Ritsu. Best waifu
Why haven't you joined us in K-ON! pic February?
and if you don't...You find a cutie patootie K-On! picture and add it as your avatar for the month of February.
she not even drumming k-on is false show made of lies
Hey, what's your 3DS Friend Code? Going to add you before I go to bed soon.
she not even drumming k-on is false show made of lies
anyways bed taimu
she not even drumming k-on is false show made of lies
anyways bed taimu
Tell me more.
The best bit is their reactions are the other way round to what you'd expect. Embarrassed Ritsu makes me weak at the knees.
I found more of 'em
I found more of 'em
Hello there!
ohayō! did you add me on 3DS the other day?!
I should actually be asleep >.> I'll check later. I need to go through the pages and send the rest of kongaf a request
Nitroplus, why does even your mascot have to be so perfect. <3333333333333
All these Ritsu gifs :3
Is she scolding me?
The anime series any good?
Now those are incredibly.I found more of 'em
incredibly whaT???Now those are incredibly.
Incredibly lolincredibly whaT???
Oh yeah, that reminds me, I wonder if they ever added new cards for that K-On arcade game.
We should all pitch in to buy.A...arcade game? Sigh....I want one.
Awesome! I want to hear impressions. Still on the fence about the PS3 game.
A...arcade game? Sigh....I want one.
Here's what I got:
Time to play some.
Input lag. Will have to play on my CRT later :\
Yeah. I tried it once in Japan and got a card:
Will play it some more when I go back.
Input lag. Will have to play on my CRT later :\
Is there no in-game calibration tool for that?
Input lag.
Welp that sealed it for me. Sorry to hear that...but thanks for letting me know.
Heya Bats!
So strange I have the PS3 Hokago and play with HDMI and never once experienced any Input Lag.
Maybe its because my HDTV is a bit older? ;P
Here's what I got:
Time to play some.