Yui gifs?

K-ON!What in God's name is going on here?
Yui stop masticating.
Yui stop masticating.
Hi all! Kind of a busy weekend, family round, young kids to look after... going back to work was more of a break!
I should do this one day at workGIF war?
GIF war!
I should do this one day at work
threaten people with drills?!?I should do this one day at work
In the microwave.
i not use microwave i not dumb
Home alone at night is still home alone, right?
Home alone at night is still home alone, right?
I'm pretty happy today as I've found out that Shonen Knife (Japanese pop punk originators) are playing in town next week, I used to listen to them back in the early 90s but the opportunity to see them live just never came up... until now! Must get tickets arranged, can't wait!
yeah gonna have free reign of my houseHome alone at... n-night?