I suppose if you want the most generic looking derivative, sure.
im on my wii u so i can't post a yui pic i found
imagine there is one here
Nico nico niiiiiiiiii~.
Well, I was just saying in the anime thread that Love Live basically has a Mio expy. All they're missing are the stripped pantsu.
anyway, what do yall suppose I sound like? any guesses?
Nico nico niiiiiiiiii~.
Well, I was just saying in the anime thread that Love Live basically has a Mio expy. All they're missing are the stripped pantsu.
u sound like texas
Umi isn't Mio. I like Mio but Umi is definately different.
anyway, what do yall suppose I sound like? any guesses?
what about the bit where they want to go on a training camp and they can't afford it but the rich girl's parents have a holiday home so they go there and its huge and NotMio wants to practice but the other girls want to go play on the beach and NotMio loosens up and has a good time playing on the beach. that was totally different lol.
maki is not notmugi and the whole holiday home thing is hardly a new thing. Also with what you're saying about Umi, the same can be said about Mio and the character who did the same thing before her.
I can't say I don't.I figure you of all people would like Mio expys!
Calling me out again huh? lol
I am working through season 2, still not ready for the feels at the end :\
Love the show so much I don't want to see the end in a way...if that makes sense. Will be finishing it soon though.
maki is not notmugi
I can't say I don't.
I need to know everything you think about it, spill your guts!
Of course I also think my love of the show comes partly from you guys as well, this small yet awesome community has been the most welcoming in any group I have tried to join. In my years on GAF I feel I have made a friend maybe two since joining, then I came here and feel like I actually did make some new friends that I hope to keep in contact with for a long time.
Sorry to get gushy, I can be like that from time to time hah.
Sorry to get gushy, I can be like that from time to time hah.
Well, I meant thoughts on each episode, but I'll take this too.
Had a feeling that was the case lol
I will have to do a long write up soon.
American. Possibly with some kind of southern accent.
No idea really.
Don't indulge him. Give him nothing.
I guess I was somewhat rightish about a kinda light voice.
I have a very strong love for K-On, easily went up to my favorite anime even dethroning Evangelion and Toradora. Hell I even have a whole shelf dedicated to goodies from the show and soon I will need a second shelf just for more.
Haven't found another show that makes me smile as much as this show. Nor have I found another show that tears me up at parts that in all honesty shouldn't. I guess it boils down to the way they convey their strong bonds to each other. Every character is different and shows their love for each other differently. No other show has really captured that feeling of a group of really close friends and their antics like K-On in my mind. Mind you I am only halfway through season 2 so I can't speak for the whole series but the level of quality is crazy. I thought the first season was perfect in terms of quality and you all told me that isn't the case and that season 2 is better. Well now I wish season 1 was as high quality as 2, the art the animation everything is great. You can really tell Kyoto Animation put their love of anime into the show. I really want to see the quality of the movie...the little bit I have seen looks amazing.
Of course I also think my love of the show comes partly from you guys as well, this small yet awesome community has been the most welcoming in any group I have tried to join. In my years on GAF I feel I have made a friend maybe two since joining, then I came here and feel like I actually did make some new friends that I hope to keep in contact with for a long time.
That being said I of course will come back and spill my guts more when I finish the show, I am just in no rush to finish my favorite anime anytime soon. Yet at the same time I can't wait to see how it ends. Hell I have already rewatched season 1 numerous times and most of the first half of season 2 again.
Sorry to get gushy, I can be like that from time to time hah.
Long one, for each episode. No less than 500 words each.
Better than having to write a full thesis on them, I suppose.
Hm... A little bit. Short clip though. ;P
"Ah don't know. Do ya think ah have a southern accent?"
"Hello K-on gaf how arr y'all doing t'day?"
...... OvO;;;;;;;;;;;;
Afternoon~ hope ya having a great day so far.
Yes, indeed I am.
OvOby the way, what do yall sound like? Its super easy to record your voice on windows and then upload it to vocaroo
Yay~ I am thinkin about starting Gochiusa. Are u watching it?
Afternoon~ hope ya having a great day so far.
Tell me something to say lol.
OH MY GOD YES. Its this seasons KinMoza.