Raist said:Hmm, 11pm on a friday? Personally I don't care, but it's going to be tough for GAF and GAFw
Hell yes! Screw having a social life this weekend! KILLZONE ALL THE WAY!
Raist said:Hmm, 11pm on a friday? Personally I don't care, but it's going to be tough for GAF and GAFw
The_Inquisitor said:Is it in the message box in killzone 2 itself or the website? I did not see a message with an invite inside Killzone 2 itself under the message box for online.
WHOAguitarninja said:I already sent you an invite. Check your messages in a few minutes, I'll send another.
WHOAguitarninja said:I already sent you an invite. Check your messages in a few minutes, I'll send another.
TTP, found it, and subscribed. The problem wasn't the game or region, it was that I was an idiot and missed it.
The Wise Old Man said:Cool, thanks man. Where do I find the invite? In my message box on the dashboard or in the game itself? (sorry for the noob question).
TheFatOne said:You can also send me a PM if you need an Invite to GAF3. Also I need more people on my friends so that I can find the GAF games so please add me my PSN ID is Lyulf.
I'll try to resend incase something went weird. Watch your messages in the next 5 minutes.Can someone tell us where you find the invites? I have been unable to find mine so far, lol!
Facism said:TTP, i can make Friday and Sunday night (because GAFe is going the the finals).
TTP said:Cool. Just be sure to log in 15mins before the match starts. Then, all u need to do is go into your clan page and select the match that will show up in the Upcoming Event section. You'll be automatically transferred to the pre-game lobby.
This is, of course, if we are not full. First in - first served.
Hey, WHOAguitarninja. You from Europe or USA?
WHOAguitarninja said:USA, GAF3 east clan.
WHOAguitarninja said:I already sent you an invite. Check your messages in a few minutes, I'll send another.
TTP, found it, and subscribed. The problem wasn't the game or region, it was that I was an idiot and missed it.
If you are able to send clan invites out please send me one. I still have not received one from any of the GAF East clans. My PSN is the same as my name here (JakOfTheShadows). Thanks.WHOAguitarninja said:USA, GAF3 east clan.
The_Inquisitor said:Ok checked communications center under clan. 0 messages.
If you could try again it would be appreciated. ID should be The_Inquisitor.
Full Recovery said:Okay, I added everyone in GAF EAST 1 to the clan.
Some people did not register when I search for them, so a few of you did not get invites.
If you haven't gotten an invite for GAF US EAST send me a message on on the CLAN page. That way I can just click on your name and add you to the clan.
Sorry it took so long to finish this, I've just been busy playing.
WHOAguitarninja said:Will do. Quick question. What is your rank online? It's possible I was putting the wrong name in as the result I got was showing no rank at all.
Also, I've set up a clan thread just for GAF EAST 3. It was getting confusing trying to do everything in this thread, so I figured that would help.
Ilparazzo said:ok, just found out that the ones that die the most in friendly fire games are saboteurs and that the tactician's 2nd badge is impossible to get (in normal conditions) best keep to the old tricks.
Saboteurs must die first.Raist said:SHOTGUNZ MUST DIE
no! I looooooooove shooting people in the back of the skull, pisses them off so much.LeonTrotskyTrout said:Saboteurs must die first.
And that is correct, we always get caught by our own team, that and grenades but that's valid for everyone.TTP said:yeah they should have made it a 1 kill requirement instead of 5.
curious about why sab is FF-owned the most. Perhaps cos he's usually behind enemy packs?
I'd say at least nerfed a bit, and what was up with that last game? Everyone was an engineer...SHOTGUNZ MUST DIE
*Whimper* :'(Saboteurs must die first.
No, it's not.LeonTrotskyTrout said:I'm starting the other GAF Pacific/West clan since it's "dead".
LeonTrotskyTrout said:I'm starting the other GAF Pacific/West clan since it's "dead".
If you have yet to be invited to GAFw, send me a pm with your PSN, and I'll send you a clan invite
Nope.LeonTrotskyTrout said:It's not dead?
s'aright GAF's been on the fritz.LeonTrotskyTrout said:Double post.
Nope.LeonTrotskyTrout said:It's not dead?
Dunno why Rapping Granny said that, but it's not.LeonTrotskyTrout said:It's not dead? Rapping Granny said it was dead earlier. Glad someone corrected me.
Are you gonna sign us up for the GAF tournament?aj2good4you2 said:gaf west 2 has been up for a while already got 20+ people.
GAF west 1 = GAFw
GAF west 2= GAFW
if anyone wants an invite either PM me or send me a psn message![]()
Rorschach said:Are you gonna sign us up for the GAF tournament?
Will you send me a clan invite while your at it? I sent you a pm too. Sorry, I'm impatient. It just seems liked I've been waiting forever for one, and am pissed I still haven't got one.aj2good4you2 said:gonna do it now!
The_Inquisitor said:Haha I got an invite from West which I appreciate. However looking for invite to east.
Could someone send ID The_Inquistor an invite one more time? Thanks for your patience!
aj2good4you2 said:well i sent u west invite since i saw ur in dallas and west 2 is central combined with west. also cause im in dallas too!![]()
LeonTrotskyTrout said:Will you send me a clan invite while your at it? I sent you a pm too. Sorry, I'm impatient. It just seems liked I've been waiting forever for one, and am pissed I still haven't got one.
PSN: kilgoreisdead
Add SuperEnemyCrab too, his PSN is BravoSuperStar.
I feel so retarded right now.
aj2good4you2 said:added you,but couldnt add bravosuperstar since it says player not found
I have created the first GAF Time To Die Tournament. Since there is no way to make it "private", I ask all GAF clan leaders to subscribe to the Tournament as soon as possible! I've set up 8 clan slots, so even if some other clan joins, there should be room for all GAF clans. But be quick! The is no entree fee but 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed earn 10, 5 and 1 vp respectively. .
Fire up the game, select Warzone, go into CLAN > Tournament and select "GAF Time to Die" from the list.
All details are in the tournament overview page you can check out in game, but I'll post some here.
Map: Pyrhuss Rise
Game modes: all (full Warzone)
Badges & weapons: all
# of clans: 8
# of players: 20 (10 vs 10) -- we will see how it goes and up the players count next time.
-- this week end (Quarters on Friday 6, Semi-Finals on Saturday 7 and Final on Sunday 8).
-- Every match starts at 11:00PM GMT time (check in game details for your time zone)
I have created the first GAF Time To Die Tournament. Since there is no way to make it "private", I ask all GAF clan leaders to subscribe to the Tournament as soon as possible! I've set up 8 clan slots, so even if some other clan joins, there should be room for all GAF clans. But be quick! The is no entree fee but 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed earn 10, 5 and 1 vp respectively. .
Fire up the game, select Warzone, go into CLAN > Tournament and select "GAF Time to Die" from the list.
All details are in the tournament overview page you can check out in game, but I'll post some here.
Map: Pyrhuss Rise
Game modes: all (full Warzone)
Badges & weapons: all
# of clans: 8
# of players: 20 (10 vs 10) -- we will see how it goes and up the players count next time.
-- this week end (Quarters on Friday 6, Semi-Finals on Saturday 7 and Final on Sunday 8).
-- Every match starts at 11:00PM GMT time (check in game details for your time zone)