So, since the last time you posted in this thread (11th of February):
Just ordered by date, some of them are there because I think they are good releases, others are there just because of the name they are attached to.
Just spent my morning going through the entire list, haha. There were only a couple of tracks that I didn't like, so there was super high hit-rate with the list overall.
As promised, here's my quick opinion of each song as I listened to them (for anyone that cares):
비아이지 (B.I.G) - 1.2.3 MV
This is good. The additional monkey is always welcome.
June One Kim X Krystal - I Don`t Wanna Love You (Official MV)
The intro to this MV was a
tad pretentious! The track didn't wow me, but I definitely like it, and it's suitably understated in a way that I know will eventually infiltrate my playlists.
I'm sure it's already been said a million times already (and the YT comments suggest as much), but this is eerily close to Wonder Girls in terms of presentation, the MV at least. Super catchy choruses do it for me.
K.A.R.D - Don`t Recall M/V
This is so on point, I don't even really need to say anything. Damn!
TAEYEON 태연_I Got Love_Music Video
Love this, much more experimental sounding than her previous material. The instrumentation is great. And next to the epic "meh" of SeoHyun's release, it looks even better,
I thought I'd like it because of the upbeatness of it all, but it's really boring. Meh
BTS Not Today MV
It's so stupid. I love it.
MV] 수빈(Subin) _ Strawberry
[MV] 수빈(Subin) _ 동그라미의 꿈(Circle's Dream)
It's refreshing to hear such simple instrumentation, not a million things before a word is even uttered. Wasn't sure when listening to 'Strawberry', but they both won me over by the end.
러블리즈(Lovelyz) "WoW!" Official MV
Where the hell did this come from?!? Right away, this got me. Not going to lie, I pay next to no attention to Lovelyz, but this has definitely piqued by curiosity.
Gugudan - A Girl Like Me MV
God damn, this is generic.
TAEYEON 태연_Fine_Music Video
I usually check out at your typical ballads, this is no different.
"You can z,z,z, in peace" lol
This is just a pure pop song, has a kitschy ,80's vibe to it, which is never a bad thing!
Hwang Insun - Hwang Ya
"Hit the sample button about a thousand times" I like my EDM nonsense, but this is a bit too far. She should probably sing a little more. The song has no identity.
브레이브걸스 (Brave Girls) - 롤린 (Rollin') MV
This is pretty decent.
GOT7 - "Never Ever" MV
[MV] 이달의 소녀 1/3 (LOOΠΔ 1/3) "지금, 좋아해(Love&Live)"
Super saccharine but it's done well. Sounds more reminiscent of J-Pop than anything.