Cagen said:Raist and I.
TTP said:Alright.
Anything next? Who's going to bed? Who's staying?
dazed808 said:Can probably last another hour or so
Raist said:Pulling another all nighter. Gotta play the final first.
Great job guys, we're racking up winz pretty quickly
TTP said:Dick808
2vs2 at 3:45. u cool?
Raist said:Nuuuuh wait for me
I think Cagen will leave after this one.
dazed808 said:Yep i'm up for that
Facism said:ah man wish i checked the thread. Can't sleep for shit tonight :/ Seen you boys have had a bunch more games on, looking flash and hardcore (like Ricky *swoon <3 )![]()
TTP said:Subscribed.
Same map, all modes and all classes tho.
Any class preference? Engineer + Tactician worked well for Cagen and Raist. But be my guest. We will definitely switch to Assault for S&R. Both of us :lol
TTP said:Man read those PSN messages
(Side note: sucks there is no Inbox icon on the upper left corner of the Cross Media Bar)
TTP said:Man read those PSN messages
(Side note: sucks there is no Inbox icon on the upper left corner of the Cross Media Bar)
dazed808 said:Yep i'm up for that
TTP said:Nevermind. The tournament is gone (albeit there were 3 clans subscribed, out of 4).
Raist said:Yeah, message notices only show up for a couple of seconds. They should add a small icon when you have unread stuff in your inbox
TTP said:Man read those PSN messages
(Side note: sucks there is no Inbox icon on the upper left corner of the Cross Media Bar)
Facism said:I'm not signed in on PSN ;p Thought tonights shenanigans were pretty much over after the clangame + WARZONE small game, didn't expect an all nighter D:
Doesn't help we're not on each others friendslist, flying blind when it comes to messages.
Ah well enjoy the rest of the night, guys:lol
also, special message from TTP D:
Raist said:
dazed808 said:I think Cagen was too busy looking at the pretty blue orb in the sky he'd never seen before to realise he was about to get his brains splattered across the wall:lol
Raist said:Yeah, quite awful lag. He was warping all over the place constantly.
<Dude1> Alright, I'll be right back
<Dude2> The hell?
<Dude1> Don't worry I'll be there
*Dude1 has left the server
<Raistlinn> He's never going to come back
<Cagen> Yeah
*10secs left
<Dude2> Oh man, I'm so fucked
-Assassination, protect the target!-
<Cagen> Wheeee I'm the target
<Raistlinn> Where is... oh, see him. I'm... wait, where is he
*Raistlinn dies
<Cagen> aw man
<Raistlinn> He's lagging a bit
*Cagen dies
<Cagen> Oh well
edit: GAFw has accepted our challenge![]()
dazed808 said:I think Cagen was too busy looking at the pretty blue orb in the sky he'd never seen before to realise he was about to get his brains splattered across the wall:lol
Cagen said::lol There's so much shit on that level I didn't know about, it was fascinating.
Facism said:Put me down for the saturday games. I'm frothing at the labia for a chance to get some revenge on GAFw for that early Draw we had with them.
Cagen said:You didn't have me in the clan then, they don't stand a chance.
Now I really am going to bed :lol.
TTP said:I'm on for the GAFw challenge
Also, had to put this awesome combo action on Youtube
Raist said:Live, put you down for the clan challenges. Still not sleeping I see... are you up for some 2vs2 fun if I can find a nice tourney?.
Facism said:Nah i'm going to see if i can jog myself to sleep.
I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Raist said:Ooookay, here's what we got for the upcoming days.
Time: Saturday, March 21st, 9.30pm GMT
VP: 10VP
Map: PR
Modes: All
Classes: All
Weapons: All
Roster: Live_Feed, TTP, Cagen, Raist,
dazed808 said:Ooohh revenge i'll be up for some of that![]()
Time: Saturday, March 21st, 9.30pm GMT
VP: 10VP
Map: PR
Modes: All
Classes: All
Weapons: All
Roster: Live_Feed, TTP, Cagen, Raist, Dick, Vasilisk, Lince
I'm up for it.Lince said:one more player to go!
Chryz said:WTF, do you guys ever sleep?
Lince said:I need to stop sleeping and join the late night fun...
Ricky Martin said:- sure TTP's was a typo (at first) not to keen on this catching on
Cagen said:
Cagen said:GAF East 3 accepted our challenge!
vs GAF EAST 3 (8vs8) Accepted!
Time: Saturday, March 21st, 8.30pm GMT
VP: 10VP
Map: VH
Modes: All
Classes: All
Weapons: All
Roster: -viper-, Live_Feed, Cagen, Vasilisk, Lince
Updated the 4v4 roster (don't know if the game is going to go ahead, I'll check how many clans have signed up to it later this afternoon, if it isn't I'll look for one that will go ahead that is as close to 8:15 as possible and sign up to that, the same people will have priority to play in it unless they can't.).
Name: RATs
Ladder: 4 clans, 4vs4 (2 signed up, counting us)
Time: Friday, March 20th, 8.15pm GMT
VP: 16 13 11 (10 fee)
Map: CC
Modes: All
Classes: All
Weapons: RL and GL are banned
Roster: -viper-, Vasilisk, Lince
Reserve: Cagen
dazed808 said:- sure TTP's was a typo (at first) not to keen on that abreviation