Now, while I apparently fall into the "lazy assholes" contingent, I just thought I'd update. I have no concept of the status of the league at this time.
First, I'd be more than happy to let someone babysit my team or step aside if that's not possible or desirable.
With that out of the way, an update: I'm smack in the middle of moving and starting a new job (issues noted in my other posts in this thread). I bought the game on the weekend and had enough time to play two games at my brother's house while visiting him. Right now my wife and I have for furniture in our new place: an air mattress. I'm typing this on my laptop on luxurious 56k.
My ADSL isn't online until August 1, and I don't have Xbox Live, although that's a formality, 'cause I've got the free two months and I was thrilled to see a 1-year kit that includes Crimson Skies instead of Mechwarrior. We move on the 31st and it's going to take a bit of time to get the basics set up. I expect August 6th or so is the earliest I'll have much in the way of free time.
So that's where I am. Boot me, keep me, whatever... I'm still interested in the league, but I have much bigger fish to fry right now and probably for the coming week or so.