Facism said:GGs tonight guys, shame about that final. Lots of bullshit there.
Lince, i apologise if i annoyed you with Assault usage, but please don't start typing shit like TURKISH ******. I don't expect that stuff from anyone other than thugs and racists, which you are clearly neither, despite the comment.
Raist said:We won 1150VP today!
and lost 5000
Don't worry mine is already 0.80, bet yours is better than mine.bcn-ron said:If this continue at this pace, I will end this week with a k/d ratio of well below 0.5.
I love it :lol
Mine has dropped rapidly as well, from 1.35 to 1.25. Probably because of the clan games. Don't really care either way though.bcn-ron said:If this continue at this pace, I will end this week with a k/d ratio of well below 0.5.
I love it :lol
Lince said:I wasn't complaining about assault, which is fine with rockets disabled, boosting + lag on the other hand was mak¡ng you warp around and was annoying in that particular game. That said, when you wrote in the chat room that you only resorted to boosting in our last game then I replied over the mic that you were a "fucking stubborn Turkish" since you knew you were already doing the same since Visari Hammer (with the grenade launcher + boost). I don't think that was racist, people here have referred to me plenty of times as Spanish/Spaniard and not always with love words... I don't think a racist will be in a plural forum like this one or joining a multi cultural clan with the language handicap... anyway, the fact is I was yelling at you, if you felt offended somewhat then I'll always be here to talk and apologize to a friend doing everything it takes to settle things down, hi5!
edit: don't hate me
No worries, it's all good fun. I don't play as a sniper often, only when Phyrrus comes up. I figure that's just what you have to use on that map. Still haven't figured out how to be effective with the class. Even so, if I can be useful as cannon fodder it makes me happy all the same :lolilanna said:Don't worry mine is already 0.80, bet yours is better than mine.My excuse is that it's my first FPS ever. Online or offline.
Sorry about killing you so much on Pyrrhus btw, I like picking on other snipers when I'm playing a sniper myself!
Lince said::lol :lol :lol
but we're not here for the money? right guys? right? :/
-viper- said:Just look at Raist's k/d ratio to make yourself feel better.
j/k Raist
Cheers mate that would be appreciated, it's the only thing I have left to unlock apart from the sniper stuff and well, I'm not that bothered about that, as I may as well be holding a feckin broom handle whenever I try and use that rifle.Cagen said:I can help you get those ribbons Rick. Not sure when I'll be able to get on though as I woke up with tonsillitis this morning, awesome.
dazed808 said:Lince, I'm happy to take over Tactician duties to free you up to play other classes, though I really need to get the airbot badge to free up that 2nd ability.
Lol. I was joking anyway. Following the objectives are more important than than simply killing anyway.Raist said:It's because I'm not a fucking pussy and go straight to the front line, Kid!
My K/D has been doomed during the first few weeks basically. Now I get at least around 1.2 in every match, 1 at worst. Shit takes time to go up unfortunately.
I also wouldn't mind to play tac.Lince said:really? <3 <3 <3
Sure!Lince said:fancy a tournament? if we are enough people I've seen some 6v6 that could be interesting.
Name: FTK
Teams: 4v4
Time: April 9th (today) 8:30pm GMT
Map: Radec Academy
Modes: All
FF: ??
Classes: No Assault
Weapons: No rocket/grenade launchers
Roster: Lince ?
Lince said:fancy a tournament? if we are enough people I've seen some 6v6 that could be interesting.
Name: FTK
Teams: 4v4
Time: April 9th (today) 8:30pm GMT
Map: Radec Academy
Modes: All
FF: ??
Classes: No Assault
Weapons: No rocket/grenade launchers
Roster: Sexy Lince, Sexy FFObsessed, Sexy Viper, Sexy Dave
?Lince said:fancy a tournament? if we are enough people I've seen some 6v6 that could be interesting.
Name: FTK
Teams: 4v4
Time: April 9th (today) 8:30pm GMT
Map: Radec Academy
Modes: All
FF: ??
Classes: No Assault
Weapons: No rocket/grenade launchers
Roster: ChryZ TTP Dave FFObsessed
I'm not that good with that class either, but practice makes it perfect. Always loved being a sniper in other games.bcn-ron said:No worries, it's all good fun. I don't play as a sniper often, only when Phyrrus comes up. I figure that's just what you have to use on that map. Still haven't figured out how to be effective with the class. Even so, if I can be useful as cannon fodder it makes me happy all the same :lol
Oh wow! I'm really sorry to her about that, Cagen.Cagen said:4 years ago I ended up in hospital with glandular fever (mono) and there were complications, my airways closed up and I couldn't breath, I was there for 10 days being pumped full of steroids and having blood tests every day, it fucking sucked. Now every time I get sick my throat gets attacked due to it being weakened by my near death but as I don't get 4 attacks of tonsillitis in a year the NHS wont remove them so I go through an attack of tonsillitis just about every year.
WHO ARE YOU, ALAN SUGAR?Raist said:You're fired
Place of Residence:
1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate Killzone 2 as a complete package? Justify your answer.
2. What do you like and dislike about the Singleplayer campaign?
3. What do you like and dislike about the Multiplayer mode?
4. Do you think that Killzone 2 was value for money?
5. Do you plan to support the game by buying DLC (Downloadable Content) that might be released for it? If your answer is "yes", please elaborate on what should be the content of the future DLC.
6. What is your view on the franchise's future? Should it be continued (sequels, prequels, spinoffs) or discontinued? Justify your answer.
-viper- said:How detailed must my answers be? Is a few lines for each question fine?
CLAN GAME NOW GOGOGOGO.Dave1988 said:I'm not asking for an essay. Basically write whatever you feel. (Except for "Assult sucks ass! FIX THIS SHIT, GG!")
Cagen said:Hur hur, Alan Sugar.
Lols at baby Viper.
Thanks for the well wishes, I'm not that bad just a little sore and feverish - I'll be good in a couple of days.
Dave, I'll answer the questions for you in a day or two.
Raist said:Ok so since stimpledorf and WTFing are MIA, and it looks like we don't have any backups, let's just make 2vs2 matches for the intra-GAFe tourney.
Here are the new teams:
Cagen & Raist
Rick & ChryZ
Live & Ilparazzo
Dave & JardeL
Viper & Lince
First round (obviously one team will have to wait a beat since we're uneven):
Cagen & Raist VS Live & Ilparazzo
Dave & JardeL VS Rick & ChryZ
Raist said:Guys?