bcn-ron said:I think spectators can be disabled in the server settings. Whoever set up that match turned the option off.
Was a weird glitch as both Dun and me spectated, though the first time I tried it wouldn't let me in.
bcn-ron said:I think spectators can be disabled in the server settings. Whoever set up that match turned the option off.
I know, but Dunpeal and Rick were spectating, but for some reason I couldn' said:I think spectators can be disabled in the server settings. Whoever set up that match turned the option off.
Lince said:yeah we need to get to the bridge before them and have two spawns there, one for each stairs access, c4+turrets spam and win, but if they already got there before us then let's switch to plan B.
I thought you were going to play co-op with me. remember how good we were in the demo?FFObsessed said:lol
I'm getting inFAMOUS, UFC and FNR4.
Still need to get RE5 actually, want to play co-op in that Lince?
I repaired the MGs on our side several times, they just kept destroying them. During assasination I switched to boost because the spawn was far, far away from where I needed to be. I had no idea the MG was back down at that point (when you spawn at ground level, the spawn map only shows you items at ground level, stupidly).-viper- said:I'd like to play against IGN.
Agree on getting the MGs Rick. We need to get the one near the Assassination defend point too. There was hardly anyone putting up the MGs yesterday.
Cagen said:Declined the match against VGLaggyTwats so no not entirely smart person accepts it again like last time.
Cagen said:He, who ever he may be, better fucking not :lol.
Nope, I only play friendly matches with clan members, nooo clan matches! Unless its 16v16.ilanna said:Put me down for it too. It'll be good to play a half-decent clan with more room to breathe and use stratagy. I'll ask Ilanna if she can make it for this one.
Lince said:put me down for this AVF game too (as a reserve, as you are already 8)![]()
dazed808 said:You missed the last clan game, so you go on the list and I'll go standby. Also, Sunday afternoons is a time family tend to drop in unannounced so it's probably best if you play if you can definitely make it.
FFObsessed said:The games we had last night were hilarious. Playing 4 vs 1 against gvirus and letting him plant the charges then diffusing them with 10 seconds left to "crush his dreams" :lol
Fucking hell, get well soon. Have some ultra-high-% booze to disinfect and for knockoutery.Facism said:Back from having my right wisdom teeth out.
Fucking unpleasant. Needed 7 injections to get numb :lol
The wounds look like a seal mauled by Killer Whale. They gon stiiiing when the anasthetic wears off.
Facism said:It's fine, my mouth just aches atm. Haven't eaten all day, either. Still bleeding a little, not so bad as it was.
Glad they're out. No more toothache hell for the foreseeable future![]()
bcn-ron said:Too early for me. I might barely make it, but I'd rather not commit.
What happened last night btw? We were six or seven, then Lince said he'd take a break and a few minutes later everyone was gone![]()
Lince said:we joined a private server because you were ruining our games, sorry.
Cagen said::lol
Lince probably stopped playing so he could ask his butler to set up a tea party in the royal gardens.
Cagen said::lol
Lince probably stopped playing so he could ask his butler to set up a tea party in the royal gardens.
FFObsessed said:^^ :lol you steal mine as well!
Come online now I wanna pway![]()
Cagen said:Depending on how much the train is and that I am not at work :lol (I did have an interview today though), I'll come down.