Invite Sent. Please accept asap. Going to hold off subscribing to the new tournament until I can get as many people as possible in east 3 so that we can have full teams.Topher said:Applying for US EAST
PSN: Topher1414
Game is up. Join!The time - 8:00 pm est.
The location - BEAMBER GAF (USA)
The password - BELIEVE (all caps)
Auto balancing = OFF. Let's please keep the teams as balanced as possible. I am keeping auto balance off because I know some groups like to stick together. We can do it. Think about your fellow GAFFER!
Also I'm sticking with 24 players - I think it's the sweet spot. I will clean up my friend's list a bit tonight, so if you want to play and you're not already on my FL, shoot me an FR and I'll add you. Once you are added, just 'Join Friend' and you'll be in the room.
Can't fucking wait to play tonight.
Teknoman said:The time - 8:00 pm est.
The location - BEAMBER GAF (USA)
The password - BELIEVE (all caps)
Auto balancing = OFF. Let's please keep the teams as balanced as possible. I am keeping auto balance off because I know some groups like to stick together. We can do it. Think about your fellow GAFFER!![]()
Also I'm sticking with 24 players - I think it's the sweet spot. I will clean up my friend's list a bit tonight, so if you want to play and you're not already on my FL, shoot me an FR and I'll add you. Once you are added, just 'Join Friend' and you'll be in the room.
From the the main topic.
Oni Jazar said:Damnit I tried joining but the GAF was down and "believe" wasn't working :/
Now it's full
so it doesn't start the 5th? i'll definitely be able to make matches on 6th/7th but i'll be collaborating on a project with someone on the 5th so i may not make it if there's a match then.TTP said:11PM GMT. First match is on the 6th (quarters), semi-finals on the 7th and final on the 8th. It's all written in the Events section (clan page in-game).
TTP said:Oh shit I think you are right. It says 6th to me cos my time is 12:00AM (I first defined the date - 6th - and then the time - 12AM - with the intention to play the night between 6th and 7th, but it's actually the one between 5th and 6th, my time).
I'm gonna create a new one right now for those unable to play on the 5th. Will keep the previous one alive for those who can.
Check for "GAF Time to Die 2" tournament in 5 mins.
Sorry guys, my bad. :/
*Smashes head on wall*
To all clan leaders who already subscribed to GAF Time to Die: you don't have to unsubscribe in order to join GAF Time to Die 2. Let both be so more players can play.
dfyb said:will the clan tourny have FF enabled? and why are there 'no rounds scheduled' when i go to 'rounds' tab for the tourny?
Bloody Marcel is TTP ; )Vasilisk said:TTP, I'm in EuroGAF 2 with other 4-5 guys, we never coincide but I think we play regularly, and in my case I always play in GAF games with Dave1988, Raist, Bloody Marcel and company.. I would like to be in GAFe, please :insert kitten sadface:![]()
TTP. He was trying to make it possible for all the clans to participate (4 P.M. PST is 7 P.M. EST is 12 A.M. GMT). Next time it should be on a Sat & Sun to avoid this from happening to most people.xBerserker said:I won't be able to join the GAFw tournament today because it starts at 4PM! I'm still at work. Who set this up tournament time up?
Rapping Granny said:Umm appearently there is no more room in EAST2. There are bunch of people who haven't accepted their invitation yet, So next thursday I am going to start cancelling the invitations and start inviting people who are still looking for something.
Vasilisk said:TTP, I'm in EuroGAF 2 with other 4-5 guys, we never coincide but I think we play regularly, and in my case I always play in GAF games with Dave1988, Raist, Bloody Marcel and company.. I would like to be in GAFe, please :insert kitten sadface:![]()
Goddammit.BELIEVE (all caps)
GodofWine said:Long story, short....I had a sudden sneaking suspicion my PS3 was about to melt down (which it did), which is why I disappeared, I mean my entire existence got wiped out (very strange, and Im still not sure why or if its recoverable), before it died(more like wiped out for good) I transferred GAF2 to someone (I forget who, it was in a panic) so it wouldn't be potentially disbanded if worst case PS3 issues occurred...
Im working on getting my PS3 working correctly (might just upgrade to 80gb) and my account back (hopefully)....(rawr)
I did not die in a cataclysmic explosion!!!
(I've been traveling for work (seminar) without my laptop (it died too...WTF God?!!?:lol ) and couldn't post about this till now...)
When back up, I'll retake the helm of GAF2 if whoever is the leader (if they even know) wants to give it back. (if there is even room for me -_- )
GAF2 members, check the roster, one of you is the leader (edit - looks like Rapping Granny is from reading his post above), and I know a few of you I made officers, so you can accept matches/members etc.
BlacKMaRK said:GAFw will have a whole 2 members ready for the tourny...
There arent any really active members on sux
blazinglazers said:APPLYING FOR USA/WEST!
psn - friggles_
We're alive and kicking. We just get on at night (pacific time). A lot of us can't participate in the tournament today because we're still at work at 3 in the afternoon.BlacKMaRK said:GAFw will have a whole 2 members ready for the tourny...
There arent any really active members on sux
Nightz said:We're alive and kicking. We just get on at night (pacific time). A lot of us can't participate in the tournament today because we're still at work at 3 in the afternoon.
BlacKMaRK said:yea 3pm is a bad time for us west coasters.
industrian said:You make it sound like 11pm is a fantastic time for us GMTers. I should be out getting drunk and laid right now. :lol
You throw them out in front of you, and then let someone, or yourself run and grab it.number1jagsfan said:How do you use the health packs as medic?
LeonTrotskyTrout said:You throw them out in front of you, and then let someone, or yourself run and grab it.
You have to have the badge too, obviously.