons
Only 17 and already tired of the world repeating itself
i just dont like moey muchOnly 17 and already tired of the world repeating itself
Booi just dont like moey much
i just dont like moey much
I use it to balance out myself from too much dudebroness in my life.
I hope senpai notices my machine gun!!!Dudemoe
I hope senpai notices my machine gun!!!
i am sleepy right now so if i dont make sense say so
God DAMN!!! lol
why you gotta post that mike
thats probably the best response I've ever seen to aiko. bravo!
was not relevant we never gonna get season 2 of nichijou it deserves season 2 i dont care about sales i want more sakamotoIt was relevant
was not relevant we never gonna get season 2 of nichijou it deserves season 2 i dont care about sales i want more sakamoto